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Bold Tricks

Then I started slipping, my boots giving away beneath me, my hands too slippery to grip the tree.

“Camden!” I cried out.

He quickly grabbed me around my chest, keeping me upright. Then he pulled out for a moment and turned me around. While I leaned on him, he bent down and took my underwear, jeans and boots off until we were both stark naked, standing in the rain and looking at each other. He was so fucking gorgeous it almost brought tears to my eyes. I needed him back inside me. Immediately. In any way I could get him.

I dropped to my knees, sinking into the warm mud, not giving a shit if I got dirty and took his cock into my mouth. I ran my teeth lightly over the hardened ridge until he gasped then soothed it with my tongue. He moaned. “Fuck.” And moaned again.

I tightened my fist, taking him in as far as he could go, sliding him in and out until the grip he had on my hair became vice-like. “Not yet, not yet,” he gasped. I looked up at him standing tall over me, the rivulets of water running over his beautiful ink and sculpted muscles. His eyes were lid-heavy with lust.

“Get on top of me,” he said and before I could respond he was lying down on his back, right on the muddy earth, and pulling me down on top of me. “Ride me. Fuck me. Fuck me as if it were the last time.”

I straddled him eagerly and he grabbed me by the waist, lifting me up before impaling me on his cock. I moaned from the tension then started to grind myself into him. His muddy hands gripped my waist and when I leaned forward, they squeezed my swollen breasts, thumbing my nipples. I didn’t give a fuck if I was covered in mud from head to toe, if we were drowned, dirty rats. I was going to ride the hell out of him, right here on the forest floor.

He pumped me up and down on him until I leaned back, letting the rain cascade down my chest, and he worked on my clit again. I felt utterly primal, alive, loved. We were animals fucking, humans making love, two wounded, tortured people bringing each other to ecstasy beneath tropical skies. I rode him hard until we were both going over the edge. I came first, screaming gibberish, my body letting loose, my walls gripping and milking his cock as the spasms went through me, each one more powerful than the next. When it was time for him to come, I looked down, making sure I watched the pleasure on his face, the pleasure he was getting from me and only me. His eyes rolled back, his head pressed harder into the earth, mud smeared all over his beautiful body. He moaned, grunting, “Fuck, fuck, fuck” over and over again, gasping for breath, his mouth open in surprise like he couldn’t believe what was happening.

I knew how he felt. I couldn’t really believe it either. I was so lucky to have this man. My heart couldn’t have been more full. I couldn’t have been more high.

God, I don’t think I could have loved him more.

When we both calmed down, I went to get off of him but he quickly grabbed me and brought me down to his chest. “No,” he grunted into my ear. “Stay where I can see you. Where I can feel you.”

I nodded and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. He smelled like musk and damp earth, fresh and manly. “I love you,” he whispered. “I was never meant to love anyone else. No matter what. Ellie Watt, you own me. And I’ll keep you safe.”

My throat felt thick and I blinked back tears. Above us, the rain was tapering off a little. I ran my hands over his face, my finger over his perfectly straight nose, over his dark, arched eyebrows, over his square jaw, the spots on his cheeks where I knew his dimples appeared when he smiled. I owned him. And he would keep me safe.

I kissed him softly, sweetly then lay my head back on his chest. We lay like that for a while, until the rain stopped and we finally realized we were lying naked in the middle of the Honduras jungle. As much as I wanted to keep lying there, keep feeling his heart beat against mine, his strong arms around me, protecting me, loving me, there was reality to face. A job to be done. A mission we were both committed to. It was heart-wrenching when I finally got off of him and slipped my clothes back on. The moment would be forever committed to my memory, keeping me going when everything else got scary, dangerous, hopeless. I would return to that moment when it was just him and I and for a brief time, nothing in the world mattered. No one could hurt us. It was just love and it was all we needed.

When we were both dressed – and still partly splattered with mud – we resumed our duty. We brought out the compasses and started walking again, heading northeast. I felt like I left something behind on that forest floor. The us I hoped we could return to.


It was dusk when we saw the first lights in the jungle. At first I was certain that it was a pair of animal eyes, maybe a panther, watching our every move. But the eyes turned into several eyes and the forest began to open up and suddenly the lights belonged to a walled fence and a pathway and the roof of a sprawling mansion.

We had found it.

This was Travis’s compound.

“Now what?” I asked Camden as we stopped a football field’s length away, sticking close to the trees for cover. We couldn’t really see anything because of the high stone wall that went on forever, hiding the mansion and who knows what else behind it.

“You don’t happen to have a pair of binoculars in there?” he asked, gently taking the backpack off my shoulders and opening it. “Maybe night vision goggles?”

“No. Javier had them.”

“Of course he did,” he said. He sighed and rubbed his hand on his face. He looked up at the trees. “Well, we won’t have any idea of what we’re dealing with if we can’t see it. You good at climbing trees?”

I smiled. “World’s best date palm climber right here.”

A weird flash came across his face, as if something dawned on him. “I had a dream about you and I last week. We were in high school and climbed to the top of one of your uncle’s date palms. There was a fire coming across the valley.”

“Did we get burned?” I asked, reaching for his hand and pulling him toward me.

He smiled sadly. “We did. But at least we were together.” He cupped my face in his hands and my eyes closed at his touch. “My Ellie. My beautiful girl. I will burn for you. I will die for you.”

My heart skipped and burst, overflowing until my chest was radiating with heat, love, peace. I turned my face and kissed his palm. “You give me life, Camden. Death doesn’t seem so scary after that.”

He pulled me close and kissed my forehead. “How about we climb this tree, see if we can get a good look before it gets dark?”

I squeezed his hand and looked up at the tree closest to us. Sure, on the date farm I had a ladder to help me but the way this tree’s branches were spaced out it was like a ladder anyway.

Camden gave me a boost up to the lowest branches but after that it was easy to climb. The only problem was the ants I saw crawling on the trunk. I hoped they weren’t the really poisonous ones that Dom had warned us about.

We paused about half way up, at a part where the branches separated a bit and we could see out.


Travis’s compound was a lot bigger than I had thought – it was like a palace. On the other side of the wall there was the main building, the mansion that seemed to go on forever, wings and levels and sections. There was a courtyard in the front with fountains, a huge pool among landscaped gardens, as well as a few other houses that were scattered about. Golf carts littered the manicured lawns, lit pathways snaked their way through outdoor sculptures and statues. There was also a helicopter pad with a helicopter resting on it.

“I can’t really see that far,” Camden said, squinting at the distance. “What does it look like?”

“It looks like he’s trying to recreate Versailles,” I said honestly. Off with her head.

“What about people? Are there guards?”

There had to be. I tried to take it all in, paying attention to the details. There was a man driving a golf cart down a path, heavily armed of course. It looked like two guards were stationed by the front door, talking to someone I didn’t recognize.

“There are some,” I told him, relaying what I saw.

“Could be more, too. How about getting over the fence?”

My eyes followed it, searching for an opening. “It’s too tall to scale, I think. And I don’t have my grappling hook. There are a bunch of trees in the left corner though … if we kept walking straight we’d hit them. I think we could maybe climb over the fence that way, so long as the branches can hold us up.”

“You’d at least be able to go over,” he said.

I eyed him fearfully. “I can’t do this alone.”

“You won’t,” he said. “I promise. We’ll do it together. We’ll find a way.”

“So when we get in, then what?”

He shrugged. “Get Gus and your mother. They are there. We will find them. You can break in. I have faith in your B and E skills.” He smiled for a second. How far away that seemed now, how insane I was to break into Camden’s house and rob him. That seemed like a lifetime ago.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “I can get us in. Then I guess we case the joint and see who we can find.”

“I wish it’s going to be that simple. The odds are against us, you know.”

“I think the odds have always been against us, Camden. Don’t you?”

He grinned. “You’re right about that. Okay. If that’s the plan, then that’s the plan. Let’s go get Gus and your mother.”

I nodded and was about to head back down the tree when I remembered something.

“You said something about a big picture the other day,” I noted. “What did you mean?”

“When did I say that?”

“In the hotel room. You said the bigger picture is bigger than we know.”

“You don’t know?”

I worried about the look in Camden’s eyes. His brow was pinched together, eyes sullen, almost sad. I shook my head.

“Ben,” he said gently. “I need my son.”

A heavy brick was placed on my heart. Of course, Ben. His son. He’d barely mentioned what happened to him with Sophia. It must have been killing him to not have him. I’d been so wrapped up in Gus and my mother, in Javier and in Travis, that I’d forgotten all about his little boy. Camden had been suffering in silence all this time, knowing we were being pulled one way when his son was the other.

“We’ll get him back,” I told him.

He nodded grimly. “I hope so. I can’t … I can’t let him stay with her. Not after what happened. You don’t know how hard it was for me to leave him.”

I smiled sadly, feeling pinched with guilt. “I can imagine. I’m sorry you had to come for me.”

His face fell. “Oh, Ellie. No.” He reached over and kissed me. “I don’t regret coming to get you. I had to. I didn’t have a choice. I was wanted … I couldn’t have gone to get Ben without being caught. I would have been put away. And then what would have happened? I never would have seen him again. Never would have seen you again. I had to come for you. And then, I promised myself that when I had you safe, we’d come back for him.” He swallowed hard, his blue eyes watering. “We are getting out of this alive. We are getting my son back. I don’t care what it takes.”