Read Books Novel

Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(4)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Then it’s the ex? Because if so, you need to be off this case now. Any connection is too much.”

“Is that what happened when Kate needed you?” I retort bitchily, instantly regretting the words the moment they leave my mouth.

For a brief moment, he looks taken aback by my comment, but he cools his response immediately. “Sure, Sam, I hear you. But I don’t understand the weird vibe I’m getting from you or why you’d be uncomfortable in that club.” He jerks his head toward Throb without taking his eyes off me. “Since you know Ryan and we’re quiet right now, do you want to head over to Northwestern and check in on him?”

I shake my head from side to side. I don’t need to get involved in Ryan’s mess this time. It’s not my place. It’s never been my place. Just like his brother has no place in my head. It’s ancient history, and just an unfortunate coincidence that our lives have inadvertently collided twice in as many months. I’ll just rack it up to being bad luck and keep Sean out of my head.

Lucky for me, I’m yet to set eyes on the very man who marked me all those years ago. The man who has the power to bring me to my knees, in all ways possible.

Somehow I don’t think luck is going to be on my side for much longer after today.

Chapter 2: “Safe & Sound”


After spending all afternoon in a deposition that went way over time, I’m finally back in my office looking at a stack of messages my secretary has left on my desk and contemplating another long night ahead of me. It’s already 4 p.m., but I’ve still got half a day’s work to catch up on.

I spin my silver watch on my wrist, a habit of mine when I’m frustrated. The engraving on the back of it is forever engrained in my memory.

To the best man I know and the only man I’ll love.

It was my mother’s last Christmas gift she gave my father before they died and it has taken pride of place on my left hand. My grandfather gave it to me when the movers were packing up our old house in New York. He said, “Boy, one day you’re going to grow up to be a man, and then you’ll meet the one woman who will cut you off at the knees and realize that you willingly let her every time. When that happens, I want you to remember the love your parents had. It was an enduring love, the everlasting, all-encompassing kind that I know all about. When you find that, Sean, you grab hold tight and never let go.”

I snap out of my walk down memory lane and undo the top button of my shirt, running my fingers under my tie and loosening the knot I’d made this morning. I may like suits, but ties are my downfall. I only wear them for as long as absolutely necessary.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I look at the screen and grimace. My phone has been vibrating in my pocket for the past hour, but unfortunately, this is the first chance I’ve had to check it. Three calls from the club, and at least four more from an unknown number. What the hell is going on? I shouldn’t be getting any calls from the club unless the place is burning down. If Ryan really needs me he calls me from his cell. I don’t feel like speaking to him anyway. I’d likely say something I’d regret and he’d go on a bender again.

And right now, that’s the last thing either of us needs.

I ring the club and Amy answers. “Throb, Amy Speaking.”

“Amy, It’s Sean. Do you know why I’ve had so many calls from—”

“Sean! Oh my god! Have you spoken to Ryan yet? Is he okay?” She’s talking a million miles an hour and isn’t making sense.

“Okay Amy, slow down. Where’s Ryan?”

“Oh shit, you don’t know? Ryan was attacked in the club today during a robbery. He was knocked around a bit, then was taken to hospital about two hours ago.” I hear her take a deep breath, obviously trying to calm herself down.

“He what?” I’m in shock. I have to be. There is no way anyone would rob the club in the middle of the damn day. That’s ballsy and stupid, and simply f**ked up.

“He was beat up by a robber. There were cops here when I arrived to start prepping for tonight.”

“What hospital, Amy?”


“Okay. Do you need someone to cover?”

“Already sorted, boss. Isabel came in. She was happy to.”

“Good.” I take a deep breath and try to relax. Despite his faults, Ryan is the only family I have left. I’ll deal with the money bullshit later—when he’s not in the hospital and beat up. “Okay, Amy. I’m going to go to the hospital. I’ll call by and check in with you afterwards. Get Michael to watch upstairs, and I’ll sort everything else out when I come in.”

“Right, see you later then,” she replies before ending the call.


My mind is spinning as I call my car service and ask for an urgent pick-up before sitting back in my leather chair. With my head in my hands, and my fingers tugging my hair in frustrated concern, I wonder what the f**k Ryan has done this time. I may not know the details yet, but I’m automatically assuming the worst.

I grab my laptop bag, shoving in a few files that need my attention and walk out the door. As the elevator starts its descent, I’m hit with the reality that my brother is lying in a hospital bed having been beaten up in my club.

But this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

I was twenty-five and working as a summer associate. I’d been working late one night on a white collar fraud case that had the potential to make my career in corporate law when my cell started ringing. Seeing Ryan’s name on the screen, I answered straight away.

“Hey, Ry.”

“Sean, I’m in deep shit.”

My breath stuttered as his words hit me. “Where are you?”

“Hiding in an alley behind a bar in Detroit.”

“Ry, what the f**k? You were in Chicago this morning when I left for work.” My voice was restrained as I tried to reel in my growing fury.

“Can we talk about this later? Right now, I need help. I was in the back room when the place was raided. I escaped out the back door and started running. Now, I’m in an alley, in downtown Detroit with my phone and twenty bucks to my name.” He was breathing hard and his voice was shaky.

My mind was racing. “Fuck, Ry. You seriously need to start sorting your shit out. I can’t keep bailing you out. This will seriously f**k up my work on this case.”

“I wouldn’t call unless I were desperate. I’m stuck, brother.” He knew what he was doing.
