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Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion(20)
Author: Ashley Blake

He looked so hot on stage and I had to compose myself since his parents were sitting right next to me.  I watched him look around the room as he was singing and his eyes fell on me, and then his gaze slid directly to his parents.  I could see the relief and gratitude on his face but I doubt that anyone else was able to notice it.  The band was playing a full set that night because there were record executives in the crowd and it was the best performance I had seen from them yet. I’m sure the fact that Jonathan’s parents were in the crowd had a lot to do with that, and not so much that the record executives were there.

He looked so gorgeous up there as his hands covered the mic and he belted out the chorus of the next song. The band was on fire that night and I felt like I was watching a professional group perform.  They took a 15 minute intermission and it gave me a chance to see what his parents thought.  I turned to them, dying to know what they were thinking.

“So how do you like the band?”

Jonathan’s mom looked totally impressed and amazed and it was exactly what I was hoping would happen. "They are so incredible and so talented, I had no idea.  The energy in this room is just so amazing.  To think that all of these people are here to see my son just blows my mind, but after seeing him perform I can understand why this place is standing room only, he has real talent.”  She turned to her husband. “Honey, what do you think?”

My heart was thumping against my chest waiting to hear what he would say. While it was super fantastic that his mom like the band, the real hurdle was with his dad.

“I think they are very talented, I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised.”

I wished that Jonathan could have been there at that very minute to hear his dad say that.  With his rigid exterior, it was probably the biggest compliment you could get from Mr. Hunter.

I had a huge smile on my face and I couldn’t make it go away if I tried.  “I’m glad that you are both enjoying the show.”

“Skylar, I know that you said their shows sell out, but is it always this crowded when they perform?”  I was so happy that Mr. Hunter asked me that question because it meant that he was starting to really digest what a big deal his son’s band was.

“Every time I have seen them there are always more people than before, the crowd seems to be growing.”

Just then the lights started to dim and the screaming and clapping filled the room in anticipation of the band’s return.  The crowd was singing along to many of the words in their songs and the energy level of the crowd was super high.  They played until around 11:00 and when they were done the crowd went crazy.  We all screamed and clapped demanding an encore, and luckily we got our wish.  The band played one last song, the crowd loved it and we were all clapping long after they finished the song.  After the curtain came down, the lights came on and the energy of the crowd was really positive.  It was a complete rush to see them play and I was so happy that Jonathan’s parents were able to be there.

His mom had a huge smile on her face as she looked from me to Mr. Hunter.  “I feel like I’ve been to a real rock concert!  They were so incredible and we had no idea!  Honey, what did you think?”

Mr. Hunter had a pensive look on his face but I could see that he enjoyed what he had just experienced.  I think a person would have to have ice in their veins to not feel something great when watching the band play and I knew that under that tough exterior Mr. Hunter had a big heart.  I could see it when he looked at his wife and children.

“To be honest I am blown away and I didn’t think I would be.  I really didn’t.”

My heart jumped because I thought we really might have convinced Mr. Hunter to let Jonathan follow his dream.

He looked at Mrs. Hunter and held her gaze.  “But this does not mean that he can just abandon his family obligation.”  His voice was firm and I instantly felt bummed.  Hopefully she can change his mind.

I told Katie and the rest of the group that I would see them later and I waited with Jonathan’s parents for him to come out.  He was all sweaty and flushed when he came over to us and I wanted to jump his bones right then and there.  I don’t think he had ever looked more sexy than in that moment.  Damn it he is good-looking.

He kissed me on the cheek and hugged his parents.  “I’m so glad you guys made it.”  He looked a little bit nervous and I knew he wanted to ask them what they thought but he decided to wait until they said something first.

“Jonny, you were fantastic, we had no idea how talented you are!  I told your father that I felt like I was at a real rock concert!  The crowd was so into your music honey, it was just wonderful.”  His mom was positively beaming.

He smiled at her.  “Thanks, Mom.”

He looked like a little boy as he looked at his dad with desperate eyes waiting to hear what he had to say.

Mr. Hunter looked at Jonathan and smiled at him.  “You are extremely talented, there is no denying that, and the crowd loves you.  I have to say I was pleasantly surprised and we really enjoyed watching you on stage. But I still want you to keep in mind that you have a huge family responsibility that is going to begin in less than six months.  This is fine for a side hobby but I expect you to be by my side, learning everything I do.”

Jonathan’s face fell and he quickly recovered not wanting to show his parents how upset he was. He had warned me that this would happen and I felt just awful that he was right. I really thought if his parents saw him perform live they would see that this was what he really wanted to do.  But apparently, in his family, you’re expected to do certain things and that’s it, end of discussion.

Jonathan didn’t say anything to that he just went along with the rest of the conversation.  Mr. and Mrs. Hunter were staying in a nearby hotel and they said that they had to get going because their car was waiting for them outside. They asked if we needed a ride back to the dorm but Jonathan told them that he had already ordered a car to take us back. He hugged his parents goodbye and thanked them again for coming and told them that he would talk to them soon.  They both hugged me goodbye and told me how nice it was to see me and said that they hoped to see me soon.

After they left I could see how down Jonathan was and I tried to cheer him up.

"Jonathan, you guys were amazing and your parents really enjoyed the show, I was watching them and I could tell that they were blown away!”
