Read Books Novel

Behind His Lens

Behind His Lens(25)
Author: R.S. Grey

Bella and I take a seat in collapsible metal chairs near the crew area so that we don’t interrupt the current shots taking place even more. Bella reaches toward the table for a plate of fruit for us to share just as Ryan’s assistant smiles and waves. It’s her job to make sure I’ve arrived on time, and she looks relieved to see me on set a few minutes ahead of schedule. After she’s marked that I’m present, I let my eyes drift past her, toward Jude. I completely ignore the plate of pineapple and strawberries Bella shoves in front of my face because I’ve spied something much more tantalizing.

He’s completely focused on his work, unaware of the calamity that just took place around him. He’s squatting low in the sand, knees bent, every sexy ounce of muscle balancing deftly on the balls of his feet. The elegant muscles in his back stretch beneath his shirt. He has no clue that I’ve arrived and I like it that way. I feel sneaky, watching him work like this.

He moves fluidly as he snaps pictures of the model on set, as if his sole purpose in this life is to capture beauty in the precise moment in which it presents itself. I don’t know who the model is, but she has dirty blonde hair and the biggest boobs I’ve ever seen. I’m not kidding; I think they could potentially have their own time zone. She’s poised in the sand with her arms angled behind her head. Jude’s shooting her from every angle as her br**sts practically spill out of her black string bikini, no doubt pulling every pair of male eyes into their gravitational pull.

“Any chance that she’s married too?” I laugh bitterly, recalling Bella’s giant rock from the day before as I pull my gaze away from the set and fidget on my uncomfortable metal seat. Even though the island’s weather is warm and humid, I wrap my arms tightly around my robe trying to quell the unwelcome jealousy leaking from my heart.

“Pfft, no,” Bella snorts, and shakes her head dramatically. “Veronica is probably the craziest girl I know. But she’s hilarious. You’d like her.”

I smile, feeling the tinge of jealously wane slightly as I steal a piece of mango from Bella’s plate and pop the morsel of sweetness into my mouth without smudging my lipstick. “Sounds like my best friend back home.”

Bella sets her finished plate of fruit back on the table in front of us and nods. “Maybe you’ll get to meet her later? I think the models might go out after the shoot wraps for the day.”

Jude’s sexy promises from the night before spring to mind and I don’t even have to think about which I’d rather do. “Oh, yeah we’ll see. I have no clue how tired I’ll be after this.”

Bella smiles, not pushing the subject. “No problem. I’ll just keep you posted.”

Ryan’s voice suddenly booms across the beach, catching our attention. “Alright, Veronica. You’re done! Good job.” He claps encouragingly and the model, Veronica, beams and practically follows after him like a puppy. Ryan doesn’t notice though, he’s already turning toward his assistant, staying focused on the photo shoot. I choose to follow Ryan’s movements for the time being, not yet prepared to stare into the pair of sharp blue eyes just behind him.

“Do we have our next model?” Ryan asks, glancing down at his clipboard while his papers flap wildly in the ocean breeze. He has to keep clapping his hand on top of the errant sheets of paper, and I can’t help a private smile from creeping across my lips.

“Charley?” his assistant asks, waving me over, and I look up and nod with a gentle smile, realizing it’s my time to shine whether I feel like it or not.

“Alright, Bella.” I start to step forward, away from the security of the craft service table. “I’ll try and catch up with you after. You’re not going to stay, right?” I ask, starting to untie the robe. “You should go enjoy your afternoon.”

She smirks, glancing over my shoulder for a moment, no doubt locking onto the sexiest man on the beach. “I think I’ll stay just long enough to see Jude’s reaction to that suit.”

I roll my eyes and then narrow them playfully toward her. “Oh God, thanks for the pep talk.”

“Good luck!” she calls as I laugh and shake my head, walking toward Ryan and Jude. Now that she’s drawn my attention back to my suit, I decide to leave the robe on for the time being. They’ll want to talk to me for a few seconds before we start shooting anyway. I don’t feel like having that conversation in my tiny bikini.

As my toes dip into the warm sand, my gaze finally meets Jude’s and he smiles wide, stealing my full attention like a camera flash. I’m left blinking toward his brightness before regaining my composure. I offer him a timid smile, taking in the sight of him in a thin vintage cotton shirt and long khaki pants that are rolled up at the bottom, out of the sand. The clothes aren’t overtly sexy, but he fills them out so well with his dangerous muscles and trim lines. I can tell he’s already acquired a nice tan from standing out in the tropical sun. His blue eyes seem even more striking in contrast to his newly warm complexion, and I can’t seem to avert my eyes even as Ryan begins to give instructions about the shoots.

I nod. Yes, yes, blah, blah, blah… Jude is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

“Alright, Charley,” Ryan says, clearing his throat pointedly, and I make an effort to appear as though I’m listening. “I’m not sure how much you saw of Veronica’s shots but yours will be completely different. You’re on the cover. We need a photo that’s going to draw attention and sell magazines. Obviously we won’t display any nudity, but we need these shots to ooze sex appeal…” he pauses, scanning down my legs with such studied intent that I follow his gaze to confirm that my legs are indeed not glowing bright neon or on fire. I fidget awkwardly as he continues. “Although, I don’t think you’ll have any problem with that.”

Is he flirting with me or is that just the way he usually preps models? His assistant’s baffled stare and Jude’s dominant pose point to the first option, but I can’t focus on that right now. He just wants me to feel confident and sexy, that’s all.

“Sounds good,” I nod, trying to relax and get into character even though I know Jude is moments away from forcing Ryan’s gaze away from my legs manually.

His assistant steps forward then and reaches her diminutive hand out. “Let me take your robe for you, Charley,” she offers with a polite smile. She’s so small, maybe five feet on the dot, and I focus on her as I follow her instructions, feeling the hot sun beat down on my newly exposed skin.

The gold necklace slinks across my flesh as I hand over the robe and turn toward Jude. I can’t blame Bella for staying to watch; he’s practically smoldering, and his entire demeanor changes as he glances over my skimpy bathing suit. The Brazilian bottom is composed of a triangle piece that covers the most important real estate and then two thin strings that tie on both sides. They sit right on my hip and I keep fingering the fabric to ensure that they’re tied securely.

The bandeau top is thin; a few measly inches covering my chest with a tight twist in the middle that pulls my boobs up and together. Jude’s eyes nearly sear my flesh as they rake down my body and I instantly want to send a “thank you” card to the designer of this bathing suit. Maybe a fruit basket as well.

“Modest, right?” My lips curl into a private smile as I watch him devour me. Anyone within a ten foot radius could see those blue eyes cloud over in lust. This is more skin than he’s ever seen. That, combined with the realization that he knows what my br**sts look like beneath the swimsuit top, makes my cheeks flush and my eyes scan down toward the white sand.

“Very,” Jude mocks dryly. My head snaps up just in time to see him start to turn and lead us over to the set.

The other photo shoot I did with him was closed, but since we’re outside, on-location, all of the crew is standing off to the side, either working with lighting and diffusers or running around looking for accessories and swimsuits. I can feel their eyes studying my movements, adding onto the growing mass of fans and paparazzi staring from the other side of the barriers. I know they aren’t staring because I’m famous, they’re merely curious about what all the fuss is about. If I could, I would will them all away. As it is, I’ll need to block them out completely or I’ll freeze up for every shot.

“Let’s start with some poses in the sand,” Ryan instructs. “And then we’ll move into the water. I think that might be where we get the best shots.”

I nod, turning toward the camera and taking a deep breath. I shift around in the sand, getting a feel for the way the bikini highlights certain parts of my figure. I lengthen my neck and then my side and before I know it, Jude’s clicking away and the shoot is in full swing. The island breeze blows back my soft curls and the sand feels warm and inviting beneath my feet, but I can’t seem to get the crowds out of my head. I’m posing for the camera, but my body feels stiff. Even though I try to keep my gaze over the ocean, I can’t seem to move past everyone’s judgments. Are they wondering why I was picked over everyone else to be on the cover while I’m standing here like a limp noodle?

“More, Charley! Those arms look dead,” Ryan instructs, trying to liven me up. His critiques don’t help though, they make me even more self-conscious and I have to fight the urge to clam up further. Relax and move.

Another few shots pass and I know I still haven’t given them anything that’ll sell magazines.

“No, too robotic. Loosen up,” Ryan huffs, clearly annoyed.

I smile tightly and shake out my limbs, trying to free my mind, but Ryan’s commands don’t feel right. They make me tense up even more. I roll my neck over my shoulders and take another deep breath, willing the island scenery to calm my nerves. But the bright flowers, palm trees, and vibrant water aren’t enough to distract me.

“Hey, Charley, look at me.” Jude’s dark voice croons over the waves, and I comply immediately, sweeping my gaze up to him. Looking at him then was like watching my desire unfold. He’s dropped the camera away from his eyes and he’s wearing one of his dimpled smiles across his handsome features. The moment I focus solely on him, my pulse picks up and I start to lose myself in his magnetism. He’s all that matters.

“You look beautiful. Look at the camera and move for me.” His eyes implore me to follow his commands, and suddenly, the rest of the crew fades away and it’s just him and me. He steps forward, strengthening our connection, until my body softens beneath his gaze.

My limbs start to move as if he has them wrapped around his finger like a puppeteer. The weight of his intoxicating masculinity melts away my fear as I press my arms together down my side. I know the pose will push my br**sts together in an alluring gesture for the camera. Then, I slowly slide my hands down my thighs, staring right at Jude as my fingertips graze the skin below my bikini bottom. He nods and I can just barely make out his devilish grin beneath the camera lens. I keep moving, experimenting with different poses, arching my back, stretching my arms above my head, and angling toward the camera. I rise up onto the balls of my feet so that my legs stretch out gracefully. My back arches sharply and my butt sticks out as I drag my hands through my hair.
