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Billionaire Undone ~ Travis

Billionaire Undone ~ Travis (Billionaire’s Obsession #5)(15)
Author: J.S. Scott

Ally did put in a few reminders as they stood in the elevator.

And then she changed his ringtone to a popular and very sexually explicit song, making sure the volume was full blast.

She smiled at him innocently as she handed it back, reminding herself to call him during one of his meetings today. With that supremely satisfying thought in mind, she stepped out of the elevator and made her way into the office, her grin broadening with every step she took.

Chapter 5

“You’re fired!” Ally had to hold the cell phone away from her ear to diminish the sound of Travis’s booming voice. “I was in a meeting with a bunch of very uptight old men when you called me. I thought they were all going to have a heart attack.”

Ally stifled a laugh as she put the phone back to her ear. “I’m sorry, Mr. Harrison, but I’m on my lunch right now. Feel free to berate me as soon as I get back to the office and I’m on the clock again.” She clicked the Off button on the phone, cutting off what she was certain would have been another long lecture from Travis. “He fired me.” Ally sighed and smiled wickedly at Asha Harrison. She and Asha had become friends since Asha had married Kade, the two of them getting together as often as they could.

Today, Asha had brought her a bouquet of flowers for her birthday, and insisted on taking her out for lunch. They were currently seated in a casual Italian restaurant, devouring sinful plates of pasta.

Asha looked radiantly pregnant and happy, and that fact made Ally genuinely smile. After all that Asha had been through, she deserved the happiness she’d found with Kade. Unlike Travis, Kade was a very likable man, and almost the complete opposite of his twin. While Travis was dark in both appearance and personality, Kade was blond and gorgeous, a former pro football player who almost always seemed to be wearing a grin, especially since he’d married Asha.

“You know…it isn’t like Travis couldn’t just check his phone and turn off any ringtone you set,” Asha mused, wiping her mouth with her napkin. “He’s a brilliant man, smart enough to think of doing that every day.”

Ally had often contemplated the same question. “I think he likes a reason to fight. He’s obstinate that way,” she replied, taking a sip of water to wash down the pasta.

So much for my diet. I might as well take the fettuccini and apply it directly to my hips.

“I think he does it on purpose,” Asha replied. “So he has a reason to seek you out.”

Ally snorted. “I doubt that. He avoids me like the plague. He’s been a bit…different. He’s only been a little less of an ass**le since I broke up with my fiancé.” She’d told Asha about her breakup on the way to the restaurant.

And now he’s taken to kissing me breathless! Ally decided not to share that little fact with Asha. More than likely it would get back to Kade.

“How different?” Asha questioned curiously.

Ally shrugged. “He listens occasionally. And he let me drive his Ferrari today because it was my birthday.”

Asha let out a low whistle. “That’s major,” she said sincerely. “He rarely even lets Kade drive his vehicles.” She put her fork down on her plate and picked up her water. “I think he has the hots for you. And so does my handsome husband.”

Ally nearly choked on her water, swallowing it with difficulty. She actually flushed when she thought about the heated kiss Travis had laid on her that morning. “I’m his assistant, and I irritate the hell out of him. I doubt very much that he’s lusting after me,” Ally denied, giving Asha a dubious look. He might have kissed her, and maybe he really would screw her, but Ally suspected it was just because she was single now, convenient and available.

“I’ve watched him when you’re around. He’s lusting,” Asha stated adamantly. “And neither of the Harrison men have ever been players. Kade had a longtime girlfriend to whom he was faithful for years, even though the bitch dropped him the moment he wasn’t physically perfect anymore. And Kade said that Travis is never seen with a woman. He had a few brief relationships in college, but nothing much since then.”

Asha was right. Travis did do everything alone. “Are you trying to tell me that Travis Harrison never gets laid?” she asked Asha curiously.

“If he does, he’s quiet about it,” Asha replied thoughtfully. “Travis likes to play the badass, but he does have a heart. He’s done some wonderful things with his charities.”

“I know,” Ally admitted. “If he wasn’t such a jackass, I’d probably worship him because he’s a brilliant businessman and humanitarian.”

“I think since he’s the oldest, he feels totally responsible for repairing the Harrison name after the scandal with his parents. The whole family was completely humiliated, and hounded unmercifully by the press. Their life was a living hell for a very long time.”

Although Ally hadn’t known Travis at that time, she knew about the Harrison scandal; she knew that the siblings’ father had killed their mother and then took his own life. “It had to have been horrible for all of them,” Ally admitted, her heart bleeding for a younger and more vulnerable Travis.

Asha nodded. “It was. And Kade says Travis always got the worst of it from his father because he was always trying to protect them. ” Asha visibly shuddered. “The man was completely insane, and I can only imagine the kind of abuse Travis suffered. I know what Kade went through, but he swears that Travis took most of it.”

Ally’s heart squeezed in her chest. The thought of a very young Travis taking abuse from his father made her clench her fist in indignation. She’d had a chaotic upbringing and a humiliating one, but she suspected her sad childhood with her alcoholic mother had probably been nothing compared to what Travis had suffered at the hands of a madman. “What about their mother?”

Asha hesitated for moment before answering. “I don’t know, but from what Kade has told me, I’m not sure she was all there either. She was terrified of her husband, and did nothing to protect the kids.”

“So they were all completely screwed,” Ally mused aloud.

“Speaking of getting screwed, how are you holding up after what happened with your lowlife fiancé?” Asha asked in a hushed tone. “Are you really okay, Ally?”

Ally nodded at Asha as she toyed with her pasta. “I am. I have some things to clear up, but I’ll survive.”
