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Beckoning Light

Beckoning Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #1)(48)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Yes, they have been spotted and are on their way,” Calvin admitted.

“Please, Calvin, please don’t let anyone hurt my family and friends.”

“Charlotte, I will do what I can to avoid hurting them, but we have to subdue them. They cannot leave with you. But you do not want to leave, do you?” Calvin asked, watching me intently.

“I don’t want to leave you,” I said honestly.

“Now, as much as it pains me to say goodnight, I have to attend a meeting, and you need to sleep.”

“Calvin?” I asked, preparing to give another request.

“Yes?” He stood up, ready to leave.

“I assume that I’ll have to spend the next few days with a Guardian, considering everything, and when it can’t be you, can I pick who it is?” I hoped I had phrased it appropriately.

“You want to pick your Guardian?” Calvin looked stressed at the suggestion.

“Could it be Henry? He just seemed so nice, and it was like spending time with a little brother or something. Please.”

“Henry? Absolutely, I will see to it. But really, you must sleep.” I sensed he was relieved that I hadn’t asked for James.

“I love you, Charlotte, and I always will.” Calvin kissed me lightly and left the room. Just as Calvin closed the door behind him, I heard a key turn in the door. So I’m still a prisoner, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, Tara entered my room as expected. She quietly helped me pick out a dress and get changed. “Tara, did you know we were cousins this whole time?” I startled her as she brushed my hair.

“I did not know at first, but I knew once you were revealed as the Essence,” Tara admitted quietly.

“Your father was happy to hear you are well.” I spilled it out far less eloquently than planned.

“My father?” Tara sounded surprised.

“Yes, Theodore. He was down in the dungeon.”

“And he is well?” Tara asked anxiously.

“Yes, he was just relieved to learn you were here.” Tara smiled, and it reminded me that, despite the stresses of the past days, I had gained a wonderful cousin.

Breakfast was as awkward as I had anticipated. Clearly, Calvin had spoken to Blake about staying away from me, because he barely acknowledged my presence in the room. I was afraid that Blake would somehow figure out what I was up to and foil my plans. After breakfast, Calvin and Blake took off to discuss strategy in a meeting I was clearly not invited to attend, but true to Calvin’s word, Henry appeared just as they were leaving.

“I heard you requested me specifically,” Henry said, grinning as we walked out of the dining room. “I guess I impressed you the other day. You should have seen the other Guardians’ faces when Calvin announced that I was assigned as your detail when he was unavailable.”

“Well, you made a good impression,” I agreed, as we walked outside and into the village.

I asked Henry if he could walk with me to the cathedral, and he was more than happy to oblige. The walk was short, and before I knew it we were inside. As I had hoped, the room was empty.

“Henry, you are my Guardian, and you are sworn to protect me, right?” I asked, as soon as I was sure we were alone.

Henry looked at me quizzically. “Of course, Charlotte.”

“If I asked you to do something for my protection, would you do it?” I tried to get a read on his expression.

“Absolutely,” Henry said without wavering.

I felt that I could trust his words, so I continued. “I assume you know that my family is on their way to Bellgard to get me.”

“Yes. Calvin told us that we are to ensure your safety above all else but also try to spare your family,” Henry explained.

“What if my protection required helping my family get inside the castle?” I knew that I could trust him, but I was afraid of his reaction.

“Are you suggesting I help you leave Bellgard?”

“I need you to trust me. It is for the good of everyone that I reunite with my family. I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t view it as imperative.”

As I waited for Henry to respond, I thought about my conversation with Ruth. When I had told Ruth that Henry was the only other Guardian I really knew, she seemed convinced he would help. She assured me that his family, the Ashwells, had always been loyal to the Essence and would take my counsel seriously.

“I believe you, but I will only help on one condition,” Henry said seriously.


“That I accompany you wherever it is that you are going. I have sworn to protect you, and if you are leaving Bellgard, so am I,” he said firmly.

I tried to picture him outside of Energo, but failed. “Absolutely, Henry, you will come with us.”

So far, my part of the plan was falling into place, but it had all relied on my convincing others to help. The next step required me to use my newfound abilities, and I was nervous that I would somehow fail. Still, I understood that I had to maintain an air of confidence with Henry because, if I seemed at all hesitant, he might back out. I gave Henry a bright smile as we walked back toward the castle.

Chapter Twenty Seven


The snow came out of nowhere. Monty had warned us that it always snowed around Bellgard in early winter, but this was no little snow; it was a blizzard. Percy seemed to think that Charlotte had caused it, but I found it hard to imagine my little sister controlling the weather. By the time we reached the outer walls of the city, we could hardly see a foot ahead of us. It was freezing, and the wind burned as we tore ahead. I was grateful that I hadn’t shaved in days because my facial hair at least helped keep me warm. Percy had found cloaks for us, but they offered little relief against the raging storm. Through the wind, Percy explained that this storm virtually guaranteed us entrance over the wall to Bellgard under the theory that if we couldn’t see, neither could anyone else.

I scaled the stone wall by gripping the small areas of mortar between the stone. I was able to easily pull myself up despite the thick layer of ice accumulating on the stone. I reached the top of the wall and spun around just in time to punch out a guard. I had been prepared to run into one, but I hadn’t expected it to happen so quickly. I knocked him off the wall, and he silently fell to the snow below. I figured he would be out for hours. I anchored one end of a thick rope to a pillar before throwing it back down to where the rest of the group waited. One by one, they joined me. I tried to give Samantha my hand as she reached the top, but she ignored it, making room for Liam who was right behind her. Luckily, it appeared that no other guards had detected our entrance. Still, I was nervous because I knew that we might be discovered at any time.
