Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(13)
Author: Ashley Blake

I didn’t respond, I just wanted to get out of there.

“Sky, am I so repulsive that you can’t even look at me?”

Hearing him sound like that made me feel awful and I almost dropped my guard, and then the elevator opened.

“There you are!”  Boobs McGee was standing there in a black, tight midriff top and even tighter jeans, blonde extensions draped over one shoulder.

Really?  I have to see this right now?  I gave her a withering look as I stepped off of the elevator and quickly walked out of the library without answering Jonathan’s question and without looking back.

As I climbed into bed a few minutes later, I thought about the elevator and my mind wandered to the look on his face when the elevator opened and he saw me.  Why was he looking at me like that if he was taken?  There was no way he could try to tell me that girl was not his girlfriend, she was waiting for him at midnight and he didn’t seem at all surprised!  Ugh!  Jonathan Hunter get out of my head!  I stared up at the ceiling in the darkness as thoughts of his soft lips on mine flooded my brain.  I wanted so badly to kiss him again and I wished that I didn’t.  I was trying my best to stay away from, but how long could I do that before my heart took over?  He has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend.  But did he really?  I drifted off to sleep dreaming of Jonathan’s kisses.

Chapter Seven

The next morning I woke up and lay in bed for a few minutes, thinking about my run in with Jonathan and Barbi.  Frustrated, I shoved the covers off of me and hopped out of bed.  Katie had an 8:00 class that morning so she was already gone.  As I reached to open the door to go take a shower down the hall, I noticed an envelope with my name on which had been slipped under our door.  I picked it up and closed my door so that I could read it.


I need to talk to you.  Meet me in the student union at noon.


I stood there not knowing how to react.  On one hand I was super excited that Jonathan wanted to see me, and on the other hand I was confused because if he did have a girlfriend he was being pretty obvious about trying to cheat on her.  Did he think he was so incredible that he could get away with doing whatever he wanted?  Did he think he could have any girl he wanted at the snap of his finger?  His arrogance was starting to piss me off and I could feel the anger boiling up inside of me.  He thinks he can just summon me like that?  My initial reaction was to just blow him off but I was curious to find out what he had to say for himself.  I needed to hear from him why he was pursuing me if he was linked to someone else.  I stomped off to the shower and mulled over what to do.

As I was drying my hair, I decided that I would go meet Jonathan, but I was going to go at 12:30 just to see if he would wait for me.  If he was sincere, he would be there.  I trotted off to class, trying to suppress the nervous butterflies that were building in my belly.  When my class was over at 11:50, I took my time making my way over to the student union.  I stopped by the library and checked out a couple of books that I needed and I dropped them off in my room.  Katie was studying at her desk when I walked in.

“Hey, what are you up to Sky?”

“Jonathan wants me to meet him over at the student union.”

“Really?  He’s got a lot of nerve.  I see him with Barbi all the time, she’s always hanging all over him.  Did he say what he wanted?”  Katie didn’t like Jonathan anymore because she thought he was a player.

“No, just that he needed to talk to me.”

She rolled her eyes.  “His problem is that he likes you but he’s not single.  He needs to make a decision.  Either break up with Barbi so that he can be with you, or just leave you alone.”

“I don’t know what his deal is Katie, but it’s driving me nuts.  I’m going to go see what he wants, I’ll keep you posted.”

When I walked into the student union it was a little bit after 12:30 and, even though I was late, as I looked around the room I had a sinking feeling because I didn’t see Jonathan anywhere.  If he had really wanted to see me he would have waited for me.  Just as I turned to leave, Jonathan was right there.

“Fashionably late, huh?”  I started to smile at him because I wanted so badly for things to be okay with us but I didn’t want to be a part of his game, so I quickly pursed my lips at him.  Why does he have to be so good-looking?

“Did you just get here Jonathan?”  I didn’t even try to pretend that I wasn’t annoyed.

“No, I have been waiting here for you since 11:55, I must have been in the bathroom when you walked in.  I thought you weren’t coming.”  His gaze held mine and I could see a longing in his eyes.  “I’m glad you did, thanks for meeting me Sky.”

“I don’t have very long.  My parents will be here at 3:30 and I haven’t had lunch yet.”

“Do you want to go grab a bite to eat?  I haven’t had lunch yet either.”  He looked hopeful and I instantly put the kibosh on that.

“No, Jonathan, I don’t want to go get something to eat with you.  What did you want to talk to me about?”  I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for his answer.

He looked uncomfortable as he glanced down at my tapping foot.  “Can we please go sit, just for a few minutes?  I promise I will be quick.”

I let out a huff and turned toward the crowded room looking for a table.  “Fine.  How about there?”  I pointed to a table a couple of feet away from us.

Jonathan shook his head.  “No, there.”  He gestured to a secluded corner of the room that had an empty small table.

We walked over and I sat down and crossed my arms waiting for him to speak.

“Sky, you have totally misunderstood what is going on.  Barbi is not my girlfriend.  I promise you I am not lying about that.”

I studied him trying to see if I could tell if he was telling the truth.  He didn’t squirm or look uncomfortable under my stare so maybe he actually was telling the truth.

“It certainly looks like it.  Every time I see you she’s hanging all over you, and you don’t seem to mind.  So what am I supposed to think?”

He started to speak but my ringing phone interrupted us.  It was my mom and I immediately answered because I thought something must have happened since they were supposed to be in the air.   She shouldn’t have been calling me.
