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Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion(15)
Author: Ashley Blake

He looked at me but I could see that his mind was elsewhere and I was sure that he was nervous about performing for his parents. “We’ll see.”

It was getting late and we both had to finish packing since we were leaving the next morning, so we said good night to each other.

“I love you, sleep well.”

“I love you too, Skylar.”

At around midnight, I still could not fall asleep so I decided to go downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water.  Just as I closed the refrigerator door Abby came walking in and startled me.

I felt nervous when I saw her because I had no idea what she would say to me without anyone around to witness how nasty she could be.  I braced myself for the worst.

“Sorry Skylar, I didn’t mean to scare you. Looks like you and I had the same idea.  Couldn’t sleep?”

Okay, who is this woman and what have they done with the nasty twin?  I couldn’t believe how nice Abby was being to me and I immediately became suspicious but I decided to play along.

“No, for some reason I couldn’t fall asleep tonight so I thought maybe a glass of water would help. What about you?”

“I’m a night owl, always have been, so I thought I’d raid the fridge for a snack.  So, are you ready to get back into the swing of things at school tomorrow?”

“Not really, I have had such a great time here this weekend.  Your family is so awesome, but it’s back to the real world for me tomorrow.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine.  Listen, I have to say something to you.  I am really sorry for the way I have treated you this weekend, you didn’t deserve to be treated that way.  I really have been preoccupied and under a ton of stress and it has nothing to do with you.  I guess when I saw you and how happy Jonny looked with you it just reminded me of what I don’t have with Zane.  He is my everything and I just wish that my parents would see what I see in him.  My parents really ripped me a new one about the way I behaved and I’m really embarrassed about it.  Do you think you can forgive me?”

You could have knocked me over with a feather, I was so shocked by her apology, and it seemed really genuine.  Of course I wanted things to be kosher between us, I mean who wants conflict with a family member of the guy that they love?

“Yes, Abby, of course I forgive you.  I’ll let you in on a secret, if you get to know me, you’ll really like me.”

She smiled at me and her eyes were kind this time so I knew that she meant it.

“I’m really sorry Skylar, I feel just awful.”

“No worries, and by the way you can call me Sky.”

We chatted for probably at least an hour and I actually ended up liking her.  If you would have told me after our first encounter that we would be there in the kitchen past 1:00 in the morning chatting like old friends I never would have believed you.  But there we were.  At around 1:30 a.m. I was fading fast so I said good night to her and she gave me a genuine hug before I went back up to my room.  My head was spinning with all of the emotions I had encountered that weekend and I was happy to crash in my bed.  I think I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.

The next morning I woke up and for the first time that weekend I felt 100% content and happy about everything that happened. I was so happy to have resolved everything with Abby the night before and I was really hoping that she would still feel the same way that day.  I got ready and Jonathan had the butler bring my bags down to the car while we were eating breakfast.  Everyone was there and we all had a surprisingly pleasant morning.  Abby was much more friendly toward everyone, including me, and I was happy to learn that nothing changed from the night before.

After breakfast, Jonathan and I said our goodbyes to everyone and I actually felt sad to leave those wonderful people. I felt so welcomed by everyone that weekend, with the exception for Abby until Saturday night, that I knew that I was going to miss them.

Bunny gave me a big hug and told me that she looked forward to seeing me again.  I said goodbye to everyone else and exchanged contact information with Claire, Emily and even Abby and told them that I would keep in touch.  Mr. Hunter gave me a quick hug goodbye and told me how nice it was to have me there for the weekend and I thanked him for all of his generosity.  Mrs. Hunter was the last person that I needed to say goodbye to.  She walked over to me, reached out and pulled me in for a big hug.

"It was so nice to have you here this weekend Skylar, thank you so much for joining us.  I know that we are going to see you again very soon and I hope you have a productive remainder of your semester and have a wonderful Christmas. Please tell your parents that we say hello and thank them for letting you spend Thanksgiving with us, will you?  I’m sure we’ll see you again in a couple of months. You take care of yourself and keep an eye on Jonathan for me.”  She winked at me when she said that last part.

I giggled and agreed and thanked her for the weekend.  Jonathan and I said goodbye to everyone and then we took off.  The car ride to the plane was pretty quick and once we were on the plane and buckled in Jonathan looked over at me and reached out to hold my hand.

“Thanks for coming this weekend Sky, it meant so much to me and my family really likes you.  Don’t worry about Abby, she’ll come around, I promise.”

“You will be happy to know that she actually apologized to me last night and it was a real apology.  We even exchanged contact info today, so it’s all good.”

“Oh I am so relieved, Abby is always the question mark in our family.  Her mood is so dependent upon what’s going on with what boyfriend, but deep down she has a big heart and doesn’t mean to hurt anyone.  I’m glad you guys are fine.  Well that means it turned out to be a perfect weekend.  We’ll have to figure out when you’ll get to see everyone again.  But next I want to go to Chicago and meet your family.”

I smiled at him.  “Okay, we’ll definitely have to plan that.”

We chatted for most of the flight and then dozed for a few minutes as we started to descend.  When we woke up, the plane was taxiing to the airport.  I’d had a wonderful weekend and I was ready to dive back into school and study for finals.  Jonathan and I left the plane hand in hand and I could not have been happier.

Chapter Seven

We got back to the dorm in the early afternoon and Katie was not back yet from her trip home, so after I dropped off my bags in my room I went down to Jonathan’s room so that we could have some alone time together.
