Read Books Novel

Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(46)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Now it’s a Thursday night, and having just got off my shift, I head straight to the club where Sean has told me he will be catching up on paperwork. Sneaking through the back entrance with my key, I make my way up the staff stairwell to the VIP floor, walking down the long dark corridor until I get to the black enamel door at the end, knocking three times before stepping inside.

“Sweetheart, you’re early,” he states as he looks up at me leaning my back against the door. His brow furrows as he takes in the view. “And still in uniform?”

I tilt my head and look at him. “Didn’t think you’d complain but I can go if you want …” I shift to my right toward the door handle and I see him smile.

“No need to get hasty. I’m not quite finished yet, that’s all.” His voice is laced with amusement and the knowledge that he knows he called my bluff. Damn him. I decide to up my game. It is his birthday after all, and birthdays are all about treats and surprises.

“I’ll just sit on the couch and wait, no bother.” He quirks an eyebrow and watches as I kick my shoes off and pad across the carpet, leaning back leisurely on his black leather couch putting my work bag beside me.

“I won’t be too much longer,” he explains.

“That’s okay. I have some time.” I smile sweetly at him. With a quick shake of his head, he returns his attention to the papers on his desk, switching between them and what looks like reports on his computer screen.

I grab my bag, pulling back the zipper and reach inside, finding my handcuffs and my F21. Time for the games to begin.

Sitting back against the couch again, I put my index finger inside one arm of the handcuffs and twirl them around my finger, the glint of the shiny metal and the rattle of the chain enough to capture Sean’s attention as he first turns his head, then his office chair around so that he’s facing me. Even from ten feet away I can see the outline of his hard c**k in his slacks, his legs spread and open, for comfort more than anything, and all of my plans leave my mind as I’m overcome with the desire to sink to the floor between his legs, unzip those pants, and bury his c**k in my mouth.

“See something you like, Sammy?”

“I think you might like what’s in my hands better, Mr. Miller.” I give him a saccharine sweet, innocent smile and he growls as his grip on the arms of his leather office chair tightens.

“What’s in your other hand, Sammy?”

“Oh, just my standard issue F21 expandable baton. You know, the one I really shouldn’t have brought home with me. Oops.” My voice is full of high inflections, a mock innocence that just makes the knowing grin on Sean’s face widen.

He stands up and stalks toward me, stopping when he is standing above me, his eyes dark and foreboding, full of heat. “Do you need to be punished?”

“Well, since I took it for your birthday, I think it’s only fair.” I giggle, totally exposing my plan within five minutes of being with him. I’m a hopeless case!

Holding out my hand to him, he wraps his fingers around my wrist like a cuff and pulls me up, bringing my body flush with his, my soft meeting his hard. Simply divine.

“I love your dirty plans, Sammy, but as you say, you must be punished. And it is my birthday after all. Shall we head home then?”

I hesitate, too nervous to tell him what I really want to give him for his birthday. The one thing I’ve been holding back on since we came back into each other’s lives. “I … I want to go to your VIP room, Sean.”

He freezes as my words sink in. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to do this for me. I don’t need that room anymore, I have you, and I love everything we do and everywhere we do it.”

I rest my palm against his cheek. “I want you to take me to your VIP room, Sir. I want you to do what you want to me, with whatever you deem necessary. I’m leaving myself in your hands, leaving everything at your discretion, Sir.”


If I thought I was hard before, it was nothing to the intense throbbing I feel in my groin right now. Not only has Sam shocked the shit out of me by pulling out her handcuffs and her baton, she wants me to take her to my private VIP room, to take her at the club, something I thought she was so vehemently against that I didn’t even raise it as a possibility.

“You sure?” I ask, my face full of concern. There is no way I’m going to do this if her heart’s not in it.

She looks at me and smirks, her eyes full of mischief as she hands the handcuffs and baton to me. “I’ve been a bad girl, Sean. I need you to take me to your room and spank me.”


Like a shot of heat straight to my dick, that’s all the confirmation I need. I bend down and throw her over my shoulder, carrying her through my office door as she shrieks in surprise. I hold her still, swatting her ass hard just the once as she squirms against me. “Behave, Sammy,” I growl as I pull out my set of keys from my pocket, and open up the door to my right, walking in and slamming the door behind me before reaching over and flicking the lock.

I lower Sam’s feet to the floor, running my hands up either side of her body, tracing her curves as I run my palms over her br**sts. The quick rise and fall of her chest gives away just how breathless she is, and I’ll bet everything I have that she’s wet and ready for me already. My need to have her weighs heavy on my mind, but there is still the small matter of her ‘punishment’ that I must dish out. It is my responsibility, you know.

“Strip,” I order, standing in front of her with my arms across my chest.

Her hands rush up to undo her shirt, letting it drop to the floor as she unhooks her bra, then undoes her uniform pants and bends down, taking her black thong off with them before adding to the pile of clothes beside her.

Feathering my hands down her arms, I wrap my fingers around the implements held tightly in her fists, smirking when she resists giving them over to me. “Tut tut, Ms. Richards. This was your game plan all along, and I’m going to make sure that we follow it through. You stay there for a moment, Sammy, while I decide where and how I’m going to take you. No moving, no turning around. I want you to watch yourself in that mirror on the door. Don’t look away. I want you to look and see the woman that I cherish, the beauty I worship, and the body that every man covets, but will never have.” My command is deep and penetrating.

She nods her head, her breathing picking up as the anticipation starts to affect her in the most exquisite way. Her ni**les are hard tempting peaks, and her legs are steady but a little shaky.
