Read Books Novel

Beneath These Scars

I popped the hood latch and got out of the car, slinging my purse over my shoulder. In this neighborhood, it might have seemed like a dumb move to get out of the car and bring my purse, but I wasn’t helpless. I was locked and loaded with my .38 Special. Ever since Elle had dragged me to the shooting range with her one night, I’d been hooked on the idea of being able to protect myself. The only question I couldn’t answer was: why hadn’t I done it sooner?

Although if I had, I’d probably be in prison right now.

After propping the hood open like I knew what I was doing, I stared down at the steam rising off the radiator—at least I thought that was where it was coming from. I didn’t know jack about cars. Nope, I was more likely to find vintage Chanel at a roadside antique shop than to figure out what had gone wrong with my semi-reliable Jetta. But my Blue Beast was getting old; she was going on seventeen.

Shaking my head when looking under the hood gave me no answers, I dug into my purse and pulled out my cell phone. I scrolled through the contacts, teeth gritted. I hated asking for help, hated having to admit that I couldn’t take care of my problems myself. But sometimes a girl didn’t have a choice. Cousin Stevie’s Happy Hookers would be a lot cheaper than—

My thoughts were cut off as a sleek dark gray sports car slowed to a stop beside the Blue Beast and me. What I knew about cars could fill a shoebox, but even I recognized expensive when I saw it. The darkened passenger side window lowered as I reached back into my purse, wanting the comfort of my Smith & Wesson in my grip. Just in case.

I relaxed a fraction when green eyes set beneath dark brows pierced me.

“Trouble, Ms. Santos?”

Lucas Titan. The same asshole who’d landed a cheap shot in Con’s balls, and whose friend thought I looked like an easy pickup tonight.

“I’ve got it handled.”

One dark eyebrow lifted and he pulled away, but he didn’t go far. No, he pulled up and parked in front of the Blue Beast, and his driver’s side door opened.

Great. Just what I need, some rich prick thinking he knows how to handle my business better than I do. Titan gave off that master of all I survey vibe that rubbed me the wrong way on every level. Old habits die hard, and all that.

I looked back down at my cell and found Cousin Stevie’s contact info. Before I could hit the Call button, Titan stood beside me, looking pissed off.

“Why the hell did you get out of your car? It’s not safe. If you break down, you sit your sweet little ass inside, call a wrecker, and wait.”

Oh. Hell. No. If he was expecting me to nod my head like a pretty little doll and follow orders, he was in for a shock. I’d come a long way from the days when I fell in line just because a man told me to.

I spun to face him. “I don’t live my life according to the laws of Lucas Titan, so you can feel free to get back in your car and go on about your night.”

I wasn’t sure what I expected from him, but it wasn’t a deep, rumbling laugh.

“Everyone lives according to the laws of Lucas Titan. You just don’t know it yet.” He leaned in closer until the green of his eyes reflected the interior light of my car, and I could clearly make out the five o’clock shadow shading his jaw. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, you’ll enjoy the hell out of it.”

The combination of the sexy laugh and innuendo-filled words sent shivers through me. I didn’t give a damn about Titan or his cocky attitude. I just needed to get my car on Stevie’s tow truck so he could take it to the shop.

I shrugged off my unwanted reaction, getting back to what was important. My car. “Whatever. Now that you know I’m fine, you can go on about your evening.”

He flashed a wolfish smile. “And lose my one chance to play the white knight? Why would I do a thing like that?”

When he lifted a hand as if he intended to touch me, my entire body tensed in anticipation. “Because I’m no damsel in distress. And white knight? I think that’s a hell of a stretch for you, Titan.”

His hand curled into a fist, and he dropped it to his side. My eyes snapped up to meet his now cold stare, and disappointment slid through me. What the hell, Yve?

“Good to know you’ve got no misplaced assumptions about me being one of the good guys. Apparently you’ve got a better sense of self-preservation than your actions imply. Now get your stuff and get in my car. I’m giving you a ride home.”

“Wh-what?” I sputtered. “I have a cousin with a tow truck. He’ll figure it out.”

“I said get your stuff,” he repeated. “I’ll have my guy come get it and bring it back to his shop.”

I didn’t handle decrees well. And by that, I meant not at all. “Not necessary. I’ve got it covered.”

“I didn’t ask if it was necessary. Now get your stuff.”

Each of the last four words were bitten out in a harsh tone that pushed all my buttons. Simultaneously. My hands hit my hips, and I squared off with him to give him a piece of my mind.

“Now listen here, Titan. I’m not about to let you roll up and start ordering me—”

Gunshots echoed in the distance, halting my tirade mid-breath.

Titan flew into action, slamming the hood shut and turning to face me. “Get your shit. We’re going.”

I wanted to argue, but a second round of shots and the shriek of squealing tires nearby made my decision to shut up and comply a little easier. “Fine.”

I strode to my car and leaned in to pull my keys from the ignition, then slammed the door and locked it. I didn’t wait for an invitation, just marched around to the passenger side of his still-idling car and reached for the handle.
