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Billionaire Bad Boy

Billionaire Bad Boy(32)
Author: Kendra Little

She sat up. "What about?"

He sighed again and plucked at the sheet. "I really like you. And I don’t want to hurt you."

She swallowed the lump in her throat. She should’ve expected this. He’d already made it clear he wasn’t looking for a relationship, and in the heat of the moment, she thought that was fine with her. But now, as he prepared to give her the bad news, she wasn’t so sure anymore. She didn’t think she could handle reading about his latest attractive conquest in the gossip pages.

She struggled to hold back hot tears. "You don’t want me to get the wrong idea, but this is just sex. Isn’t that right?"

"Annie." He touched her shoulder but she shrugged his hand away. Deep down, she’d hoped he might eventually come round to the idea of having something other than occasional sex. Something more. She was such an idiot.

"Baby, I don’t know what to say…"

"Then don’t." She got out of bed then remembered her clothes were way back in the entrance hall. "I get the picture. No need to spell it out."

"But I like you. If things were different, if I wanted to settle down, then you’d definitely be at the top of my list."

She scoffed, unable to believe what she was hearing. "I’m flattered." She stormed out of the room.

He followed. "Annie, wait."

"Call me a cab."

"No, don’t go."

She rounded on him. "I’m leaving. I’m not staying here one second longer. You’ve made yourself clear, Zack, and I’m glad you did. You know, I thought I could do this, but I can’t. I just can’t."

"I understand. That’s one of the things I like about you. Stay." He reached for her but she shrugged him off. "We’ll talk about it."

She shook her head. "The least you can do is let me leave with my dignity." She picked up the phone in the kitchen and called a cab then found her clothes.

Zack watched her from the hall, arms crossed, eyes darkly brooding. And as beautifully naked as a Greek God. She tore her gaze away.

"I’m sorry." He stared down at his bare feet. "Can we still be friends?"

The vulnerability in his voice numbed her. She wanted to touch him, stroke his ruffled hair into place and kiss his forehead, but she couldn’t. It was too intimate a gesture now.

"I’ll wait outside. Good night, Zack."

He stood in the doorway as she walked quickly down the drive.

"I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at eight," he called after her. She would’ve asked why but she didn’t want to turn around so he could see her tears. He must have read her mind though because he added, "For Louisa’s party."

If she decided to go.

Of course she had to go. Bob needed her to get Dug-E and being seen with the right people on Zack DiMarco’s arm was like having a ticket to the moon—very rare and very expensive.


Zack closed the door when the lights of the cab faded away. He slumped against it and ran his hand through his hair. What a fool. If he’d just kept his mouth shut, none of this would have happened. They’d still be friends, she’d still be teasing him. He swore and thumped the door with his fist.

Although he felt awful—worse than he thought he would—he’d done the right thing. Annie was the last person he wanted to string along. She was too sweet, too vulnerable. She didn’t deserve to be led to believe he wanted a relationship with her. Best she knew the truth before it went too far.

Perhaps he should’ve said something before tonight, but he’d wanted her so bad, he doubted nothing would have stopped them from ending up where they did. He sighed as he put the kettle on in the kitchen. He wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight so he might as well enjoy a strong coffee.

Damn it. If only she wasn’t the marrying kind, they could’ve kept on having great sex, no strings attached. Tomorrow night was going to be hell at Louisa’s party, but he had to go. He needed to help out Bob. He owed him for what he’d done all those years ago.


The next night, Annie dressed in one of the new skirts and low-cut tops she’d bought with Zack. Too slutty. She tried on the leather pants but they only made her look like a biker, although she liked the way they hugged her butt. Maybe the hipsters. The reflection in the mirror winked with approval.

Eat your heart out Zack DiMarco.

With an electric blue top that revealed enough cle**age to make a man drool but not enough to make him drool on her, she decided she could pass for someone who knew what she was doing. She straightened her hair and applied makeup according to the instructions on a YouTube video. The first three attempts made her look like Dracula’s bride but after the fourth, she got the hang of it.

She slipped on a pair of black heels, then stepped back and checked herself out in the mirror.

She looked like the sort of woman who’d attended her father’s parties. The same sort that Zack dated. Well, she may hate her new look, but at least she would have made her father proud if he were alive. Not to mention pleasing Zack. She sighed, a little deflated by that thought.

The doorbell rang and her heart stopped. When it started again, it beat so fast and heavy she checked herself in the mirror to make sure it wasn’t noticeable beneath her skin-tight top.

She opened the door to a very dark, very sexy Zack. His gaze took in her outfit but his guard was up and she couldn’t read his thoughts. If it wasn’t for the quick peck on the cheek she would have wondered if he’d noticed her at all.

So that’s how he wanted to play the evening. She suddenly saw the entire night stretching out before her, and she wished she hadn’t agreed to go. Getting the cold shoulder from Zack for the next few hours would severely destroy her ego, and it was already hanging by a thread.


It definitely was not the reaction she wanted. Eyes popping out of his head would have been nice, a "wow" would be even better, and begging was definitely an acceptable response, but not this frankly-my-dear-I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude.

"Ready?" he asked.

He barely even waited for an answer before stepping back to allow her past. Annie scratched Snoopy behind the ears, locked her door and placed the keys in her Fendi bag.

He’d brought the Ferrari, and before she knew it they were zipping along familiar streets. They were heading back to his place.

"I thought we were going to Louisa’s."

"We are. She lives a few streets from me."

"You came all the way to pick me up when she lives near you! Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve driven myself."

He shrugged. "Forget about it."

She sighed and decided not to press the issue. He didn’t seem in the mood for logic.
