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Billionaire Undone ~ Travis

Billionaire Undone ~ Travis (Billionaire’s Obsession #5)(40)
Author: J.S. Scott

“And Tate saved her life,” Ally finished, having already heard that story from Asha.

“Yes,” Travis admitted.

“So your family knows?”

“No,” Travis replied irritably. “What am I going to tell them, Ally? They’ll think I’m as crazy as my father.”

“No, they will not,” Ally answered, her voice infuriated. “They’d never think that. Travis, you have a gift, a gift that saved both Mia’s life and Asha’s. It’s nothing to be ashamed about.”

He looked up at her dubiously. “My father was certifiable, Ally. And it isn’t a gift. I think it’s a goddamn curse. It’s not predictable. It doesn’t always help—”

“It has helped. I understand your frustration over not having control over it. But it saved your sister and your sister-in-law. “

“It makes me different. Separate from everyone else. I’ve always hated it,” Travis growled. “But yeah, since it helped Mia and Asha, I’d rather have it and be different than to see either of them harmed.”

“It makes you special. And you allow it to separate you. Especially from your family,” Ally argued. “I’m not saying you have to tell the whole world, but the people who care about you will understand. I think they’d accept it better than you think.”

Would they really? Travis thought about what he imagined Ally’s reaction would be to him, and he’d been totally wrong. Was it possible that he was so afraid that people would think he was as crazy as his father that he was overreacting? “I’ll think about it,” he grumbled.

“Thank you,” Ally said, her face lighting up in a smile.

Travis felt like he’d just gotten sucker punched in the gut. He wanted to tell Ally how much it meant to him that she could accept him as he was, but he didn’t know how. “I’m glad you didn’t leave me,” he told her in a husky voice. Not exactly what he’d wanted to say, but he meant those words too. Really, he was more than glad. His whole world had crumbled when he thought he’d never see her again, that he’d never see her sweet smile directed at him in the future. Her take-charge attitude and naughty words this morning had nearly made him come unglued, and she was actually becoming a c**k teaser, which he loved. As long as the only c**k she teased was his. Ally was starting to recognize her own sexuality, and he found that budding boldness erotic as hell. The fact that she hadn’t rebuffed him because of his peculiar ability of precognition, and had in fact accepted it quite easily, had sealed her fate. She was his forever. She just hadn’t entirely realized it yet.

“You’re worth fighting for, Travis, even if it did test my boundaries a little.”

He hated the vulnerability in her voice. “Baby, there are no boundaries between us. You can cross any lines with me at any time. Especially like you did this morning,” he rasped, trying not to remember watching her go down on him with such rampant enthusiasm.

“I want you to trust me,” she said, slightly forlorn.

“I do. It’s me I didn’t trust. Forgive me?”

Travis watched as she pretended to contemplate his words for a minute, a period of time when he didn’t even breathe.

“Mmmm…I suppose. But it might take a little making up on your part.” She gave him a sultry smile.

“Name it,” he agreed eagerly, finally taking a breath. There was nothing he wasn’t prepared to give Ally.

She pulled a bound manuscript from its place beside her from her chair. “Read the next book and give me your honest opinion. I had time to finish it while I was on vacation.”

Travis hadn’t even noticed that she’d brought it into the office with her, probably because he’d been too busy noticing her c**k torture device of a dress. He snatched it eagerly, excited that she’d finished the next book. “That’s not a make-up, sweetheart. That would be my pleasure.”

“Then can I have one more thing?” she asked hesitantly.

“Tell me.”

“Will you let me touch you like I did this morning more from now on?”

Travis nearly groaned aloud. Ally would kill him, but in a good way. He was giving her anything she wanted, and her only request was to be able to touch him more? He was a damn billionaire, capable of making her every dream come true, yet all she seemed to want was…him. “If you do it, you’d better be ready for a quickie,” he warned her dangerously.

“No problem,” she told him with a wicked smile. “You recover very quickly.”

Now that was the truth when it came to Ally. He had another erection within five minutes of f**king her. “I’ll try,” he grumbled.

Her face lit up so joyously that Travis decided he’d let her do any damn thing she wanted to do to him, as long as she looked at him exactly that way for the rest of his life. She might be the death of him, but he’d die a very happy man.

Chapter 14

Their trip to Colorado the next day was uneventful, but for Ally, it was spectacular. She’d never been in Travis’s private jet, and the luxury of the aircraft was unbelievable to her. Of course Travis had wanted to spend most of their flight time showing her the bedroom, which she gladly enjoyed right along with him.

She leaned back in the leather seat of the BMW she’d rented for him, unable to find him the Ferrari he’d requested. “Sorry you have to slum it with the BMW,” she told him facetiously.

“I guess I’ll just have to be a regular guy,” he answered with a grin.

She snickered, knowing Travis Harrison would never be just a regular man. “Yeah, just a real average Joe,” she agreed, nodding her head. “With two security vehicles following us from the minute we left that luxury jet.”

“Tate’s guys,” Travis said, disgruntled, maneuvering through traffic once they left the city limits of Denver. “You’ll be pretty safe once we get to Rocky Springs.”

“Me? It’s not me they’re protecting, Travis.”

“Of course it is. That’s the only reason I told Tate to send more than one. I wanted to be alone on the flight, so I left your security at the airport back in Florida, and told Tate to send some of his guys to the airport here. I don’t worry much about my own security. I worry about yours.”

“I’ve never had security before.” She looked at him, puzzled.

“Sweetheart, your beautiful ass has been tailed ever since your ex showed up at your house. You just didn’t know it.”
