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Bled Dry

Bled Dry (Vegas Vampires #3)(42)
Author: Erin McCarthy

“Now you’ll have to settle for the presidency. Not nearly as exciting.”

“True. But the power is the same, and the power is what I enjoy.”

Didn’t they all.

Corbin was high on the power of the scanner and the growing rapport between himself and Brittany. They were comfortable with each other in a way that had been missing previously, and it was pleasant, fun to be with her, while they made decisions about innumerable baby products, and laughed together at the ludicrousness of black leather jackets for infants.

They had registered for approximately nine thousand baby products, which led Corbin to wonder how human beings even managed to sustain themselves as a race if that much effort and expense went into their first year of life. But he had to confess, after the initial stress of too many options, he had enjoyed picking products out, and had even found himself with a sudden inexplicable attachment to the stars and moon nursery theme, picking the pattern whenever it was an option. Brittany had teased him about it, but she hadn’t protested, and had let him register for the whole bedding set, draperies, and wallpaper border. He thought perhaps it was his need for his child to appreciate the night, his father’s world. Or maybe he just liked the yellow stars. He wasn’t sure. He just knew he was grateful to be a part of the minutiae regarding his child, knew that suddenly everything felt important and wonderful and hopeful.

It was all those complex, myriad, and amazing feelings coursing through him that prompted Corbin to say to Brittany in the car, “Spend the night with me.”

She glanced over at him, leaning against the passenger door. “I have to go to work tomorrow. It’s already really late.”

He noticed then that she had circles under her eyes from fatigue, and she was leaning out of pure sleepiness. Even more reason he didn’t want to take her home. It would make him feel better to watch over her, ensure she was safe. He had work to do, and needed to feed, but he liked the idea of placing her in his bed, hearing her breathe while he was in the next room.

Raising his eyebrows up and down, he shot a grin at her before refocusing on the road. “I do not have designs on your person, ma chйrie . I have already had that delight once tonight. But I am not ready to part from you. Does that make sense to you? I would just like you near me.”

It was the right thing to say. Her expression softened. “Oh. I do know what you mean. And I did buy that sleep shirt from the maternity store… ”

“Then it’s settled. We’re much closer to my apartment anyway.” Pausing at a red light, he asked her, “Do you think it’s a girl or a boy?”

“I don’t know. I don’t have any sense one way or the other.”

“I think it is a girl,” he said. There was no reason why he felt that way, he just did. And it was a new feeling to realize that for the first time in a long time, a great deal of his thoughts revolved around someone other than himself, and that he and Brittany shared a focus, shared the secret of their child. “What shall we name her?”

“God, I have no idea. There are a million choices.” She sighed, a good content sigh. “A girl would be nice. But so would a boy. I just want our baby to be healthy.”

“She will be.” Corbin couldn’t guarantee that, any more than the average father to be, but he didn’t want Brittany to worry. He didn’t want to worry. He only wanted to discover who Brittany’s father was and test his vaccine, which he was sure was ready. Action was better than sitting back waiting for disaster. “And I am fond of the name Renee.”

“That’s a nice name,” Brittany said in a voice that indicated she’d name their child Monkey before she’d choose Renee. “I was kind of thinking of the name Coco, though.”

Corbin was horrified. “That is a dog’s name. It is not dignified. And I thought you said you had no ideas, no preferences.”

“It worked for Coco Chanel.”

That did not make it any less of a poodle’s name. “What about Chantal? Marie?”

“Does it have to be French?”

That took him aback. Mais oui was his first reaction. But he supposed that was a bit inflexible. “It would please me, but it is not a requirement. It is a decision we should make together.”

“We have plenty of time. And we should pick a boy name, too, just in case you’re wrong.” She patted his leg. “It can happen, you know. You being wrong.”

Was she calling him arrogant? Corbin frowned. “Occasionally. But not very often.”

She laughed as they pulled into his apartment complex. Looking at the area in the dark, Corbin realized it was a bit shabby, not the safest neighborhood, lingering on the fringes of a crime-ridden neighborhood. But he had chosen it for its proximity to downtown and the casinos, and crime didn’t bother him. He’d yet to meet a mortal man, gun or no gun, who was a match for his vampiric strength and speed.

Yet it wasn’t the place to bring Brittany to at midnight. Nor should he be raising a child in this area, not when he had the means to move.

Parking the car, he turned to her, and took her hand. His expression must have been serious, because her laughter died. “What? What’s wrong?”

He caressed her fingers in his. “Marry me. Let’s buy a house and really start a life together.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Just a few hours ago we agreed to officially be dating… now you want to get married?”

“Yes.” When put that way, it sounded a little less than rational, but his conviction did not change. “And if you recall, I have always wanted to get married.”

“You’re insane. You’re more impulsive than me. And I swear, that’s why I like you so much.”

Corbin liked to think he was intuitive, not impulsive. He was a scientist. He did his work slowly and methodically, yes, but he also went with what modern slang called the gut instinct. It had served him in research, and he was certain it was right once again.

They had to get married.

“I don’t want to do something crazy… I need to think… ”

Knowing when to retreat, he kissed her forehead. “That you consider it is all I ask. We are good together.”

And they would stay together. He would do anything to ensure that.


Maybe they should move in together.

Brittany lay in bed beside Corbin, knowing she needed to get up, go home, shower, head to the office.

But she was still sleepy, languid, warm under the comforter. And Corbin had just returned to bed for the day, and he was already asleep, his breathing steady, mouth slightly open. She liked being next to him and didn’t want to leave. It had been very nice to be waking up, dozing in and out as he had stripped down to his boxer shorts, climbed under the sheets, and given her a soft kiss. Just like it had felt comforting, safe, to go to sleep knowing he was working in the next room.
