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Bled Dry

Bled Dry (Vegas Vampires #3)(39)
Author: Erin McCarthy

The panties hit the floor with a soft thump and Corbin yanked off his shirt, unzipped his pants so he could feel his body against hers. When his skin touched hers, his chest to her back, he closed his eyes, reveled in the way she felt, his senses on high alert.

He moved his finger inside her, nudging her thighs apart. Brittany’s breathing was tight, stifled, quicker and quicker as he stroked faster and deeper. Her backside pressed against his erection, and he wanted her fiercely, wanted her with a primal irrational intensity. It had been like this the first night with her, and the second, and now again… it was different than with other women, unsophisticated, raw, reckless. He was different.

“Corbin,” she whispered. “I can’t help it, I’m going to… ”

Opening his eyes to catch the view, he watched her climax in the mirror, saw how her fingers fluttered toward the wall, enjoyed the way she bit her lip to hold back her cry, watched the graceful curve of her neck as her head tilted back. Her jugular pulsed violently, her heartbeat fast and erratic to his vampire ears. A beautiful, amazing sight, and a satisfying thing to know he could make her feel that way, that he could coax her naked in a fitting room, that he, and he alone, had planted a seed in her womb and brought a child to life.

She was his.

And as he entered her from behind, sliding his aching c**k into her softness, he bit her shoulder, holding her in place, keeping her locked to him, with him, together. A soft moan escaped her, and Corbin would have responded in kind except he was tasting her blood, drowning in the ecstasy of blending her with him everywhere, burying himself in her thighs while his teeth sank into her vein. He wouldn’t take too much, because of the baby, but just enough to slide her taste past his lips and tongue, enough to feel their thoughts intermingle.

There weren’t coherent sentences emerging from Brittany, but thoughts and feelings. He could hear, feel, sense pleasure, wonder, hope emanating from her in wave after wave.

Brittany, he murmured in his head, wanting to see if that bond between them, strangely absent in recent months, was there, intact. Do you like the way I feel inside you?

Yes, she answered, clearly and immediately. I really like it. You have the most amazing cock.

Corbin broke his bite and groaned out loud, feeling his body tighten as he thrust harder. What man wouldn’t want to hear that ? She could be lying, ego stroking, reciting a line from a  p**n ographic film, he didn’t care. Her words sent him crashing into an orgasm, his fingers digging into her thighs.

“Brittany,” he groaned as he pushed forward, knocking her into the mirror, her hands and forehead slapping the glass. “Beautiful Brittany.”

Her lips moved, no sound emanating, as she had another small orgasm, her body clenching his, coaxing his climax to linger. He was slowing down, but unwilling to retreat from the warmth of her entirely when a knock on the door made them both jump.

“Is everything okay?” the salesclerk asked.

“Fine,” he said, his voice coming out in a growl.

“Then could you leave the fitting room, sir? It’s not really good for business.”

Brittany gave a soft laugh. “Whoops. We got carried away, didn’t we?”

“I am helping her try on ze clothes,” Corbin said with as much dignity as he could muster with his manhood still out of his pants.

“Um-hm,” was the clerk’s response.

Corbin licked Brittany’s shoulder to heal the puncture wounds he had made and pulled back with both satisfaction and regret. They would have to continue this at home.

She bent over and scooped up her panties. “I feel ready to take on the Baby Superstore now. That was very relaxing.”

Relaxing? Corbin felt tight everywhere, like his pants had shrunk. He did not want to shop for baby bottles. He wanted to take Brittany home and make love to her slowly and skillfully all night long.

“Ze Baby Superstore?” He wiped his mouth and zipped, handing her the jeans she’d been wearing from the hook on the door.

“Yes. It’s so much easier to register now. All we have to do is scan and go. Piece of cake.”


Nothing was a piece of cake with Corbin. Brittany scratched her itchy stomach through her shirt and watched her bloodsucking boyfriend assess car seats. After his initial exclamation of, “Why the hell are there so many?” he had methodically started at one end and was reading the features of each seat.

Fortunately, he read quickly, his lips moving as he ticked them off down the line. Halfway through the twenty models, he looked at her and said, “When I was a boy, my nanny just held me on her lap.”

“Unless you’re a celebrity, that will get you arrested nowadays.” She really wanted to tell him to just pick one, damn it, but she’d already tried that in the baby monitor aisle and had mortally wounded his feelings. Even worse, it hadn’t made him move any faster. Apparently vampires were used to disposable time, because Corbin moved like molasses uphill in a snowstorm.

“I think this one is too masculine. What if it is a girl?” He gestured to the stripped navy blue car seat.

Brittany didn’t think she cared, really. It wasn’t like their daughter was going to have a gender crisis because her car seat was blue, and besides, she didn’t believe in encouraging those kinds of stereotypes. But if it helped him narrow the list down, she’d be down with blue. “Good point.”

“Then again, on the other hand, this has the highest safety ranking.”

If he weren’t so damn adorable, Brittany would be sorry she’d brought him. But he was adorable. He was so sweet and concentrating so hard, so flippin’ cute, that she wanted to just eat him up whole. How lucky could she be? She’d had unprotected sex with a vampire she barely knew from Adam and gotten pregnant, not an auspicious beginning. But not only had he stepped up to the plate to accept his responsibility, he was giving her hot fitting room sex and debating the pros and cons of car seats like they were sinking half a million dollars into buying a house, not spending a hundred on a carrier seat they’d use for a whopping six months. Because he cared about their baby’s safety. Swoon.

Not every girl pregnant by a vampire was going to be that lucky, you know.

But it still made for a long night. Thank God the store was open until midnight. She would have previously wondered who shopped for baby supplies at eleven at night, but now she had her answer. Tired fathers buying formula and diapers, stressed-out mothers dashing in to pick up infant Tylenol, crying, red-faced babies in their arms, and pregnant dentists whose undead partners slept all day long.
