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Born of Night

Born of Night (The League #1)(35)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

The lorinas assailed him downstairs, unhappy about being banned from his room. Nykyrian grabbed a glass of juice and headed to his work. Switching on the monitor, he ran his hand through his wet hair. Without paying much attention, he scanned the new contracts.

He drank his juice and switched the screen to the most recent contracts.

He choked.

No f**king way . . .

He reached for his link.

It took several nerve-wrenching minutes before Syn answered with a menacing curse. “I told you Hauk, I’m not going. You can roast your overgrown—”

“Syn, it’s me.”

Nykyrian heard a yawn over the link. “Damn it, Kip. Have you any idea what time it is here? Unlike you, I do need to sleep, and damn it, my head hurts. Tell me again how being sober is good for me?”

Nykyrian didn’t bother answering his question. “Zamir has issued a death contract on both of us. Clear your flat and get here immediately.”

“Bullshit. I clear my space for nothing. Be damned if some half-wit politician is going to drive me into hiding.”

“What about Aksel or Shahara? They’re the names signed on your contract.”

He heard Syn knock something off his bedside table, no doubt bolting upright in shock. “Shahara Dagan?”


Syn cursed again. “Does Caillen know his sister’s coming after us?”

“I doubt it. But it doesn’t matter. I need you to get information about the two of them and where they’re living. ASAP. As much money as Zamir’s offered, and after I terminated Arast, Aksel’s not going to stop until my brains are in his trophy jar.”

“Yeah, no kidding. I’ll be there shortly.”

Nykyrian tossed the link away and reread the contract. It made all the other offers on his life look like jokes. Zamir had given his enemies full immunity from any prosecution, which meant they could forget League rules and come after him unbarred.

That was all Aksel needed. Now Kiara was in more danger than ever before. Her father had to have the IQ of a half-formed zygote to do something this stupid.

How the hell did someone so f**king dumb run a government?

What was he supposed to do now? “With a frown like that, you could frighten small children and elders,” Kiara said, startling him.

He flipped the screen off before she could see it, then turned in his chair to see her approach. The sight of her in his black shirt with her shapely legs bared made him instantly hard. God, she looked good in his clothes. “I didn’t know you were awake.”

Kiara was puzzled by his distant mood. Worse, his shades and gloves were back in place. What would it take to make him set them aside even in his own home?

Feeling sexier than she ever had before, she slid into his lap, half expecting him to stop her. He didn’t. With his usual stoicism, he watched her every move.

She straddled his h*ps and pulled the shades off before placing them on his desk.

For once he didn’t protest.

She ran one hand over his jaw and smiled at him. “Is something wrong?”

His eyes dark, he traced the dip in her shirt to touch the small valley between her br**sts. “Your father wants me dead.”

Her mouth dropped in shock. He had to be kidding. But with his deadpan tone it was hard to tell. “What?”

Nykyrian turned his monitor on and pointed to it. “For that amount of money, I’m tempted to turn myself in and collect it.”

Kiara tensed. “You’re not funny,” she snapped, unable to believe her father would be so ruthless. The contract detailed how her father wanted Nykyrian executed in minute description. “How could he do such a thing?”

Nykyrian looked at her, his eyes blank as he skimmed his hands up her thighs. “He’s worried about you. Given the condition we left your flat in yesterday, who knows what he thinks has happened to you? I’d want the balls of the man who took my daughter, too.”

She narrowed her eyes at him as she reached for his link. Frowning, she tried to dial her father, but Nykyrian’s set was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. She handed it to him. “How do you use this?”

“He’s not going to listen.”

“I have to try.”

The look on his face was one of priceless disbelief as he tuned the link in. “Nykyrian Quiakides to speak to his excellency.”

Kiara knew the moment her father took the line.

Nykyrian snatched the piece away from his ear.

“You f**king whoreson! I want my daughter back right now! Do you hear me, you freak?”

Her heart wrenched at the insults and threats that Nykyrian didn’t even react to. Taking the link from his gloved hand, she held it close enough to her ear to hear words she’d never heard her father use before, but far enough away that he didn’t damage her hearing with his shouts.


He stopped midstream. “Angel?”

She put the piece in her ear. “Hey, Daddy, it’s me.”

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, but I don’t understand what’s going on. Nykyrian—”

“Nemesis signed the contract for your life yesterday. The Sentella is against you.”

Kiara’s throat closed in shock. “What?”

“They’ve turned and I have to get you away from them before they hurt you.”

She scowled at his words as she looked at Nykyrian. “No, I don’t believe it.”

A tic worked in Nykyrian’s jaw. “Because it’s not true. Nemesis didn’t sign shit yesterday—he wasn’t even near a computer.”

She’d forgotten about his sharp hearing as her father warned her about their ferocity.

Her father didn’t take his words well. “Let me speak to that freak. Now.”

“He’s not a freak, Papa.”

“You don’t know his kind the way I do. Now put him on.”

Kiara held the link toward him.

Nykyrian took it. “Is this going to be productive, or are you just going to insult me some more?”

“Listen to me, you little prick. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but if you harm so much as one hair on her head, I will torture you in ways you can’t imagine.”

He had to bite his tongue to keep from scoffing at that ludicrous threat.

“If you return her in the next two hours, I’ll rescind the contracts.”

“If I return her in the next two hours, she’ll be dead before the third one. I don’t think you understand what—”

“You’re the one who doesn’t understand, hybrid freak. I will spare no resources bringing you in.”

Nykyrian rolled his eyes. “And I will not see your daughter dead because her father’s a first-rank moron.”

“Bring her back! Now!”

“Fuck you, ass**le.” He hung up the link.

Kiara gave him an irritated glare.

“What?” he asked innocently.

“That wasn’t helpful. Why did you say that to him?”

Nykyrian sputtered in indignation. “He’s the one wanting my balls cut off.”

“Nykyrian! You didn’t help me calm him down.”

“He’s not going to calm down until you’re back with him, and you know what I do . . . Aksel won’t stop just because he rescinds the contract on me. His brother died because of you. Believe me, I know how he thinks and I know how he acts. The only hope you have is to stay with me.”

“And if I stay with you, my father will kill you. I don’t want you hurt because of me.”

“He’s not going to kill me, Kiara. Better men than him have tried and I’m still here.”

She cupped his face in her hands and leaned her forehead against his. “You are the most stubborn man I’ve ever met.”

“I pale in comparison to you.” He ran his hands up under her shirt to cup her bottom and scoot her closer.

His lips claimed hers with a heat so hot, she melted.

The sound of an engine outside in the bay broke them apart.

“Syn,” Nykyrian sighed as he pulled away. “I told him to stay here until we sort this out.” His gaze went over her, making her hot. “You’d better get dressed.”

She nodded before she scooted off his lap. He reached for his shades and replaced them.

“Nykyrian?” She waited until he looked at her. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Feeling’s mutual.”

She heard Syn cursing outside. With one last glance his way, she rushed up the stairs to get dressed before Syn saw her near-naked state.

Syn came through the door with enough anger to fuel the energy source of a small planet. “I want blood!” He stalked over to where Nykyrian sat at his desk. “Two of Aksel’s dogs cornered me near Tondara. They shot me,” he growled incredulously. “Those bastards actually shot a hole in my stabilizer the size of Mirala.”

Nykyrian just stared at him.

“Aren’t you going to say something?”

“Were you hurt?”

Syn shifted, some of his anger diminishing. “No.”

“Then why are you having a fit?”

Syn laughed. “I don’t know, it just felt right. You see why I don’t like being sober? I overreact like an old woman.” He opened his flask, then slammed it down on Nykyrian’s desk. “Figures the damned thing would be empty.”

Nykyrian shook his head at him. “Was there much damage done to your ship?”

Syn moved to stand behind Nykyrian so that he could read over his shoulder. “No, not really. Just enough to seriously piss me off and ruin my suckass day.” He let out a low whistle as he scanned the contract for them. “Geez,” he breathed. “He’s not playing around with that, is he?”

“No, he’s not.”

Crossing his arms over his chest, Syn moved away. “So what are we going to do about it? My vote is we terminate the gratter.”

Nykyrian gave him a menacing glare.

“What the hell is that look for? You finally grow a conscience?”

“No, but we can’t go around assassinating respected officials.”

Syn snorted as his anger snapped even more. He was tired of being hunted and playing these stupid political games. “I think we should forget this protection crap and jettison her royal pain in the ass back on a remote shuttle.” He moved to lay down on one of the sofas.

The door upstairs opened. The softened look on Nykyrian’s face as he stared up at the dancer made Syn grind his teeth. He glanced up from the couch and caught Kiara’s blush, and in that moment, he knew what the two of them had been up to. “Please, by all the blessed saints and their bladders, tell me you two didn’t . . .”

Nykyrian shot him a lethal glare.

Kiara’s blush deepened.

His stomach churned to the point he thought he’d vomit. Syn slung his legs over the couch and moved back to where Nykyrian sat. “Have you lost all semblance of intelligence?”

Nykyrian came to his feet and Syn recognized the angry twitch in his jaw. “It’s none of your concern.”

Clenching his teeth, Syn backed down even though he wanted to beat his friend until he saw reason. “Fine. Whatever.”

Nykyrian pulled his coat off the couch and shrugged it on. “Kiara and I have a few things to do this morning. I need you to stay here and work on locating Aksel and Shahara. When I get back, we’ll repair your ship.”

Syn ground his teeth even harder, wanting to say a million things that would only cause Nykyrian to shoot him. He’d been in those shoes, and he knew exactly how stupid Kip was being, and he knew his friend would never listen to reason.

No more than he had.

Damn it to hell.

“Fine. I need a new plate for my rear thruster.”

“No problem.” Nykyrian headed up the stairs. “I need to change, then we’ll leave.”

Syn turned his glare to Kiara. Yeah, you better put on something armored, you stupid son of a bitch.

Too bad he hadn’t kept it around his heart.

I expected better from you. Having seen the hell Mara had put him through, he couldn’t believe Kip didn’t have better sense. Why? Why? Why?

After a few seconds, Nykyrian called down to him. “I need you to find an address for Aksel’s wife. Her name is Driana Bredeh. She should be in the Solaras System.”

Syn frowned. “When did he get married?”

Nykyrian didn’t answer.

Kiara walked around the couch, a strange look on her face as she neared him. “Why does Aksel hate Nykyrian so?”

Syn shrugged. “Hell if I know.” He glanced upstairs, wondering if Nykyrian could hear him. Maliciously, he decided he didn’t care and continued, “Huwin found Nykyrian in an orphanage. From the moment they met, Aksel hated him. Then when Nykyrian graduated top of his class and went into The League as the youngest commissioned officer in history, Aksel couldn’t take it. He’s been mental toward him ever since.”
