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Big Girl Going On Tour

Big Girl Going On Tour (Big Girl #2)
Author: Aubrey Rose


Shannon lay in the bathtub, her hand between her thighs and her mind on Julian Bremmer. She had turned out the lights and placed candles all around the bath. If she didn’t have anyone to be romantic with right now, she would just have to be romantic with herself. And the guitarist who in her imagination already had his arms around her and his fingers deep into her tightness.

“Oh, Julian,” she murmured. Her fingers slipped down to a place that was wet with desire as much as with bathwater. She pressed down firmly, her third finger circling around the pink nub that grew hard under the attention. She had tied back her red hair but a few loose strands fell down into the water, growing dark with moisture.

Steam filled the tiny bathroom and Shannon tilted her head back along the edge of the tub, inhaling deeply as she stroked herself. With her free hand she caressed her own br**sts, trying to mimic the way Julian pinched her n**ples, set her nerves on fire.

“I want you,” she moaned, her h*ps rocking back and forth slightly. She settled into a rhythm that wound her body up even as she moved slowly. Every part of her was completely relaxed but for one – in between her legs, the tension was rising, rising higher. She twisted one nipple hard and cried out softly as the pain caused a delightful shock to spread through the front of her body.

“Ohh,” she cried out. That was wonderful. She twisted her nipple again, the dark pink button rolling between her thumb and finger. “Ohhhh.”

She felt the familiar pain of desire reach up to meet her from down there. Her body ached for Julian, wanted his huge c*ck inside of her. She felt empty without him, and every day grew emptier.

Shannon pressed both hands between her thighs, her fingers working madly. She pushed down as though she was pushing back all of her old insecurities, all of the pain that had evaporated the night she spent with Julian. The water in the tub splashed at the sides as her arms moved faster and faster, bringing her closer to orgasm.

Close, so closenow—

The orgasm uncoiled through her body as her hands moved over her slickness, the waves of cli**x breaking prematurely, it seemed, against the walls of her body. She braced her feet against the bottom of the tub and closed her eyes, her back curved in tension now as the shudders ran through her.

“Yes! Julian!” She moaned in pleasure, letting her body sink back under the warmth of the water. Then she was done, her body still clenching and unclenching as her fingers lay limp against her wet skin.

The ache of desire still pounded at her heart, though. It did not seem to matter how many times she got herself off; after the orgasms ran through her she always wanted more. Her roommate Brynn had even mentioned how much she had been hogging the bathroom, with all of her showers and baths that ran on much longer than usual. She needed a deeper satisfaction than this, it seemed. Now that she knew what was possible…

Would she ever be happy again without Julian?

It had been a week since Julian had swept her off of her feet backstage at the concert, but she hadn’t heard from him at all. Not since she left his hotel room where they had spent one magical night together. At least, she thought that it had been magical.

“I’m going to be busy with the next couple of tour stops,” Julian had said.

“It’s okay,” Shannon said. “I understand.”

Only part of that was true. She understood that he would be busy, sure. But not even to call? It broke her heart every day that passed without word from him. And although she understood that she was just some stupid college girl from a small town, she had thought that they shared something, a deeper connection.

It had just been a dream. She was stupid to think that it was anything more, no matter how good the sex had been. For the past couple of days, she had been muddling around in school and work, her energy depleted. She couldn’t stop thinking about Julian and moping, moping, moping. Even her photography professor had noticed that she hadn’t been as active in class critiques.

Her best friend Jason had been oddly absent as well. He hadn’t even really been excited for her when she told him about her impossible tryst with the hottest rock guitarist this side of the Mississippi. Sure, he had hugged her, but it was a halfhearted hug compared to most of Jason’s normally exuberant embraces. Maybe he was just jealous. After all, they had both fallen in love with Wilder Side, but only Shannon had gotten to go home with one of the band members. That must be it. He was jealous.

“Well, nuts to him,” Shannon said out loud, not knowing if she meant Jason or Julian. Nuts to both of them. She splashed her hands into the water in a mock tantrum. It was lukewarm already; time to get out. She was already horny again. Ugh.

“It’s okay, Shannon,” she said to herself, toweling off. She looked in the mirror. “It’s going to be okay.”

Even if she never talked to him again, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. She had been through too many one-night stands until she realized that most guys thought that she was an easy lay. Once she got wise to that, she set her standards much higher. Julian had been a slip, a lapse. She would never again sleep with someone as soon as she met him. And hell, he hadn’t even fully undressed – it couldn’t count as a one night stand. Even if he had given her the best orgasms of her life.

Still, she thought it had been different this time…

“Get yourself out! Of! This! Funk!” Shannon tossed her dripping red hair behind her back and toweled off the remaining moisture on her body. She reached over and turned on the radio as she dried her hair. The rock song blared out of the stereo system.

Don’t look back,

Unless you want me… as bad as I want you—

“ARGH!” Shannon screamed. Of course it would have to be Wilder Side on the radio. She could even see Julian in her mind, playing the guitar line as Alex Wilder sang the lyrics. She slammed her hand down on the radio search button. The next station was playing some up-and-coming bubble gum girl rock band.

Shannon sang along to the catchy tune, drying her hair and using the blow dryer as a microphone during the sing-along chorus. Her towel fell to the floor and she danced in front of the mirror, turning the song to full blast.



She shook her butt at the mirror, laughing as she danced in time to the music.

“You are awesome!” She pointed to herself in the mirror. “You are amazing! You are a sexy-ass redhead with a fine booty!”

As she repeated the affirmations, she began to believe them, and for the first time in the past week she thought that she might be okay if she never saw Julian again.

“You don’t need a guy like that anyway, someone who doesn’t even call. Some stuck up rock star…”

Shannon sighed, cocking her head in the mirror. She had thought that he wasn’t the same, that this time might be different. But he had turned out to be just some famous guy who was too good for her.

“Hey!” she said, talking firmly to herself as though she were a child who needed a pep talk. “He’s not too good for you, you’re too good for him. You are awesome, and that’s that.”

The doorbell rang. Shannon barely heard it over the blow dryer and the song, but then it rang again and she turned the radio off. She stuck her head out into the hallway.

“Brynn, you got that?”

There was no response.

“Brynn? Are you here? Can you get the door?” Her hair was dripping onto the floor.


That’s right, Shannon remembered. Brynn’s number theory midterm was next week. She had been slipping out nearly every day and night to go study at the library with her study group. Those math majors always had homework to do, but this week had been worse than most. Brynn had been coming home at one or two in the morning with dark circles under her eyes. Shannon was starting to worry about her.

The doorbell rang again, and then came three hard knocks, as if the person outside was worried that the doorbell wasn’t working.

“COMING!” Shannon yelled. Maybe Brynn had gotten locked out. Shannon picked up her towel from the ground and wrapped it around herself quickly, then made her way down the hallway. The knocks grew even louder. God, couldn’t they be a little bit patient?

“I said I’m com—” Shannon said, opening the door. As soon as she did, the frustrated look evaporated from her face.

Standing just outside her apartment door was Julian Bremmer, a guilty look on his face and a single red rose in his hand.


Julian sat in the back of the tour bus, the flask tucked away in his jacket pocket between sips of bourbon. Asher sat next to him, beating his drumsticks on his knees in rhythm to whatever song was playing in his head, his feet resting on the skateboard.

“I can’t believe it, man,” Asher said. He rolled the skateboard back and forth under his sneakers. “I can’t f**king believe it.”

“Are you gonna break up with her?” Julian asked. Asher had spent the entire previous night in tears on the phone with his girlfriend Donna, who was currently working on a model shoot in Europe.

“I don’t know.” Asher looked down mournfully at his drumsticks. “She said she was just doing it to get back at me, because she was jealous.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t sleep with anyone,” Julian pointed out. “Or do anything at all, for that matter. What the f**k does she have to be jealous about?”

“I know, I know,” Asher said. “It’s just that there are always girls hanging out around the band.”

“Hanging out. Not kissing you, not f**king you, just hanging out.”

“I know.” Asher rubbed his eyes with his hands. “Fuck me.”

Julian waited while Asher busted out a hard drum roll on his left thigh. At the rate he was going, he would be bruised black and blue on his legs by the time they rolled past Los Angeles again on their way down to San Diego.

“What do you think?” Asher said finally.

“What do I think about what?”

“Should I break up with Donna?”

“I don’t know, man,” Julian said, taking another drink from his flask. “Do you love her?”

Asher leaned back in his seat and tapped his sticks on the wall of the tour bus.

“Fuck,” he said. “I don’t know. After this? I don’t think so. I don’t know how she could do this.” He played a complicated fill against the paneling.

“Can you cut that out?” The voice came from the front of the bus. Daniel had his headphones halfway on and was peering back at them. “I’m trying to listen to our recording.”

“Sorry,” Asher said, letting his drumsticks fall into his lap. He put his head in his hands.

Julian felt terrible for the guy. Asher had never so much as laid a hand on a fan before, and his girlfriend called him every night, berating him for hanging out with other girls. It wasn’t his fault that Wilder Side attracted a lot of attention from female fans, though. And now Donna had gone and slept with some photographer in Italy, claiming that she was just getting back at Asher. It was f**king ridiculous. Asher was as faithful as a puppy dog, and now this.
