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Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky (Billionaire Rock Star #1)(9)
Author: Ashley Blake

Jonathan’s eyes were perusing my face and I started to feel really shy as his eyes studied mine with a sharp intensity.  He was so good-looking it was hard to concentrate on anything else, so when I felt Katie tugging on my arm I had to tear my eyes away from his to see what she wanted.

“We’re going back to campus now and those guys are going to go eat.”

“Oh!  Sorry, to keep you Jonathan, I’m sure you’re probably really hungry.”

My words hung in the air for a few seconds as he held my gaze and a tiny smirk danced at the corner of his mouth.  He leaned down and whispered in my ear so that only I could hear him.  “I am, but not in the way that you think.  I’ll see you later.”  

As he walked off with his friends, my cheeks instantly felt like they were on fire and my breathing became very shallow as I contemplated the meaning behind his words. I didn’t realize that I was walking down the sidewalk with a goofy grin on my face until I heard Katie’s words.

“Somebody is really into you and it looks like you feel the same way.  Are your cheeks okay?”

My hands flew to my cheeks and I looked at her with eyes like saucers.  “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Well for starters they are the color of my shirt,” she looked at me as she tugged on her bright red V-neck, “and secondly you’ve had a huge grin on your face since Jonathan walked up to us; that’s what I mean.  Sky, girlie, he is into you.  I wish a guy would look at me like that!”

I thought about what she said as we walked back to campus.  I knew he was flirting with me but I couldn’t focus too much on that.  I was convinced that he was the kind of guy who could have any girl, I was probably just his first distraction for the school year, and I was sure there would be many more girls after me especially after he found out how different I was from him.  I couldn’t let myself get too caught up in him.  He was so gorgeous and I doubted that I was the kind of girl he really wanted, someone who looked like Katie and had her family’s money was probably more his type.  Jonathan Hunter was becoming a huge distraction for me and I had to get that under control because I felt my crush on him deepening every time I saw him.

We made it back to campus and a bunch of us went to the student union to hang out and have some fun since we were still in the middle of Freshmen Week.  We had a couple more days of freedom and I was playing pool a couple of hours later, and it was my turn to make a shot, when I felt someone come up behind me.  Jonathan’s familiar deep voice whispered in my ear and the hairs on my arms stood on end as I felt his arms come around me as he adjusted the way I was holding the pool cue.

“You might want to try it this way and then hit the ball with a light, but firm stroke.”

I wanted to just melt into his arms and have him wrap them around me, holding me tight.  I was so happy that he was there.  I don’t know how I was able to make the shot because I could barely focus with him so close to me, but I got it in the hole.

I turned to look at him and smiled when my eyes met his and I had to stop myself from letting out a huge sigh.  You’re so gorgeous.  “Thanks for the tip.  You must be pretty good at this game, huh?”  I tried so hard to hide the way my body was feeling, as I was sure my cheeks were the dead give away.

His eyes held mine as he stood less than a foot away from me and then they traveled down to my mouth and lingered for a minute before going back up to my eyes.

“I guess I’m okay.  You take direction well Skylar, I like that.”

I looked at him and cocked my head to the side, my long dark waves falling on my shoulder.  “Only when I want to.”

I then slowly walked away to get a soda from the vending machine, glancing at him with a flirtatious twinkle in my eye.  I knew he would follow me and as I stood in front of the vending machine an awareness of his body heat seeped into all of my pores as I pretended to be deep in thought about which drink I was going to buy.

His body pressed lightly against mine as he leaned over my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

“You drive me crazy, you know that?”

I turned my head slightly to the side and whispered so that only he could hear me.

“I hope so.”

“Come with me for a minute.”  Although he whispered, his words were gruff and left no room for question and I dutifully followed him into a secluded alcove down the hall from everyone else.  He turned into a dark corner and pulled me to him.  My heart was beating a million miles a minute, my breath catching in my throat as I looked up into his gorgeous eyes.

“You’re so sexy Skylar.”

His eyes roamed over my body and I could feel my body flush with desire.  He entwined his fingers in my hair and his eyes perused my face and settled on my lips.  He leaned down, bringing my face to his, and gave me a soft peck at first and then his lips were searching and eager as I opened my mouth and our tongues slid over each other.  Jonathan pulled me even closer and I could feel his hard length as a soft moan escaped my lips, my hardened ni**les straining through my bra.  His touch became more rough as his hands slid down my body to my h*ps and then around to my plump backside.  He pulled my h*ps into his as he kissed me deeper, his scruff lightly scraping my face.  His scent was intoxicating and I wanted to just melt into him as his tongue explored my mouth.  His hands tightened in my hair and he suddenly pulled away from me and looked at me, desire burning in his eyes.

“I want to taste every inch of you Skylar, but it’s not time for that yet.  We better get back to the others before people start to talk.”

I wanted him right then and there, and then I silently scolded myself.  You just met this guy and you’re willing to jump into bed with him already?  If he wasn’t so damned sexy it would be a lot easier for me.

Jonathan adjusted himself and smoothed his hair as I composed myself.  Luckily no one saw us and as we walked back to the student union, I kept asking myself if what happened had really just happened.  Jonathan lightly touched my hip and gave me a quick wink before joining his buddies at the foosball table.  Katie saw us walk in together and her eyes were as big as saucers as she made a beeline for me.

“So, where did you guys run off to?  I couldn’t find you for quite a while.”

I looked at her, blinking my lashes innocently.  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, we were around the whole time.”
