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Blue Roses

Blue Roses (Baker Street Romance #1)(24)
Author: Mimi Strong

Rory has put some flowers in her hair, but just a few daisies stuffed into a bun. She would never let us touch her hair, much less braid it into a crown and stuff in an unreasonable number of flowers.

We finish up with our hair, switch off the lights, lock up, and walk out into the crowd.

For the next few hours, the three of us shop for beaded jewelry and tie-dyed clothing at the usual assortment of street vendors that appear at all open-air festivals. Then we sample the many delicious deep-fried foods, including a battered, deep-fried Mars bar.

Rory says she’s tired, and anxious from people jostling her in the dark, so she goes home not long after sunset.

My sister and I make our way over to the band stage and stake out a prime spot for our blanket.

We’re just sitting down when a familiar figure tosses a gray wool blanket next to ours and takes a seat.

Luca Lowell is sitting right beside me. The sun has set, and his features are only lit by the street lamps, but every cell in my body knows it’s him.

I’ve glimpsed Luca around from time to time over the last few months, but I always run in the opposite direction to avoid him.

I turn to Megan, keeping my back to him, and whisper, “Meenie. Don’t look now, but you-know-who is behind me. Roll up the blanket and let’s go.”

“Just talk to him,” she says, her voice at regular volume. “You can’t avoid Luca forever.”

I hear him say, “Is that Teenie and Meenie under all those flowers?”

I slowly turn around, a smile hardening on my face.

“Hi, Luca. How are you?”

One look into his pale blue eyes, and my breath is taken away.

“That really is you,” he says. “Nice flowers. Hey, Megan. You guys look… cute.”

I reply, “Cute? That means a lot, coming from a manly guy who doesn’t usually say words like that.”

He chuckles, looking down at his long legs as he stretches them out in front of himself on the gray blanket.

I follow his gaze and look at his legs, while giving myself a lecture.

Tina, just get up from this blanket right now and walk away. No good can come of this! He’s not going to apologize for being a jackweed, and you’re not going to apologize for whatever you did. Because you did nothing wrong. I know that hole in your chest is gaping open, and you want to fill it with something big and tough, like Luca, but you don’t need him. You’ve been just fine without him.

Unaware of my silent freakout, Megan asks Luca if he tried the deep-fried Mars bar.

“I didn’t know that was a real thing,” he says.

“Damn straight,” Megan replies. “I had to share mine with Teenie, so I’ve only had half of one. Hey, I’m getting an idea. The band isn’t starting up for a bit, so how about I go get another deep-fried Mars bar, and you can eat half of it?”

He says, “What if I want a whole one, and I don’t like sharing?”

She gets up on her feet, using my shoulder to steady herself. “That’s a great idea, Luca! I’ll be right back. Teenie, watch my stuff.”

She walks off, leaving me alone with Luca.

I glance over at his face for a second, then look away. By the look of the new beard he’s sporting, it’s possible he hasn’t shaved since the last time we spoke. His wavy brown hair is much longer, too. I get a chill, wondering if he stopped shaving and getting haircuts as of that very night.

He clears his throat. “Tina, I don’t know how to be around you.”

I keep staring straight ahead at the empty band stage.

“Just relax. Stuff happens. Sometimes things don’t work out, because they were wrong to begin with.”

“I didn’t know you felt that way,” he says.

“Thanks for cheering me up, anyway. I had fun with you, and I’m doing a lot better now. Just so you know, I took all those photos in my house down, and I got some new ones to put up. I’ve got a great picture of my mom, in Italy.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“I’ll probably fly out to see her soon. I got my passport and everything. I’m moving on, exploring the world.”

“Tina.” His voice is deep yet quiet.

I turn to Luca. His face is so damn attractive that it hurts to look directly at him. My eyes are burning. I grit my teeth and hope he doesn’t say anything kind to me. One kind word or heartfelt apology, and I’m going to lose it.

“I never meant to make you feel bad,” he says. “There’s no excuse for how I am sometimes. I should get a bunch of cards printed up, and on every card, it will read: Sorry I’m a jerk.”

I feel myself melting under his gaze.

“You’ll need a lot of those,” I say, acting tough.

“Will a thousand do?” The corner of his mouth quirks up.

A woman approaches and flops down on the blanket next to Luca. “A thousand what?” she asks.

He turns to her and says, “A thousand pre-printed apology cards, just for me.”

The woman has straight, black hair cut in a bob. She’s stunning and petite, with an adorably tiny nose and small ears.

“Apology cards,” she says, laughing as she speaks. “Oh, Luca, what are we going to do with you?”

I sit quietly and watch as they give each other a series of funny looks, as though they’re communicating without words.

I wish Megan would have warned me Luca has a new girlfriend, because I might have been prepared for the murderous feelings I’m having right now.

Sitting next to me in a recycled shopping bag, I have five or six beaded necklaces. Each of them would be perfect for strangling this chick to death.

She reaches across Luca’s legs with her adorable, dainty hand.

She tells me her name, but my head is buzzing with static, and every nerve in my body is telling me to run. I don’t hear a word of what she’s said. I shake her pretty hand and mumble my name with all the grace of a tranquilized bear.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and Megan plunks down beside me.

“I got the last two they had.” She hands one paper plate to Luca. “Want another bite?” she asks me, waving the other one under my nose.

I launch myself forward and lurch to my feet, holding my stomach.

“I don’t feel so good,” I moan to her, avoiding looking at Luca and his girlfriend. “I’m going home now to beat the crowd.”

“You sure?” she asks.

Luca says something as well, but I don’t hear him.

I throw myself into the gathering crowd, and disappear.
