Read Books Novel

Blue Roses

Blue Roses (Baker Street Romance #1)(7)
Author: Mimi Strong

He tosses his chin upward cockily. “The usual.”

He turns and walks out.

The other customer is still looking around, so I pull out a notecard and write the usual:


I crease the card and tuck it into an envelope.

I wonder what he did this time.

Chapter 7

Wednesday morning, I hustle to get all the flower orders done quickly.

On my way in this morning, I bought a bag of hard candies and two trashy gossip magazines that I intend to read from cover to cover.

My flowers are all taken care of now.

With a happy sigh, I pull the stool up to the counter.

I settle in and flip open the magazine cover.

The front door chimes.

Luca comes in, looking unhappy. Handsome as always, but unhappy.

“I have a complaint to lodge,” he says.

“Your lady friend didn’t like the arrangement I made you on Monday?”

“She loved it.” He keeps frowning at me.

“And?” I wave to the magazine open on the counter between us. “As you can see, this article about the bad boy Prince of Wales isn’t going to read itself.” I lean forward and whisper, “He’s always got something going on. Right under the Queen’s nose.”

“You weren’t here on Monday at closing.”

“My sister Megan and I share all the shifts here. She took over after lunch that day. Did she do or say something wrong? She was probably just making a joke. Some people don’t get her humor.”

“She was perfectly nice, but she’s not you.”

“We do share a lot of genetic material. Therefore, she’s more like me than the other six or seven billion people on this planet.”

“Then I should ask your sister to go out with me.”

I look down and pretend to read the article about Prince Harry. Luca’s way too hot to be serious. He’s playing a joke on me, and I’m not falling for it.

“Sure, ask away. I don’t think she’s seeing anyone right now.”

“How about you? Are you seeing anyone?”

I grab my other magazine and the hard candy from behind the counter. “Just my Prince, and this bag of future dental work.”

“You’ll be finished eating those candies long before Friday. Come out with me for drinks.”

“What kind of drinks?” I keep my gaze down on my magazine. If I look into Luca’s striking blue eyes, I’ll get the giggles and agree to anything.

“We could call it networking drinks,” he says. “You were right about the people around here hating me. They’re all pissed about losing their service garage. I was thinking that since you have the remarkable ability to spot all my many shortcomings a mile away, you can tell me everything I’m doing wrong.”

“Sure. Don’t change the name of the shop.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Keep calling the place Baker Brothers. Add on a smaller sign saying you specialize in bikes. You can keep doing some oil changes on cars for a few years, until people get used to you. When you get too busy for cars, find some other places to refer the business to. Don’t just tell people to look in the phone book or online. They hate that. Go out and try some other garages, then refer people to one that you personally vouch for.”

He’s very quiet for a moment, then says, “You’ve put a lot of thought into this.”

I glance up, and I’m snared by his eyes.

“Forget drinks,” he says gruffly. “I’ll buy you dinner. Anything you want.”

“Friday’s no good. I’m busy.” This is about as big a lie as any I’ve said inside this flower shop, almost as brash as saying I like Baby’s Breath in floral arrangements.

“We could get an early dinner, or a late one. I’ll work around your busy schedule of magazine-reading.”

“Some other time.”

“Today’s only Wednesday,” he says. “Maybe you’ll change your mind by Friday.”

“Anything could happen.”

He nods his head at the candies. “Those are the fruity ones with the soft centers.”

I open the bag and offer some to him.

Luca plucks out a half dozen candies, all blueberry.

“Those are the best ones,” I say.

He waggles his eyebrows. “I know.”

“Thanks for leaving me… one.”

He reaches in and takes the last blueberry candy.

“We’ll talk again,” he says, and then he walks out, boots thudding on the floor. I stare after him helplessly. His butt looks so good in those jeans that I wish he’d walk slower.

I unwrap a lemon candy and stick it in my mouth.

What the hell just happened?

First of all, I was robbed of my blueberry candies.

Second, I think Luca Lowell asked me out on a date. He made it sound like it was about business, and then like it wasn’t.

I smack my hands to my face. I said no.

What is wrong with me?

My sister walks in. She doesn’t even say hello before she dives for my candy.

“Megan, I think Luca Lowell just asked me out. He came in today, and he didn’t buy flowers. He asked me out for drinks.”

She gives me side-eye. “He was asking me about you when he picked up his flowers Monday. We are talking about the super hot guy who bought the garage?”


She strikes a bodybuilder pose. “With the big muscles?”


“And dreamy blue eyes like a prairie sky in the summer?”

I laugh. “Yes.”

“He’s kinda big. Maybe you should share him with me.”

I pull away the candy bag before she takes them all.

She giggles. “Just kidding. He’s all yours, sis. When are you going on this date?”

“I said no.”

She looks thoughtful for a minute. “Okay. Yup. That makes sense.” She points to the fresh-cut parrot tulips on display and quickly changes the topic. “Those are gorgeous, but the yellow and red together makes me think of hot dogs.”

“What do you mean it makes sense that I said no to Luca? Is there something wrong with me?”

Megan takes my magazine. “There’s nothing wrong with you. I’m glad you’re not being stupid. He’s really charming, and so hot, but we don’t know him.”

“His Facebook profile is all business. Nothing else. I’ve sold him flowers twice, and that’s it.”

She looks up from the magazine, her green eyes crinkling at the edges with her smile. “At least he buys flowers. That’s a good sign.”
