Read Books Novel

Blush for Me

“I would say we’re just lucky.” I smile and wander farther through the vines. I’m in a weird mood today. Not nearly as happy as I usually am, but not sad in the least.

Maybe it’s just that I know tonight is my last night with Mac, and I’m a little melancholy about it. I mean, a girl doesn’t say good-bye to the best sex of her life every day.

“Will you be my date to the farewell dinner tonight?” Mac asks from behind me. I glance at him over my shoulder and feel that feminine satisfaction well up in my chest.

“I suppose you could talk me into that.”

His lips twitch. I want to bite them.

“I’m relieved to hear that.”

Before I can walk back toward the bus, Mac snags my hand in his and pulls me against him, pinning my arms behind my back. His chest is hard against mine, his lips just inches away.

“You are a sexy woman, Kat.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Am I the only one who doesn’t want to say good-bye tomorrow?”

I sigh and close my eyes for a brief moment, then look him in the eyes. “This isn’t the beginning of a relationship.”

“We’ve both made that clear,” he says with a nod. “But I wouldn’t mind keeping in touch after we both get back to reality.”

I shake my head slowly. “I think it’s best to just leave it be. We had a great time. We’re having a great time.”

“What happens in Napa Valley stays in Napa Valley?”

“Yes.” I chuckle and step back when he releases my hands. “Are you going to dance with me tonight?”

“Of course,” he replies, and gently lays his hand on the small of my back, steering me toward the bus. “Just wait until you see what I can do on these feet.”

“Are you going to trample me? Should I wear steel-toed shoes?”

“You have no faith in me,” he replies with a pout. Even his pout is sexy. How is that even possible?

“I’m just concerned about my feet,” I reply with a laugh. “I have to stand on these babies to work.”

“Not only will your feet be fine, but you’ll be wowed by my rhythmic talent.”

“That’s a lot to live up to.”

“I’m up for the challenge.” He winks and gestures for me to climb onto the bus ahead of him.

I’m sure he is.

Okay, so he wasn’t lying. The man can dance. And I’m not just talking about moving in time to the music and not looking like a douchebag. He’s clearly had lessons at some point because he’s twirled and moved me across the dance floor all evening.

My feet hurt, but not because he stepped on them. If anything, I may have injured him a time or two.

“Seriously, where did you learn this?” I ask, panting as we sit at our table and I sip my glass of water.

“My mother made me take lessons when I was a kid,” he replies with a shrug. “It comes in handy at weddings and bar mitzvahs.”

“And wine conventions,” I add.

“Seems so.”

“You’re a man of many talents.” I blatantly let my eyes travel up and down his torso, fucking him along the way. I haven’t had any alcohol today, and my lust for him is as strong as ever.

That’s a good sign.

“Keep looking at me like that,” he says before taking a sip of water, “and I’ll fuck you against that wall in front of all of these people.”

I smirk. “I wish.”

He narrows his eyes and stands, takes my hand, and leads me out of the ballroom and down the hall to a dark, empty conference room. We slip inside. He doesn’t turn the lights on.

“This isn’t in front of all of those people.”

“No, but if you’re not quiet, someone might walk in here, and that’s rather exciting, don’t you think?”

He’s backed me into the room, holding on to my shoulders and so close to me I can feel the waves of heat coming off his body.

“Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are in this dress?”

“It doesn’t suck,” I reply, then gasp when he lifts me onto the table. One of my shoes slips off my foot and hits the floor with a thud.

“You have a body made for sin,” he says, and gently bites my bare shoulder. “This red silk hugs every curve.”

“I have lots of curves,” I reply. My voice is hoarse.

“I love your curves.” He nibbles my collarbone. “Now, you’re going to need to be very quiet so we don’t draw any attention.”

“Just kiss me while you fuck me, and I won’t be able to scream.”

His lips twitch.

“My lips are going to be busy doing other things.” He bunches my skirt in his fists, urges me to lift my hips so the skirt can be gathered around my waist, and sinks to his knees. “I love it when you don’t wear any panties.”

“Easy access,” I murmur.

“Did you do this just for me?”

“Maybe.” I push my hands through his hair, wishing I could see his face better in the darkness. I love the way his green eyes shine when he’s turned on. “You’re still coming back to my room later, right?”



“Stop overthinking this.” He presses his lips to my thigh. “Lie back.”

I comply, and he rests my feet on his shoulders, opening me wide, and before I know it, his mouth is on me, placing light kisses over my pubis, my clit, my lips.
