Read Books Novel

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(32)
Author: Ashley Blake

He didn’t look happy when he said it.

“Are you sure about that?  You don’t look like you want to do that.”

“Honestly, I would love to be able to tour all over the country, hell, even all over the world for at least a few years, but my dad won’t allow it.  He told me that I could play while I was in college as long as it didn’t interfere with my grades, and it hasn’t, but he doesn’t want me to take it beyond college.  He’s been telling me since I was a little boy that I would be taking over the business for him one day and that day is just about here.  My mom knows how much I love to play and how much I love performing and she’s tried to talk to him for me but he won’t listen, and in our house my dad’s word is the final word.”

“Only a few years?  You don’t want this to be your permanent thing?”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I would love for this to be all I do, but to not join the company at all?   My father would never go for that.”

"But you guys are really good. Does he have any idea how good you guys are? I mean, I think you guys could honestly get a record deal one day.”

"We’ve actually already had record execs approach us a few times, but we’ve always had to say no because I know that I can’t take this beyond college.  I feel bad for the rest of the guys in the band because it’s me that’s holding them back but they claim they all understand. I even told them that I would step down as the front man but they don’t think that they would be able to re-create our magic with someone else.”

Our dessert arrived and the conversation continued.

“Oh Jonathan, I’m sorry. I know how much you love to sing. I wish there was something I could do.  Hey, does your dad know that you’ve been approached by record execs?”

"No, I never told him or my mom because I figured there was no point, my future was decided for me a long time ago.”

His eyes were sad and I had never seen him like that and it killed me.  There had to be something that could be done.

“I think you should invite your parents to watch you perform.  Maybe that will change the way they think about this.”

“I’ve thought about it, but I don’t think they’d come.  All my dad talks about is me joining the company.  I’ve worked there every summer since I was 15, so he is looking forward to me graduating this year and joining full time, there’s no way around it.”

“It’s Hunter International, right?”

He looked at me with a bit of surprise on his face.  “Yeah, how did you know?”

“People talk about you around here Jonathan.  Do you not realize how insanely popular you are?  I swear some of the girls around here stare daggers at me when they see us together.”

He laughed it off but I could tell he was a little bit uncomfortable.  “It’s probably the band thing.  I don’t pay much attention to gossip, I’m too busy with other things.”  He winked at me and his eyes held mine until I felt the warm flush in my cheeks.  When is that going to stop?  I spend a ton of time with him and he can still make me blush!

“I think your parents should see you play, if there is any way you can get them to a performance you should do it.  It’s important that they see what you love so much.”

He looked down at his fingers for a few seconds and then looked up at me.  “Maybe you’re right.  I’ll think about asking them to come see the band.  Anyway, enough about me, do you know what you want to do after college?”

We finished dessert and he paid the check.

“It’s either going to be law school or finance.  Not exactly sure which one yet.”

“You’ll figure it out, you have time.  So, are you ready to go check out that party?”

“Sure, let’s go.”

Chapter Nineteen

The party was in full swing in Kobler Hall when we arrived.  That dorm housed only upper classmen and the president of the frat had arranged to have a party there since that frat didn’t have a house on campus.  I did not recognize one person but Jonathan knew almost every single person there.

“How do you know everyone?  Our school isn’t that small.”

“You would be amazed at the number of parents that socialize in the same circle.  I’ve known quite a few of these guys for a while through camp, summer in the Hamptons, family functions, riding, things like that.”


“Yeah, horseback riding.  I’ve competed with some of these guys for years.”

I was no dummy.  I knew that riding horses was an expensive hobby and I was beginning to really realize just how much money Jonathan’s family had.  I mean, I knew they were rich, but I guess I wasn’t able to understand just how rich and tonight I was learning a lot.

I didn’t grow up riding horses and summering in the Hamptons.   I started to feel a little bit self-conscious about the amount of wealth he had.  I didn’t know if I would ever be able to fit in with his family.  They were nice enough when I spent time with them, but if they already had his career planned, I was sure that they already had a girl picked out for him.  They probably would let him have his fun while he was in school, but when it was over I bet they would arrange for Jonathan to meet a girl who’s family matched his family’s pedigree.  I was so caught up in my growing insecurity that I didn’t realize Jonathan was introducing me to someone.

“Sky?  Are you alright?”

I snapped out if my daze.  “What?  Oh, yeah!  I’m fine!”

“I want you to meet David, he’s the president of the Kappa’s.”

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you David, this is a very cool party.”

“Yeah, just a little something to do to give us all a break.”

We chatted with him for a few minutes and then Jonathan introduced me to a few other people.  I actually ended up having a lot of fun and by 12:30 I was exhausted.

“I hate to be lame, but I can barely keep my eyes open Jonathan.  Do you mind if we call it a night?”

I saw apprehension in his eyes, I know I did, but I couldn’t understand why because I had practically spent the entire day with him.

Jonathan was silent as we walked back to our dorm and I could tell that something was on his mind.  I really hoped I hadn’t upset him by asking to leave the party, but I was tired.  He would just have to get over it.  We walked into our dorm and Jonathan stopped me once we were inside.  His eyes searched mine as his hands gently held my shoulders.
