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Bit the Jackpot

Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires #2)(15)
Author: Erin McCarthy

"Mr. Spock is my Chihuahua . Where he is?" Cara made sure the navy bed sheet was still over most of her body.Being around Seamus made her feel naked.

"He’s scarfing down some really expensive dog food in my kitchen. I can’t believe you named him Mr. Spock. No wonder he’s such an ass**le. I would be, too, if that was my name." Seamus came into the room, Fritz following along beside him like he was tethered to his leg.

"He’s not an ass**le!" Cara sat up, indignant. No one messed with her fur babies. "I named him Mr. Spock because of his ears, and he’s very sweet." And how dare he walk around with Fritz like he washis dog?

"If that’s sweet, I’d hate to see pissed off." Seamus sat down on the bed by Cara’s feet, his legs spread and his forearms on his thighs, hands cupped together. Fritz trotted in between his knees and shamelessly rubbed his head under Seamus’s ears.

"How are you feeling?"

"Are you talking to me or the dog?" she asked in annoyance."Because he looks pretty content."

"He likes me," Seamus said, making cutesy faces at her dog. "Don’t ya , buddy? Yep, we’re good friends now, aren’t we?"

Fritz gave a happy bark.

Cara bit her lip and tried not to feel jealous. It didn’t work.

Seamus turned to her. "But I meant you, actually. How are you feeling?"

That was a good question. Cara thought about it. She still felt a little tired, but otherwise fine.Great, in fact. Strong and highly aware of the room around her, of texture on her skin, the sound of the air-conditioning humming, and the amazing ability to see even though the room was dark. Physically, she was the new and improved Cara.

Mentally?She was feeling a little stressed, to put it politely.

"I’m fine."Total lie. Her whole life had been altered forever. She was borderline hysterical and altogether terrified, yet she had no intention of letting him know how vulnerable she felt.

"I brought a suitcase full of clothes and stuff from your apartment. It’s in the corner by the closet." He gestured in that direction. "Why don’t you get changed and we can give you a tour of the casino and discuss some relevant issues."

"What time is it?" She felt like she’d slept for hours, yet she sensed it was still dark outside.

"Just past midnight."

She stared at Seamus blankly. "But I didn’t leave the club until almost two. How can it be midnight?"

"It’s midnight on Thursday. You slept through the day."

"Thursday?"Cara shoved back the blankets. "Shit! I’m late for work." She swung her legs around until she was sitting next to Seamus, looking around frantically for her suitcase. She did not want to lose this job. It paid well, and the management understood her appeal to clientele was the mystery of the screen. Never had they asked her to dance without it, which kept her happy.

"I called you in sick for the next two weeks. Your manager was very understanding when I explained you got hit by a car."

Cara stopped en route to her suitcase and swung around. "You didwhat ? Maybe we need to discuss our issues right now, because you cannot just walk into my life and take charge. Rule number one: Back off."

Furious, she glared at him. He just petted Fritz and stared back at her, very calm and confident.

"Rule number two," he said. "Until I am convinced you understand all facets of your new life, and I’m assured of your safety from the two vampires who attacked us in the alley, you will not be working at the club. You will not be leaving this casino, or even this apartment, without an appropriate escort."

"That’s ridiculous!"

"It’s for your own good."

"What are you, my dad?" Cara stomped over to her suitcase, so angry she was on the verge of tears. She could not, would not, stay with him, doing whatever he wanted. She had always lived her life on her terms, free from the suffocating domination of men. The one time she had given up control, letherself fall in love, she’d only lived to regret it. She wanted to maul Seamus for doing this to her.

When she bent over to unzip her suitcase, her head spun a little, and her stomach burned. She tried to ignore it.

"No, fatherly is not how I feel about you."

Determined to ignore the sensual ripple moving over her body at the sexy huskiness in his voice, she zipped the suitcase open, still upright, and let the contents slide out toward the floor in a pile of bunched clothing. "I don’t want to stay here," she said firmly.

"I know. But you don’t have a choice." Seamus drummed his thumbs on his knees. "It’s to protect you, Cara.To protect every vampire in the nation. If you stumble around not knowing what you’re doing, you risk your exposure—and therefore our exposure—to mortals. Or you could inadvertently break our rules and bring censure down on yourself. I can’t allow that."

"Alexis said you’re anal to a fault." She pawed through the pile looking for some clean panties. And a bra would be really helpful. It was dangerous to walk around in a tight T-shirt without one around Seamus.

"I’m very organized.Thorough. If that’s a flaw to Alexis, clearly we don’t agree."

Yes, he was thorough. There was everything she could need in her suitcase. Toiletries, makeup bag, hairbrush, blow-dryer, pj’s , matching bra and panty sets, an assortment of jeans and shirts, and gym shoes.

He had even packed her vibrator.

Cara felt her cheeks go hot. He must have gone through her dresser drawers. He must have foundthat drawer.The one that had various forms of stress relief, as she liked to think of it. He must have packed it to embarrass her, but somehow that didn’t seem like something Seamus would do. Her first assessment made more sense—that he was just thorough, gathering everything he thought she might want.

Because she remembered that it hadn’t been in her drawer at all. She’d left it out on the bed.In full view.After using it. Oh, help.

He must have assumed it was a necessity to her if it was out and ready to go.

Could she be any more mortified?

"What’s the matter? Did I forget something? I can go back for you or we can buy anything you need in the casino. There are a dozen shops downstairs."

That he could sound so innocent, so helpful, ticked her off."Ones that sell these?" She picked up the vibrator and waved it in the air, wanting to make it clear to him she wasn’t addicted to it or anything. She wasn’t embarrassed she had it, but she sure in hell didn’t want him to think sheneeded it. "Thanks for packing it, but I could have gone a few days without it."

Seamus’sjaw dropped. "I didn’t pack that! Ethan packed your bag."
