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Bit the Jackpot

Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires #2)(10)
Author: Erin McCarthy

She got two feet before her legs gave out from under her. The carpet rushed up to meet her and she was two inches from a resounding splat when Seamus grabbed her and scooped her up.

"Whoa take it easy. You need some time before you go tearing off." He smiled down at her as he cradled her in his arms.

It was that charming smile again. The one that pissed her off because she couldn’t help but feel her body respond to it. The memory of his hands rubbing over her chest rushed through her mind, making her feel warm and distracted. He really was so damn attractive.

"I’ll take care of your pets," he said in a low, gentle voice. "And I didn’t leave you on the street dead because it was my fault you were there in the first place. I’m sorry, Cara. I’m very, very sorry."

It was hard to hold on to all of her anger when he looked so full of remorse, so solemn. Cara relaxed in his arms a little, realizing that if he hadn’t turned her into a vampire, she would be dead. Something she didn’t really like the sound of. Maybe vampire wasn’t such a bad deal given the alternative. She would just have to readjust her expectations for her life. But she wanted to go home, be alone, and think.

"You can’t go home," he said. "You have to stay with me until I think it’s safe for you to leave." He smiled. "And in the meantime, maybe we can explore that Egyptian slave fantasy of yours."

"What?" Cara scrambled to get out of his arms, her cheeks burning. "I don’t know what you’re talking about!" The bastard was reading her thoughts.Just plucking them right out of her head.

"Yes, I am," he said, with no sign of an apology.

"That’s incredibly rude!" Cara managed to get her feet on the ground, but her waist was still trapped in Seamus’s grip.

He shrugged. "It’s a vampire talent. One I’m good at."

"Well, stop it!" She wiggled in his arms, jerking backward against his grip. All she managed todo was bounce right back into his chest. Her cheek hit his pectoral muscle and her lips tasted the cotton of his T-shirt.

Desperate to get away from him, she bent her knees and dropped down to slip out of his arms, but he just grabbed her shoulders. He had the strength of ten men.The strength of a vampire. He wasn’t even struggling to hold her and she suddenly became aware that her face was on his crotch. Her nose was pressing into the denim on his thigh and she could see a bump that wasn’t a cell phone.

"Sorry," she said, mortified. This was not a position she’d intended to get into.

"I’m kind of enjoying it," he said, sounding amused. But he still helped her stand until she was facing him.

Cara was breathing hard, feeling dizzy,a sharp burning sensation in her stomach distracting her. Seamus’s lip was right in front of her and it was pink, soft. There was a smell she didn’t recognize, sharp and tinny, and saliva pooled in her mouth. She went to lick her lips and bit her tongue by accident.

"You’re hungry, aren’t you?" Seamus asked, his hands stroking her shoulders. "You smell my blood, Cara. You want more, don’t you?"

She wasn’t sure what she wanted, just that the world seemed sharper, the colors brighter, the sound amplified and super heightened. Her mouth watered, her eyes narrowed, and she focused on the vein in Seamus’s neck, pulsing, pulsing,pulsing .

"Go on," he whispered, pulling her flush against his body. "Take what your body wants."

His hand pushed her closer and closer to him until her lips hovered over his flesh, an inch from his neck. Cara shut her eyes, flicked her tongue out,licked him. His breath caught, and she felt a deep hot hunger rip all the way through her, consume her, inflame her. She wanted with a ferociousness that was as frightening as it was powerful. Cara opened her mouth and bit, sinking her new fangs into his body, instinctively sucking his blood up and over her tongue.

It tasted unpleasant, like alcohol on the rocks, harsh and stinging, but even as her mouth protested, her body rejoiced. She felt it warm her everywhere, winging out in all directions, an erotic heady elixir of power and satisfaction. Heat pooled in her womb, tugged at her ni**les, tickled between her thighs. She spread her legs on either side of his thigh and rocked herself against him, the hardness of his erection catching her own inner thigh with each bump.

She drank and moved, body pressing against his with growing urgency. It felt delicious, frantic, a desperate desire for more, more, more. Seamus cupped her breast, brushing aside her robe while she continued to draw on him, sucking harder and harder, her grip intense, her body flush with pleasure. When he pinched her nipple, she broke the bite and gave a soft cry as she came. The orgasm took her by surprise, stealing her breath, and sending her head flinging back. She ground against him and rode it out, the sharp pleasure intense and all-consuming.

Cara forced her eyes open, sucked in some air, and stared at Seamus as her body shuddered in tiny aftershocks. "Whoa. Does that always happen?" Maybe this vampire thing had fringe benefits. That was the best orgasm she’d ever had.

Seamus shook his head, his eyes dark and filled with lust. "No."

"Too bad."Cara wiped her mouth and grimaced at the blood. "It tastes disgusting in my mouth, but what it does everywhere else " She shivered in pleasure."Amazing."

He pulled his hand from her breast. "You’re amazing, you know that?Gorgeous, just absolutely gorgeous." Seamus brushed her hair off her forehead. "Everything will be fine."

"Okay," she said, because she was feeling too satisfied to care otherwise.

"Now why don’t you take a shower while I go check on youranimals. "

Cara touched Seamus’s neck where she had bitten. The holes were quickly healing. She wondered how soon he would let her do that again. "Can you bring my babies here? I’d like to see them."

"Of course I can. I want to help you adjust, Cara. I want to make sure you’re comfortable. Whatever you want, I’ll try to give you."

She ran her finger over his flesh where the wound was almost completely gone. He really, really felt good.

"Whatever I want?" She licked her lips again and wondered if there were other places she could bite him.

Chapter Four

"Don’t let her leave," Seamus told Alexis for the third time.

"I heard you." Alexis rolled her eyes at him.

"And don’t let her drink any more blood. She’s had enough."More than enough. He’d let her feed off him three times.

"Yes, Dad."

Seamus paced back andforth, not at all sure it was wise to leave Cara with Alexis. "As soon as Ethan gets back from looking for Kelsey, ask him to stay with you and Cara, okay?"
