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Born in Chains

Born in Chains (Men in Chains #1)(74)
Author: Caris Roane

A string of cries left her throat. Adrien, I’m coming. Other words might have traveled along the telepathic link but she wasn’t sure since she was so caught up in all that she was experiencing. Pleasure exploded as his tongue pummeled her mouth, as two sets of hands traveled her body, as the other Adrien kept pleasure spiraling through her low. He sucked and flicked until she trembled, ecstasy rolling in waves, one after the other.

At last, panting, her body began to settle down. When she finally lay quiet, he leaned back once more and smiled. Good?


He nodded. I love you so much.

I love you, too.

Down low, the second Adrien kissed her repeatedly just above her clitoris, then the first Adrien kissed her mouth again.

I’m going to re-form now.

She watched as he drifted back to himself, wavy lines in the air like a blur, and at the same time rose from the carpet. He leaned over her, his hands planted on the bed, on either side of her. “How was that?”

“Oh, my God. Adrien, to feel you kiss me while you brought me between my legs. Heaven.” She rubbed his neck.


“A lot more. I need you.”

He nodded and began to undress. But he took his time as he held her gaze. She leaned up on her elbows, her legs dangling over the side of the bed, her toes just touching the carpet.

And now he was taking his jacket off, folding it up and laying it across the bench at the foot of the bed. He unhooked a pair of ruby cuff links. He set these on the nightstand. They rocked back and forth, two small spots of red, bloodred.

Her heart beat harder, her gaze drawn to him as he worked at his shirt. He opened the front, eased the soft white fabric down his back, and let it fall to the floor. The vampire had a magnificent body, thick, built pecs, shoulders that went on forever, muscled arms.

And he was hers.

She touched the double-chain at her neck and her heart swelled, knowing that this man belonged to her now and forever.

He took off his shoes then slipped his pants off, as well as black silk boxers.

And there he was. She felt heated up and dizzy. Her heart raced now and it wasn’t just his body, it was all of him, who he was, his tenderness with her, his concern for Josh, his commitment to keeping them safe from Daniel. He overwhelmed her with his character, his presence, and yes, with that body standing in front of her, his c**k firm and ready.

But the earlier tremor rolled through him and she felt his need for her blood. She moved to the edge of the bed, her legs parted wide. She tilted her head, presenting her neck.

He groaned and fell on his knees. She felt his hands on her waist through the velvet. The chains vibrated continuously now so that she felt connected to all that he felt.

He moved swiftly, making a quick strike with his fangs, then sealing his lips over the wound as he started to suck down her blood.

The sensation sent chills down her abdomen all the way to her sex, firing her need for him to plant himself between her legs.

He held her close as he continued to drink her down. She felt his blood-hunger begin to ease, and when it dissipated at last, he released her neck.

He rose up from the floor, extended his hand to her, and drew her to her feet. She thought he would take her gown off. Instead, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her again, plunging his tongue into her mouth.

She whimpered beneath the vast sensations that pummeled her, of his warm skin beneath her fingers, the thickness of his muscles, the pressure of his hard c**k against her gown. Her hands grew restless and greedy. She slid them up and down his back, reached in front and stroked his abs.

He gave her just enough room and she drifted her hand low. She cried out as she touched the tip of his c**k and found it wet.

“I need to get inside you,” he said.

“I want that, too. You’ve given me so much pleasure. Now it’s your turn.”

He nodded, holding her close as he reached back and pulled the comforter off the bed.

* * *

Adrien didn’t quite comprehend all that he experienced right now. The sheet was ready to receive the treasure in his arms, but for just a moment, as he held Lily with one arm, her legs dangling, he was unwilling to let her go. He warmed up his vision so that he could really see her hazel eyes, her head leaning back just so. With his free hand he cupped her chin then kissed her.

Love, desire, passion all swirled together, whipping up a tornado in his mind, round and round, driving into his chest, whirling around his heart and pulling at him. His soul strained toward her.

Oh, Adrien, I can feel what you’re feeling. It’s so beautiful, like watching the wind blow clouds across the sky at a maddening pace. Adrien. My Adrien.

Lily, my darling.

Yes, that was what he felt, that in these few nights together, she had become his darling.

He settled her on the bed once more, then stretched out on top of her. The part of him that was now Ancestral felt the power he held over her, and with his knee he pushed her legs apart maybe more forcefully than he normally would have.

But her whimpers told him what he needed to know, how much she wanted him.

He positioned himself at her opening, and as she slid her hands up his chest he began to thrust, pushing his way inside her beautiful wetness. His hands found her waist and he squeezed as he thrust, which caused her body to undulate in a sensual roll of pleasure.

He loved this part of sex, building toward a strong orgasm, watching his woman writhe and feel so much. Her feminine scent worked in his brain as well, hardening him that one degree firmer so that she groaned this time.

I won’t last long. You feel too wonderful.

I’m close again as well, she returned.

He moved faster, pushing hard, letting his new power, Ancestral power, leach into every muscle of his body. He sensed her pleasure mounting.

He thrust hard now and she began to groan, her hands caressing his bu**ocks. She cried out repeatedly, muffled sounds against his throat. At the same time he could feel her tugging low, and maybe it was that movement, that he knew she was coming, that brought him, or maybe the nails digging into his ass. Whatever it was, he came hard, the sensation of love he felt for Lily tripling the pleasure.

The moment of ecstasy rolled as he thrust, as Lily continued to moan, her hips pushing against his, grasping for each last bit of ecstasy.

When at last her body settled down, his body at almost the same time, he watched her smile, her lids at half-mast, her hands roving him still, caressing his shoulders and arms, his back and waist.

“Unbelievable,” she said. “That was incredibly erotic, so pleasurable.” She met his gaze. “Thank you for that, Adrien. Thank you.”
