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Bit the Jackpot

Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires #2)(52)
Author: Erin McCarthy

"Why not?"Cara pressed her hand to her forehead. This didn’t make sense.

"Because one, you are usually taking blood from a more powerful vampire, increasing your own power. Two, you are draining them, meaning they have to drink double their normal quantity. Three, most importantly of all, it can be used as a means of control, a way for an older vampire to create a submissive fledgling because it’s addictive. Essentially, it’s illegal so we can protect the rights of fledglings." Alexis shook her head."Holy shit. I can not even fathom why Seamus, of all vampires, would do this."

"Addictive? It’s addictive? I’maddicted to Seamus?" It wasn’t love she was experiencing, it was chemical dependency? Cara felt hot everywhere, a sick churning in her stomach, panic rising up into her throat. "You mean I’m like Ringo ? I have to check into rehab or what?"

"I don’t think that’s a good comparison," Alexis said quickly. "He’s chemically addicted to drugs. I think what vamp feeding does is more like an association of extreme pleasure with feeding."

"Oh, that sounds so much better," Cara choked out. She was stunned, humiliated, devastated. "I have to talk to Seamus." Murder him.

"Okay, okay." Alexis shoved the bag of blood at her. "Here, if you want it. And Cara, I’msorry, I didn’t mean to just blurt it out like that I’m sure it’s not a big deal."

"Of course it is, and you know it. I’m glad you told me." Cara glanced disdainfully at the blood bag, knowing it was going to be cold and tinny. Then anger propelled her to grab it. She would drink it and she would like it. She was not going to be addicted to Seamus Fox, slimy lying pervert that he was.

Tossing her head back, she drank the whole thing, trying not to gag. She managed to keep it all in, and shuddered, crushing the empty bag in her hand like a frat boy with a beer can.

"Hungry?" Kelsey asked as she came into the room wearing a fluffy white towel.

"I’m going to kill Seamus," Cara told her.

"I hear ya ," Alexis said. "I’m pretty pissed at my own husband right now."

"I’m very very grateful I am not married to Seamus," Cara said, locating a trash can and dropping the bag into it. "If I was, we’d be heading to vampire divorce court."

Anger felt good. It was better than the alternative, which was bursting into tears. For a second, she had almost succumbed to crying, but this was better. Anger could be stoked, flung at the source of the problem, used as a shield to protectyourself from embarrassing displays of vulnerability.

"A vampire divorce isn’t easy to get. I think Ethan’s sister Gwenna is only one of a handful whohave managed to do it."

Cara wiped her hands on her jeans. She hadn’t even known Ethan had a sister. "Who was she married to?"

" Donatelli."

"No kidding? That guy gets around." She turned to Kelsey. "Are you sure you’re okay?"

"I’m fine." Kelsey was rooting around in the pile of clothes on the bed.

"Okay, thenI’m leaving. Seamus has some squirming—I mean explaining—to do." She patted her pockets to make sure she had her room key. "Too bad Ethan has your sword, Alexis. I could use it right about now."

"Maybe it’s good that you don’t. You don’t want to cut off anything you may regret not having later."

"Hah. I would die—again—before I ever have sex with Seamus Fox." It was the thought of the night before, the way he had made love to her, that sent her careening out the door, the tears refusing to be held back any longer.

Seamus glanced absently at his cell phone. Damn. It was Cara. He and Ethan were strategizing how to approach Donatelli , if at all. They were weighing their options and hadn’t yet come to any conclusions.

He knew Cara had picked up on his discomfort earlier. She had looked hurt when he hadn’t said good-bye. But he hadn’t trusted himself to speak, not after she had spoken into his head that she loved him. He hadn’t answered because he hadn’t known what to say. He did love her. He loved her immensely, witha richness and depth he hadn’t even dreamt was possible. But that very love was clouding his judgment, and he had made grave mistakes.Again.

If he was avoiding her, it was because he didn’t know how to explain that, how to make it clear he wanted to marry her more than anything, but that he didn’t trust himself.

"You can answer that," Ethan said, relaxing back in the leather chair behind his desk.

"Thanks." Seamus cleared his throat and stood up. It wasn’t the time to tell Cara anything, especially since he didn’t know how to articulate what he was feeling, but he still felt nervous. Like she knew he was having unexplainable doubts.

"Hello?" he said cautiously.

Even as he answered, Ethan’s cell phone rang. "Shit,it’s Alexis. Pissed off at me, I’m sure."

"Seamus, I need to talk to you," Cara said. "When will you be back?"

Her voice sounded funny, like other people were around and she was trying to be discreet.

"I’m not sure, babe.Half an hour?"

"How about now.This can’t wait."

Uh-oh.That was anger. He knew that tone. That was the pissy, you’ve totally screwed up voice. He glanced at Ethan, who was grimacing and saying into his own cell phone, "Fine. I said okay.Fine. No, I didn’t. Alexis "

His conversation didn’t sound any more promising than Sea- mus’sso he figured they were both going to have to take a break from politics and do a little relationship damage control.

Seamus sighed. "Okay. I’ll be home in five minutes."

"Good." She disconnected without saying good-bye.

He had no clue what could have possibly made her angry. But maybe that was a positive thing. She wouldn’t be so hurt, so side-swiped when he told her he had made a mistake and that he wasn’t sure if they were going in the right direction. That he needed to think about his future and assess why he couldn’t have a relationship without adversely affecting other people in his life.

Ethan dropped his phone on his desk. "It is not the least bit satisfying to hang up a cell phone. You can’t even get a proper slamming action when you’re mad as hell."

"Alexis giving you a hard time?"

"Yes. As if she has a right to be irritated about me not rushing to tell her Corbin was in town. What am I, the man’s bloody secretary? And then she shows up with a sword this morning and can’t possibly see why I’m angry.Bugger." He reached out and bent a ballpoint pen in half. "That feels better. Do you need to leave, too? Alexis said Cara is steaming about something herself."

"Did she say why?" It might be nice to know what he was walking into.
