Read Books Novel

Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(13)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Bye, Helen,” I called out to her from the doorway.

“Hey slapper, wait a minute. I want to check out that fine piece of … oh, shit! Hi.” Her face turned a hilarious shade of bright red as she rounded the door to come face to face with a now grinning Sean Miller.

“Hi. Helen is it?” he said, holding out his hand to hers. Even at twenty-two, Sean was all about manners and treating others right. It was the old fashioned values that his grandparents had instilled in him, following the foundation built by his parents before they died.

“Y-Yes. Hi. Sorry, I suffer from a debilitating condition called verbal vomit. Don’t hold it against me. Well, unless you want to …”

I whack her arm and laugh. “Helen!” I chastise but still can’t stop laughing. “Sorry, Sean, let’s get out of here before her condition worsens.”

“Bye. Have fun, children. Don’t rush home.” She smiled a shit eating grin, all the while waggling her eyebrows at me before I scoffed and shut the door behind us.

When we reached street level, Sean grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers in mine. Such a simple, straightforward, everyday gesture but it got the butterflies in my stomach excited all over again.

“Do you mind walking for a bit?” he asked assuredly. There is one thing that Sean never showed the world, and that was uncertainty. He was always so black and white, yes or no, left or right. It’s one of the things that made me give in to this date. He was stubborn and tenacious like a dog with a bone. He would not let up until I relented and agreed to a date.

We walked for about ten minutes, stopping outside Shedd Aquarium. “Oh, wow. Is this where we’re going?” I asked excitedly.

He chuckled and pulled my hand, drawing my body in close to his. “I wanted to wow you with a first date you’d never forget. First stop, the aquarium,” he replied with a smile.

“This is awesome. I’ve never been.” I couldn’t stop grinning as we walked inside, Sean paid for our tickets and we spent the next two hours exploring the stunning sea creatures and exhibits.

By the time we walked out, it was nearing 3 p.m. and my stomach was growling loudly. Embarrassing! Thankfully Sean was one step ahead of me, leading me into a Mexican restaurant nearby.

“I hope you like some heat,” he murmured suggestively as he pulled out a chair for me.

“Well, how hot can you handle it, Sean?”

Pushing in my chair, he bent down low until his breath fanned over my ear. “I want it as hot as you can give me.” I clenched my thighs as my breathing became stuttered and the room turned into an inferno.

Thankfully, a waiter interrupted our verbal foreplay, but the seed had been planted.

When he walked me to my door a while later, I was reluctant to end our date. The conversation flowed effortlessly, the sparks between us were strong and addictive, and every time I looked at the man I wanted to jump his bones.

Standing at my door, I turned around. “Thank you for this afternoon. I had an awesome day with you.”

Lifting our still joined hands, he pulled me toward his body, wrapping his other arm around my back and holding me close against him. Gasping in shock, his eyes bored into mine, piercing me in place with such passion that I was speechless. When his gaze dropped to my mouth, I was done for. No one else mattered at that moment. It was just Sean and I standing outside my door, about to kiss for the first time.

As he tilted his chin down and softly started to kiss me, I knew that there was no way in hell I was going to be able to say no to this man again.

I jump up off the bed, pulling my clothes off as I head into my bathroom. I turn the rainfall shower head on, one of the first things I installed when I bought my apartment, and do my daily ritual in the mirror:

1) Check for any new gray hairs. (sigh)

2) Make sure I’m not following the path of my grandmother with stray lip and chin whiskers (definitely not a family tradition I wish to follow).

When the glass fogs and the room fills with steam, I step into the shower. As I wash myself with my coconut body scrub, my mind wanders back to a time when Sean was my conductor and I was nothing but a violin in his orchestra. He’d been more than upfront with me from the beginning about his dominating ways when it came to sex. I wasn’t too surprised to be honest. It was something about the way he carried himself, the way he spoke, his voice and how it felt like it could reach inside you and play you like a puppet. We complimented each other beautifully but no more so than during sex. The man could light my body on fire like no one else. In fact, no one since has made me feel anything even closely resembling the intense passion that pulsed between us.

Without realizing it, my soapy hands had wandered, becoming acutely aware of my throbbing lady garden …

Yes, I said lady garden. Isn’t it sexy?

Have you ever wondered what you’d call your vagina if you had a choice? Would you call it a name like Gretel or Elizabeth? Or would you give it a term of endearment like petal or sweetheart? Do you think like a man and call it a c*nt or a pu**y? Or are you like me who had a somewhat conservative upbringing with a controlling Army mom who wouldn’t hear of anything other than ‘lady parts’ and ‘man parts’. Yes, you read that right. ‘Never let a stranger tend to your garden, Samantha’ she’d say to me. Looking back, it’s a wonder that I ever got laid.

Subconsciously, my fingers stroke over my sensitized skin as I remember all that was good about my Sean of a decade ago. The way he’d let his stubble grow a day too long and how he knew how much I loved the rasp of the coarse hair against my skin as he worked his way down my body, drawing out shudders of pleasure as I relished in the friction, the way he demanded my attention the whole time he would go down on me, how we’d lock eyes as he dove his tongue-deep inside me, how he’d make me so crazy with desire I’d scream down the walls as I rode out my climax, usually multiple times. It’s when I remember those bright blue eyes boring into me, willing me to come. The flashback is too much and my body pulses with the waves of my orgasm as it crashes over me. God damn. Even in my mind Sean is just as good as he always was. I think my fortified willpower when it comes to strong, domineering men might be under attack.

I make a mental note to ring Tanner and arrange to meet up with him one night this week.

Once I’m dressed and ready to leave, I google Sean’s offices on my phone and pull up his number before pushing send and walking out my door to my parking garage.
