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Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(17)
Author: Ashley Blake

A huge smile spread across my face.  “It’s perfect mom!”  I flung my arms around her and gave her a quick hug.  Just then Katie walked in.

“Hi everyone!  You must be Sky’s parents!”

Katie’s smile was infectious and my mom returned her smile.

“Oh, right!  You guys were already gone when Katie got here so you haven’t met her yet.  Mom, Jay, this is my awesome roommate Katie.  Katie, these are my parents.”

“We have heard so much about you Katie, it’s nice to finally put a face to the name.”  My mom gave her a big hug.

Jay leaned in and pretended to whisper a secret.  “Just between us Katie, we’re really happy that Skylar didn’t get stuck with some airhead.”

“Jay!”  He meant well but he could be so embarrassing sometimes.

He shrugged his shoulders as he chuckled.  “It’s the truth!”

“Katie please forgive my step-dad, he seems to have lost his mind.”

“Oh, it’s fine.  I’m happy that I got a good roommate too because it would have been a nightmare if we didn’t like each other!  So, what’s with the dress?  Are you guys going out to dinner?”

My mom jumped in before I could stop her and I knew Katie’s reaction would be over-the-top.

“We are, we ran into your Resident Advisor Jonathan and his parents while we were at Target and they invited us to dinner.”

I thought Katie’s eyes were going to pop out of her head. “You did? Oh my gosh Sky, you and your parents are going out to dinner with Jonathan and his parents!  You have to tell me everything when you get back, I want all of the details!”

“Well that sure is a reaction I didn’t expect!”  My mother started giggling and Katie giggled right along with her.

“Well, Mrs. Marshall, Jonathan is super cute and he’s really nice, most guys aren’t like that.  You usually find one or the other but not both!”

I was kind of surprised that she thought he was nice since she knew what was going on with us.  I also didn’t expect her to be so open with my parents but I shouldn’t have been surprised I guess, because she was a chatterbox and loved to talk to anyone and everyone.

“Okay, that’s enough about Jonathan you guys, we have to get ready pretty soon.”

“Okay honey, we’re going to go back to the hotel to get ready and I guess we’ll see you when they come pick us up.  Katie, are your parents coming this weekend?”

“Yeah, they’ll be here tomorrow.”

“Oh, that’s nice.  Well, Katie, it was so nice to meet you and I hope you have a nice time with your parents this weekend.  I’m sure we’ll see you again soon.”

My mom gave me a hug.  “Bye honey, we’ll see you in a little bit.”

As soon as my parents left Katie pounced.

“Skylar Miller, I want to hear every detail of what happened at Target!”

I glanced at the clock and didn’t have a ton of time before I had to leave so I told her I’d have to fill her in later.

“Sky!  Just tell me a little bit.  Were his parents nice or were they stuck up?”

“Okay, but then I have to get ready.  I promise I’ll fill you in on everything later.”

“Okay, now spill.”  She was practically sitting on the edge of her bed waiting to hear what I had to say.

“Well, his parents were really nice and they were kind of funny, really down to earth.  It was cool to see the way Jonathan was around his parents.”

“Down to earth?  Wow, I wouldn’t expect that from people like them.”

“Yeah, really friendly, not stuck up at all.  But don’t get me wrong, you can tell that they have a ton of money just by looking at them.  They stuck out like sore thumbs in Target.”

“So where are you guys going to dinner?”

“Some steak house that’s nearby and their car is going to pick us up in less than an hour so I better go hop in the shower.”

“Okay, I’m going to meet Jenn and the girls for dinner so fill me in tomorrow if I’m sleeping by the time you get home tonight.  I want to know everything.

“I will, I promise.  And Katie, please don’t go telling everyone about this, I want this to stay private for now, okay?”

She winked at me and gave me a small smile.  “Sure thing.”

One thing I had learned about Katie in the short time I had known her was that I could trust her.  I trotted off to the shower, excitement and nervousness growing in my belly, as I thought about the night ahead.

Chapter Nine

Jonathan knocked on my door at 7:00 on the dot and my heart was pounding against my chest I was so nervous.  I was having dinner with Jonathan and his parents with my parents!  In what crazy world does this happen to someone like me?  I had just finished dabbing on lip gloss when I flung the door open and he literally took my breath away.  I had never seen him in anything but jeans, and standing in front of me was a gorgeous man in a well-tailored dark blue suit.  My eyes roamed over his thick, dark hair, down to his eyes and I gave his suit a quick once over, a smile touching the corners of my mouth.

“Wow, you clean up really nicely Jonathan.”

He laughed at the look of wonder on my face.  “Thanks, I think.”  The smile started to fall from his lips as his eyes perused my body.  My dress was a spaghetti strap, light pinkish purple fitted dress that skimmed by body but was not tight.  It fit me perfectly and I knew that it flattered my figure.

“Skylar, you look stunning, absolutely beautiful.”  There was lust in those eyes, I saw it plain as day, and it made me feel good to know that he wanted me.

I suddenly felt very shy because he would not take his eyes off of me.  “Thank you.”  I grabbed my sweater and closed the door behind me and turned to him.  “Shall we go?”

“After you.”  His mood had shifted slightly and he was a bit reserved as we walked to the car.

“Is something wrong Jonathan?”  I was worried that somehow in the past two minutes I had screwed things up.

“Not at all.”  He managed a small smile but it did not reach his eyes.

What did I do?  I started to doubt myself and was grateful that I’d be seeing my parents in a few minutes when Jonathan turned to me before we got in the car, his eyes searching mine.   He smoothed away the hair that the gentle breeze had blown into my eyes and smiled at me.
