Read Books Novel

Behind His Lens

Behind His Lens(7)
Author: R.S. Grey

“I think we’ll just watch if that’s okay?” Naomi interjects, glancing toward me for backup. She has nothing to worry about; I’m not running around pretending I know a thing about soccer with Jude watching. Over my dead body.

“Sounds good.” I smile, glancing toward the center of the field. Jude hasn’t moved an inch. His bright blue eyes are focused directly on me and he shakes his head once slowly. Excuse me, you don’t own Central Park.

“What’s his problem?” Naomi asks as we walk together toward the side of the field. We didn’t bring a blanket or chairs, so we sprawl out on the dry grass to watch the remainder of their game.

“I have no idea…”


“So is she single?” Tom asks with a hopeful tone.

“How would I know?” I bite out gruffly.

The four other guys on my team stand around me in a tight circle. We’re meant to be discussing strategy for the second half of the game, but all four of them practically started salivating the moment the girls walked up. Why the hell is she here? The universe seems to be playing a cruel joke by forcing our paths to cross three times within the last three days. Although, technically, she doesn’t know about that first time at the Club and that’s the way I’ll keep it.

Josh narrows his eyes on Charley. “There’s no way a girl like that is single. Although her friend is pretty, too. I guess Bennett already claimed her?”

“Claimed her? Who talks like that?” I snap a little too angrily.

The guys shuffle around on their feet until Tom breaks the silence.

“Yeah well, sorry mates, but I already made Charley laugh, so I guess that settles it, right?”

“Oh, f**k off, Tom,” Josh laughs, punching his arm.

I want to kill them all.

I left the photo shoot yesterday the moment Mrs. Hart was satisfied with the shots we got. I shouldn’t have touched Charley. I didn’t plan on doing it when I walked over to adjust her pose, but I lost control the moment I stepped close to her. Her skin was so beautiful and I just needed to know what she felt like, how her radiant skin felt beneath my touch. She responded to it, blossoming like a flower, and it killed me to have to walk away. I hate myself for getting that close. I was a fool to think I could contain myself around her and now she’s here, testing my will again all too soon.


I chance a glance over my shoulder. I just want to look at her. I know I shouldn’t, but when she’s wearing an outfit like that, there’s not a man alive that could resist.

Her tight running top sticks to her skin, hugging her br**sts. Her long, toned legs are stretched out in front of her as she leans back onto her palms. Her friend, Naomi, says something and I watch with steadied focus as Charley tips her head back and laughs freely. The sun highlights her golden hair and even without a stitch of make-up she’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. I want to make her laugh like that. I want her to smile for me the way she smiles for her friend.

“Hey Team Captain, wake up! Aren’t you meant to be leading us?” Josh quips, and I roll my eyes at being caught staring. Fuck them. I don’t care what they think. Besides, they know the kind of lifestyle I live. There’s no way they’d be able to guess the kind of thoughts running through my mind right now.

After all, Jude and monogamy don’t even belong in the same conversation.

I glance back at the guys and notice Tom studying me intently.

“So she was the model on your shoot yesterday?” He’s goading me and I know it.

“No, it was your mother, Tom,” I answer flatly, but the guys all laugh anyway.

“Yeah, yeah,” he groans, brushing my lame comeback aside. “Is she fair game?” he asks, tilting his head to the side, clearly not willing to give up yet. Four pairs of eyes stare back at me, waiting for my reply, and every nerve ending screams for me to say no. No, she’s not fair game. She’s mine. She belongs to me and she’s off limits. But I can’t say that.

“Go for it. I don’t date models, remember?” God, I’m a terrible liar. I don’t think I could be locking my jaw or clutching my fists any tighter, and I know Tom can tell.

I groan angrily, “Can we play soccer, already? You guys can fight over her later. Let’s go!”

I reel back and yell for Bennett, “Is your team ready?”

Charley’s head pops up at the sound of my voice, but I don’t glance over. I know my tone is harsh, but I can’t seem to control any part of my body at the moment, which is only pissing me off more.

“You’ll have to excuse my friend, ladies, it’s not often that he’s around such beautiful women,” Bennett winks over to the girls and I hear them laugh. Charley’s giggle sends a shiver down my spine and I have to shake out my shoulders to get rid of the foreign sensation.

After a brief word, we break from our huddle and move around the field to take our positions. I end up in midfield, a few feet from Charley. By the time I’m in position, everyone is still getting to their spots, so I hunch over, resting my hands on my knees and steadying my breath before the game starts again. I glance around to see that the guys are all busy fixing their shoes or stretching out, so I know I have this moment to myself. I grip my hands on top of my knees even tighter, and before I think better of it, I twist my head toward Charley. She’s sitting a few feet away from me so my movement catches her attention. Within seconds, she’s staring up at me with wide, blue eyes, as if she can’t possibly pull her gaze from mine. Her innocent expression makes it impossible to hold back my grin, and without a second thought, I shoot her a slow wink.

Her mouth literally drops and my grin spreads even wider across my face. I know I must be an enigma to her. I’m a complete jackass one minute and then I wink at her the next, but that’s the way it has to be. I want her, but she should just stay away from me. Then why are you winking at her, a**hole?

I shake my head harshly and turn away without a second glance. Luckily, Tom tosses the soccer ball across the field and the game begins, saving me from making any more mistakes. For the next thirty minutes I’m going to focus on soccer and not the angel on the sidelines stirring up feelings from my hardened heart.



“So we’ll meet at The Village Tavern around nine?” Bennett asks Naomi.

The soccer game ended a few minutes ago and everyone’s sitting in a circle swapping out their cleats for sneakers and shrugging on t-shirts, much to my chagrin. Goodbye heavenly dream.

“Sounds good. That place is really close to where Charley and I live.” She smiles over at me and I offer a small nod. It’s intimidating being in a group with so many attractive men, not to mention the man sitting directly across from me. I can’t meet his eyes and we haven’t said a single word to each other this whole time. Is he purposely ignoring me? Did I make him mad yesterday? No. He can probably just tell how much he affects me and he doesn’t want to lead me on. But what about that wink? Naomi saw him do it too, so I know we’ll break it down the second we’re alone.

A few of the guys start to stand and say their goodbyes. Before he leaves, Tom offers me a wide grin and tells me he’ll see me later. I’m happy he’ll be at the bar. He’s easy to be around, unlike some people.

A beat later, Bennett hops up and walks over to stand in between Naomi and me so he can grab our hands and pull us up. Naomi giggles like a schoolgirl. She seems to really like him and I can’t wait to tell her how much I approve. All my instincts tell me he’s a good guy.

After Bennett drops my hand so he can wrap both around Naomi, I reach down to grab my water bottle. The moment I stand, Jude’s intoxicating scent wraps around me and I inhale deeply before standing back up. He’s finally going to acknowledge me. I shift my gaze up to see him standing a few inches away. Instinctively, I turn toward Naomi for help, but she’s wrapped up in whatever Bennett’s saying.

“How’s your endurance, Charley?”

My mouth hangs open as I turn back to Jude.

What? What the hell kind of question is that?

“What?” I don’t even try to hide the shock in my voice.

I watch as his innuendo settles in and he has the decency to glance down at his feet before meeting my eyes again. No. Stop. Stop being charming.

“I meant do you run every day?” he clarifies with a sly smile. I watch the corners of his lips curl up with intense concentration. His mouth looks like it was made for whispering dark thoughts in dark corners.

“Every morning,” I answer in a clipped tone, trying to conserve my composure. But then I feel bad for cutting the conversation off, so I add, “It looks like you work out a lot too.”

His smile widens and adorable dimples dot his cheeks.

“I try to stay in shape…”

My eyes drift down his body. Obviously he does.

“Will you be at the photo shoot on Monday?” I ask, wanting to know if I should prepare myself for his presence.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be there? It’s a two day shoot.”

“Oh, you just left so quickly yesterday.” I chew on my lip. Should I have acted like I didn’t notice?

“There was nothing left for me to do. My assistants handle the grunt work.”

He doesn’t mean for his words to slice me, but they do. They cut right through me and I can no longer meet his eyes.

“Ah,” I murmur, twisting the lid on and off my water bottle.

He clears his throat and I glance up to watch him wring out his hands. “Will you be at the bar later?”

I slide my gaze toward Naomi and Bennett. I know she’ll make me go even if I’d rather not. “Looks like it,” I answer, tilting my head to the lovebirds. His eyes slide in their direction and he smirks gently before recovering his cool demeanor. I guess we’ll both be there against our will. How romantic.

“Then I’ll see you later,” he clips sternly, as though we’re planning a business meeting. My water bottle crinkles as I wring my hands around the hard plastic.

I chew on my lip and nod, but I don’t reply. Instead, I turn on my heel to grab Naomi so we can begin the trek home.

“Oh, and Charley,” Jude calls behind me. I turn around to see the sun glinting off his icy blue eyes. “That running gear might be even sexier than that first gown you wore for the shoot.”

His words, delivered so confidently in what I later realized to be his trademark arrogant demeanor, practically burn my body into a pile of crumbled ash on the spot.

“Nothing about him makes sense. He’s completely cold and distant one minute and the next he’s winking at me or telling me I look good in my running gear. I feel like I get whiplash when I’m around him and I don’t know how to handle it. Most guys are easier. I can read their personality and mold to the situation, but Jude keeps me on my toes. I never know if he’s going to tell me to f**k him or f**k off.”

“And which would you like to do?” Naomi mocks in a therapist’s tone before breaking out in giggles.
