Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion

Beautiful Sky 2: The Conclusion(22)
Author: Ashley Blake

I wanted to believe him, I really did, but I knew that there was no way things would be able to work out between us while he was traveling all over the world. There was going to be temptation, probably every day and probably in every city, and I couldn’t expect him to stay faithful to me. I just didn’t think that would be fair.   But, I didn’t want to ruin his mood so I just agreed with him.

“Okay, I know we will be able to figure things out.”  I hugged him and held back my tears.

“I’ll let you get back to studying, I just wanted to share the good news with you.  I’ll see you later.”

After he left my room I sat at my desk in a bit of shock at what had just happened.  If he signed that contract, our relationship would never be the same again; there was just no way we could still be together.  Thoughts of groupies throwing themselves at him flooded my brain and I tried to push them out but I couldn’t.  The fact that Jonathan was super hot was a guarantee that girls would be throwing themselves at him and once they found out that he was rich before he became a rock star, even more women would be after him.  Like I had said to myself before, we were living in a bubble and I really liked our bubble. I wished more than anything we could stay there.

Katie came back to the room around dinnertime and I told her what had happened.

“What?!  That is so awesome!”  Her eyes were gleaming when I told her the news and then her face completely fell and she looked super worried.  “Oh wait, what are you going to do about you guys?”

“Jonathan told me that this isn’t going to change anything with us, he said that we would be able to work things out.”

She cautiously looked at me.  “Are you okay?”

“Katie, I’m happy for him but to be honest, I’m scared that this is going to ruin everything between us.”

"Sky, I believe that if two people are meant to be together there is nothing that can keep them apart, and I think that you guys are meant to be together. Everything will work out, you’ll see, don’t worry, Jonathan really loves you.”

Katie’s words made me feel a little bit better but I was still bummed.

“You didn’t let him see you like this did you?”

“No, I put on a happy face for him.”

“Okay, that’s good because this is a really big deal Sky, he’s getting the chance to go after his dream. Do you have any idea how huge that is?”

"I know, that’s why I didn’t tell him how I was really feeling because I didn’t want to ruin anything for him.  Besides, I don’t even know if he’ll be able to do it because his dad is dead set on him joining his company.  He thinks of the singing thing as a hobby.”

“Oh wow, that would suck if he couldn’t do this.  It’s a legit record contract!  Doesn’t his dad know how hard it is to get one of those?  His dad should understand!”

"We’ll see, he’s supposed to talk to his mom about it later this week. Anyway, I’m starving, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“Let’s go eat. I’m going to go crazy if I keep thinking about this.”

We grabbed our coats and headed off to the cafeteria.

Chapter Thirteen

Graduation was in two weeks but that following weekend Jonathan was going to fly home to New York to talk to his mom in private. He said his dad was going to be out of town on business so he would have his mom to himself.  When he came back to school that Sunday afternoon he seemed to be in an extremely good mood so I assumed that the talk with his mom must have gone well.  He came right to my room and we ended up going down to his room because Katie was taking a nap.

I hopped on his bed, folded my legs under me, and propped my face in my hands bracing myself for whatever I was about to hear.

“So, how did it go?”

He seemed really happy and he had a huge grin on his face. “It went way better than I ever expected.  First of all, my dad wasn’t out of town, he was there so I had to tell both of them at the same time.”

My eyes widened in surprise. “Oh my gosh, you are kidding! What did he say?”

“He was surprised that we actually got a legitimate record contract and, at first, he was not happy about it at all.  He told me again that my responsibility was to the company and that I would have to decline the contract and then my mom stepped in.  My mom rarely defies my father, I mean it just doesn’t happen, but she really stuck up for me. She told him that she was afraid that if they didn’t let me do this that they would lose their relationship with me, and she said that she would not allow that to happen.  She told my dad that she knew this was a lifelong dream of mine, even though I didn’t talk about it around him, I had mentioned it to her a few times and she was not going to let them crush my dream.”

“Wow, Jonathan, that is incredible.”  I dug deep and tried super hard to sound happy for him but inside I was dying.  Our bubble had burst and I really felt like this was the beginning of the end.

“Yeah, I still can’t believe it.  She seemed to really understand what a big deal this is and by the end of the conversation she helped my father understand what a huge deal this is.  So, your suggestion was genius because he agreed to a one year trial to see what happens and told me that if things didn’t work out in that year the door was always open for me to join the company.  He’s going to have his lawyer look over the contract so I’m pretty stoked about that.  And you know the whole possibility of the option of two additional years?”


“He said we could cross that bridge when the time came.  So basically, I am in complete shock that this is actually going to happen.  I talked to the rest of the guys and we all agreed that if at any time, one of us wants to quit, then that will be it.  We’ll finish out whatever time is left on the contract but then that will be the end. We’re not going to replace band members because we feel it should always be the original five of us.”

I tried to hide my feelings, but they were too strong and I just couldn’t do it anymore.  He must have seen the sadness on my face because he suddenly looked very concerned and he furrowed his brow as his eyes searched mine.  “What’s wrong?”

I raised my sad eyes to his.  “I am super happy for you Jonathan, I really am, but I have to admit that I am a little bit scared because I think that I’m never going to see you.  You’re going to be so busy touring all over and the girls are going to be going crazy for you guys, you know, and I don’t want you to miss out on that experience.  It’s important to have fans like that and it’s important to make the fans happy.  Your life is really going to change and I think that it’s going to be really hard for us to keep in touch.  You’ve got to experience this 100% and I don’t want to hold you back in any way.”
