Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(25)
Author: Ashley Blake

I don’t know how I was able to focus in class, but somehow I absorbed everything the professor was saying.  I think the fact that I didn’t have to worry about what was going on with Jonathan and I really helped me be able to concentrate in class.  That probably sounds pretty pathetic, but you know what it’s like when you have a huge crush on someone and those feelings just overwhelm you? That’s what I was dealing with but I had to get my feelings about him under control or my schoolwork would suffer, and for me that was not an option.  So I was really happy that things seemed to be on track with us.

I had three classes that morning and then it was time to meet Katie for lunch.  She was already waiting for me by the time I got there and she barely waited for me to say hi before she started in on me.

“I have been dying to hear what happened last night.  Tell me everything and don’t rush through any of the details!”

I didn’t mind telling her because I knew that she would be happy for me.  I didn’t have to worry about any sort of jealousy with Katie.

Her wide eyes and excited expression made me giggle.  “Okay, I won’t leave out the good stuff, I promise!”

We got our food and sat at a table by ourselves so that we would have privacy, I didn’t want everyone to know about Jonathan and me, at least not yet.

“Remember I told you we were going to dinner with Jonathan’s parents?”

“Yeah, how was it?”

“They are super nice and my parents and his parents really hit it off, it was kinda weird.  But that wasn’t the weirdest thing.  Guess who else was there?”

“Oh my gosh, who?”

“Boobs McGee.”

The look on Katie’s face was priceless.  “You are kidding!  What was she doing there?  Wait, was he trying to go out with both of you at the same time?”

“Well, that’s what I thought when I first saw her, but you’ll never guess the reason she was there.”

“Tell me, tell me!”

“Wait for it…she is his cousin!”

“No way!  But she always looks like she wants to jump his bones, how gross!”

“Well, I should be more clear, she is his cousin by marriage.”

“Huh?  I’m confused.”

“His dad’s cousin married her mom so, technically, they’re not related.  You should have seen the way his mom looked at her, she is definitely not a fan.  Oh, oh!  And Barbi is not her full name, it’s really Barbara, so all of that Barbi with an “i” crap was just that, crap!”

“Wow, I can’t believe it!”

“Yeah, and she even tried to get Jonathan to go to her room that night, can you believe that?  In front of his parents she was full on flirting with him and mama did not likey at all!”

“Ugh, she’s so disgusting, such trash.  How did Jonathan handle it?”

“Well that’s the frustrating thing, he feels sorry for her because her mom has basically abandoned her for her new husband.  Oh, did I mention that she is his third wife and they have been married for less than a year?  I think Jonathan doesn’t want her to feel alone and that is why he is nice to her.  I really should be happy about that because it shows what a good guy he is, but I just wish she wasn’t around.”

“Don’t worry about her, she’s not worth it.  Besides, it seems to me like Jonathan has now made it pretty clear that he wants to be with you.  So tell me the good stuff, why didn’t you sleep in our room last night, missy?”

Katie slid me a prodding but teasing look and I couldn’t hold back my smile as I thought about Jonathan.

“He wanted to talk to me after parent’s weekend was over and we were going to go the student union for a snack around 8:00 but plans kinda changed.”  I could feel myself blushing.

“Really?  Spill the beans please.”  Her grin was infectious.

“Katie, I can’t spill all the beans, but I will say that Jonathan is the best kisser ever.  I could barely control myself with him!”

“Did you control yourself?”

“Yes, but I don’t know for how long.  I have never felt like this about anyone, it’s like we were made for each other, everything is so easy now that the whole Barbi thing is cleared up.”

“Wow, so you guys are an official couple.  I knew he was into you that first night we saw him sing.  I’m really happy for you Sky.  I’m sure you’ll get a few nasty glares once the whole campus finds out he’s off the market.”

“Katie, just don’t let it be you that tells the whole campus.  I just want it to kind of happen, no gossip.  Promise me?”

“Oh fine, take all of my fun away.  I really wanted to rub it in a few girls’ faces, but I won’t, I promise.”  She pretended to pout for a second but then shot me a devilish grin.  “Can’t I just rub it in Barbi’s face, just a little?”

“Katie, no!  C’mon!”  I had to hold back my giggle.

“Okay, fine.  Party pooper.”

“You’re silly.  Don’t you have a class to get to?”

She looked at her watch.  “Oh man, I’m going to be late!”  She grabbed her book bag and I told her I’d take her tray up for her.

“Thanks Sky, I’ll see you later!”

I took the last sip of my soda and grabbed our stuff to throw away.  I had just placed our trays in their stack when I saw Barbi and her boobs walk into the cafeteria with the biggest man whore on campus.  He was a senior and apparently had been with over 50 girls the year before.  They deserved each other.  She glanced at me and quickly dismissed me.  So much for wanting to hang out with me, skanky tramp.  We both knew she was lying when she said that, and we both knew that it would be a cold day in hell before it happened.  I walked out of the building feeling good about Jonathan and me and I couldn’t wait to see him that night.

Chapter Fourteen

The afternoon passed quickly, thank goodness, and I showered and changed before meeting Jonathan at the library.  I got there at a couple of minutes before 8:15 and he was sitting on a bench reading a book.  I smiled when I saw him and walked over to him and lightly touched his shoulder.  He looked up at me and smiled.

“Hey!”  He stood up and gave me a quick peck on the lips.  “You look pretty.”
