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Before The Moon Rises

Before The Moon Rises (Ritter Werewolves #1)(10)
Author: Catherine Bybee

On her second cup of coffee, Max sauntered in the room.

“I hope I didn’t wake you.”

He smirked and leaned over the stove where the bread was sizzling in the pan. “I could think of worse ways to wake up. Smells good.”

“I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“Not as long as there’s enough for two.”

Janet removed another plate from the cupboard. “Isn’t your brother going to eat?”

“I sent Richard home when I came home.”

“Oh, what time was that? I didn’t hear you.”

He poured himself a cup of coffee and leaned on the counter. “A few hours ago.”

Janet watched him stir cream into his coffee. He appeared rested. He was probably used to working late, like her. It was amazing how little sleep you needed, as long as it was at night.

Janet went back to cooking. “Where’s Rex?”


“Your dog, Rex? Why didn’t you tell me you had a dog?”

“You didn’t ask.”

“True.” She dished him up a plate and turned off the stove. “Where is he?”

“Rex? Oh, ah, I had Richard take him for the day. I didn’t know you were allergic to dogs.”

“Not yours, apparently.” She poured a glass of milk, held it out to Max who indicated he would take some too. “I don’t understand why Rex doesn’t bother me. I’ve always been so sensitive to dogs.”

Max didn’t comment. His smile crept into his face much like a boy with a secret, the glee in his eyes made her wonder what he was thinking.

“Maybe it’s because he’s a wolf.”

“I guess. Crazy though, I can’t even walk by the Dingo’s at the zoo. I’ll have to ask one of the doctors at work why when I go in again.”

Max pulled a chair out when she sat down. “When do you go back to work?”

“Tuesday. What about you?”

He watched her eat, his expression unreadable. “I might have to go back tonight, it depends.”

She wanted to question what he did, but didn’t know if it was her place. She had known the man a little over twenty-four hours and yet she slept in his home, made herself comfortable in his kitchen and met his family. She didn’t think prying into his life more was wise. Funny, yesterday she quizzed him relentlessly on his naked and unconscious state. Today she could care less.

“What is going on in that pretty little mind of yours?” Max had stopped eating and studied her.


“Oh, I doubt that.”

“All right, I was thinking about how long we’ve known each other.”

His lip turned up, “And…”

“And… how much I feel I know you.”

Max put his fork down and laced his fingers with hers. “I thought the very same thing about you all night long.”


His eyes did the swirly thing again, like a hidden signal of desire only she could see.


Little beads of sweat formed on her brow. She fanned her shirt away from her body searching for a breeze. But she knew it was the way he looked at her that made the temperature rise. She remembered his naked body lying on the gurney and suddenly the temperature soared in the room.

“What’s the matter, Janet? You look a little flush.”

“I do?” she gasped.

“Like maybe you need to lie down.” He placed a playful smile on his face and put the back of his hand to her forehead as if checking her temperature.

“But I just woke up. I’m not tired.” And where did the breathy voice come from?

His body was inches from hers, his eyes searching. “You don’t have to be tired to go to bed.”

“No, I suppose you’re right.” She licked her bottom lip. “There are plenty of things to do in bed when you’re not tired.”

“Plenty,” he agreed.

He moved in more, but damn it, he wasn’t kissing her. “Max?”


“Can you stop talking and kiss me already?”

Like two single flames, they came together as one bright fire. Every part of her body tingled in response to his lips on hers. His hands caught her head as he plunged into her mouth, desire, red-hot and willing, soared through her.

Sitting on a kitchen chair proved awkward, Janet tried moving closer and almost fell in her effort.

Max urged her to her feet where at least she could feel his frame against hers. She tugged at his shirt, reaching to feel his skin beneath. He, too, pulled at her clothes. He leaned back briefly and surveyed the room.

“Not here, not the kitchen.”

Janet remembered his butler and shook her head. The last thing she wanted was an interruption.

He dragged her from the room and up the stairs. Hand in hand they tumbled into his bedroom, slamming the door behind them. He gathered her back into his arms the second the door clicked.

Janet scrambled with his clothes.

Max pushed her toward his bed. She fell back with part of his shirt clasped in her hands.

“Take this off,” she pleaded.

He chuckled and did as she asked. In turn, Janet removed hers.

“You are so beautiful,” he told her before stretching out on the bed beside her.

“Show me.”

His smoky eyes simmered before he bent to kiss her again. “I plan on it.”

He pushed her hair back, and made passionate love to her neck, moving down to her shoulders. His fingers drew circles over her skin, and dipped under the lace of her bra.

Her hands explored every muscle on his broad chest while he worked the fabric off her body. Once free, her br**sts reached out for him to taste, to savor. And thankfully, he did just that.

She was utterly explosive and passionate. Max felt like the luckiest man in the world. The small pink buds of her br**sts hardened with the slight breath he blew on them. When he took one tip in his mouth, her moan set him trembling.

He’d made love to many women, but had he actually trembled before? Shuddered during orgasm, yes… but small anticipatory tremors before he buried himself deep inside, no.

This was his soul mate, and this was how making love was supposed to be. She felt it too, he could tell. Everywhere he touched, she responded. Every kiss was earth shattering.

He wanted to take her hard and fast, but there was no way he would rush this moment. A lifetime he waited for a lover such as her, and now she was here. His.

Reaching for the layer of her jeans, he slipped his fingers over the zipper. Her hips moved, giving him room to remove the offending clothing. Lace panties, similar to what he saw her in the night before kept her most private parts hidden. But he could almost taste her desire, pheromones filled the room, his and hers. Their scent together intoxicated him.
