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Billionaire Bad Boy

Billionaire Bad Boy(16)
Author: Kendra Little

"Not until Dug-E leaves town, you’re not. I think you could pass for twenty-two."

Great, another blow to her already fragile ego, although the shopping expedition had helped inflate it somewhat. Not only had Zack put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head, but when she tried on a pair of tight leather pants, his eyes had glazed over.

"They look great on you," he said huskily as he studied her reflection in the full-length mirror. She blushed and turned around so she couldn’t see herself, then realized too late that she was giving him a perfectly good view of her rear end in the mirror. She blushed again and raced into the changing room. The sooner she got the pants off the better.

Obviously Zack liked the sort of women who wore tight leather and skimpy outfits. She never wore them. And when this was over, never would again. He wouldn’t want to know her then.

But she bought the pants anyway.

It was five o’clock by the time they finished purchasing makeup and handbags and Annie wished she’d gone with her safe practical shoes instead of the red ones. She ached from her toes to her back. All she wanted to do was flip the shoes off and bathe her feet in a soothing tub.

"Hey, Zack," someone called. Annie groaned. Here we go again.

All day women had stopped him to say hi. Most he introduced her to, others he didn’t—at those times she tried not to laugh. Sometimes she was even successful.

This one, a brunette in tight black pants similar to the pair Annie had just bought, rubbed herself up against him.

To his credit, he subtly put some distance between them then placed his arm around Annie’s shoulders, pulling her to him. The brunette got the message and moved off, her nose in the air and br**sts thrust forward like weapons.

"You know," said Annie innocently, "giving these women the impression we’re dating isn’t good for your reputation."

"I know. Nor is it good for my love life."

Now she was intrigued. "So why are you doing it?"

"Pretending you’re my girlfriend?" He shrugged. "I’m taking the week off."

She thumped him on the arm and he smiled.

But then his face straightened and he gazed directly ahead. "Don’t worry. I’ll make sure everyone knows we’re not an item."

"Oh," she said, returning to reality with a thud. So that’s how it was. She was nobody. That stung, more than she cared to admit. But she should have seen it coming. Of course she was an embarrassment to him considering the women he dated—beautiful and buxom with confidence oozing from every de-toxed pore. She was a mousy bore who never went to parties. No competition. Not even close.

She sighed. As much as she was enjoying his company, she needed to keep things in perspective and not expect a fairytale ending. For now, she should just enjoy herself and maybe she’d make a friend in the process.

Zack could feel tension vibrating off Annie. She was annoyed at him. Ah well. It was easier having her annoyed, so that’s the way he’d try to keep things between them.

Except he couldn’t, not always. Having women approach him all day had helped keep Annie’s temper simmering. He hadn’t realized how many women he knew until today. And not one of them could he call a friend. He hoped he could call Annie one after this was all over.

Although being around her, constantly reminded of his feelings, could spell disaster.

He’d loved the day. Just being with her had been fun. Buying her things had been great. He’d lied about Bob paying for the clothes. Probably Bob would, but Zack had no intention of telling him. Or Annie. She’d make him return everything and he definitely didn’t want to do that. Then he’d never get to see her in those leather pants again, or that short skirt. His step faltered as he remembered how her ass had looked in the tight leather. H O T.

Then again, since he couldn’t—shouldn’t—have her, maybe he’d better return them…

They headed back to the Ferrari parked outside the Prada shop and piled their shopping bags in, then themselves. Zack cranked up the air conditioning and Annie placed her hands on the dash, spreading out her arms to get the full affect of the cool breeze.

"One more stop then we’ll head home and have a cold beer," he said.

She groaned.

"Okay, you can have a glass of wine."

"So where are we headed now?"

"The beach."

"The beach? But it’s getting late!"

"That’s the best time. All the sunbathers have gone home and the place actually seems peaceful."

"So why are we going to the beach if not for sunbathing?" She hesitated. "Oh. You’re not going to make me swim, are you?"

"You’ll see."

Annie rolled her eyes. If there was anything she hated more than an egotistical male it was an egotistical male who said "You’ll see" with a smile as broad as the Cheshire Cat’s.

After battling through traffic, Zack pulled the Ferrari into a parking spot at Santa Monica beach and got out. Annie did the same and followed him to an ice cream stand.

"We’re going to eat ice cream," she said not really believing it.

"Yep. That okay with you or are you way too sophisticated for ice cream?"

She scoffed at him. "Do I look sophisticated?"

He smiled. "What flavor?"

"Chocolate of course."

He ordered and paid for the ice creams and handed the chocolate one to her.

She licked it. "Now what?"

"We walk along the beach."

"Okay. But I don’t see what you’re trying to teach me here."

"To relax and enjoy the sunset."

She frowned, disbelieving. "That sounds a little too normal. I don’t think Dug-E would be interested in sunsets. Sunrises maybe, after a night of hard partying."

"I don’t care what Dug-E is interested in right now," Zack said, nudging her. "This isn’t part of your training."

She didn’t know what to make of that. Not part of her training. Then what were they doing? What possible motive could he have for taking her for a walk along the beach with ice cream at sunset?

Oh boy.


Annie’s face burned. Thank God Zack wasn’t looking at her. The idea that he might be interested in her made her head spin and her knees weak.

But she dismissed the notion as absurd. This was Zack DiMarco. Women like her didn’t end up with men like him. They dated lawyers or insurance salesmen. Although they probably slept with the Zack DiMarco’s of the world once in a while.

Now there was a goal to aim for. Maybe he’d already decided to aim for it. Maybe hot, steamy sex with her was his motive for this romantic walk. Now she was really nervous. And confused.
