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Born of Night

Born of Night (The League #1)(42)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

He took her hand back into his. “That’s not what I meant. I’ve only been with two women. Neither of them would have me again.”

“Why not?”

He didn’t answer, but she saw the pain in his eyes.

“They were fools, Nykyrian.” She ran her tongue up his neck until she reached his lips. “There’s no one else I’d ever want to be with.”

Nykyrian closed his eyes as those words tugged at his heart. Reaching behind her, he opened his pants and slid them off.

Kiara was impressed by his ability to do that while she still sat on his stomach. “You are a strong, flexible little booger, aren’t you?”

“I have my moments.” He sat up under her so that he could taste her br**sts.

Leaning back, she gave him full access as she cradled his head to her chest. His tongue stroked her nipple, making her stomach contract while pleasure spiked through her. She felt his c**k pressing against her stomach as he took his time tasting her.

Unable to stand it, she lifted herself up and set herself down on him. They groaned in unison.

Nykyrian ground his teeth as he pulled back to watch her ride him. She lifted her h*ps up and sank down, taking him in all the way to the hilt. Her warm skin slid against his in a velvet caress. Biting his lip, he raised his hips, driving himself even deeper inside her. He took her hands into his and kissed her delicate fingers.

She was so frail, and yet one unkind word from her lips could shatter him. How could she have so much power over him? He wanted to hate her for that.

If only he could.

Kiara leaned forward as she quickened her strokes. She wanted to please him so much . . .

His gaze locked on hers, he reached down between their bodies to stroke her. She let out a gasp as he increased her pleasure.

A slow smile spread across his face. “You like that.”

She wrinkled her nose at him as his fingers stroked her in time to her thrusts.

Nykyrian held his breath until he saw and felt her come. She almost fell off him. Catching her, he rolled over and quickened his thrusts, intensifying her orgasm. She clung to him.

He buried his face against her neck and let her scent send him over the edge so that he could join her. Growling, he kept himself deep inside her until he was completely spent.

He laid himself down on top of her, careful not to put too much weight on her. Her hands played in his hair. “I’m yours completely.”

She laughed. “I somehow doubt that.”

And she would be wrong. Right now there was nothing he would deny her.

Suddenly, a loud whistle rent the air. Nykyrian looked up with a jerk.

“What is it?” she asked breathlessly.

He let out an irritated growl. “My link. Ten to one it’s Syn’s stupid ass needing something stupid.”

“You’re hung up on that word, aren’t you?”

He grunted as he reluctantly withdrew. This had damn well better be important. Otherwise Syn was going to be wedged somewhere very uncomfortable.

Kiara pulled her gown to her while he picked up his pants and left the room. As soon as she was dressed, she went to see what was going on.

Nykyrian, now wearing just his pants, switched the link off and tossed it back on the low table. He rubbed his hands over his face, a deep grimace lining his features.

“Is something wrong?”

“Yeah. We’re about to have company.”


Kiara’s heart clenched at his dire tone. “What do you mean?”

“Arturo beat Darling up again. Since Syn’s place isn’t secure, there’s no other safe place to take him to keep him out of Arturo’s reach.” He cursed foully. “I knew I should have killed that bastard.”

She moved to stand behind him so that she could rub his back and offer whatever comfort she could. “Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t.”

“Yeah. But Darling doesn’t want that. End of the day, it’s his uncle and he says he loves him. God, he’s an idiot. How can he love someone who beats the shit out of him?”

“People are complicated. Didn’t a part of you love Commander Quiakides?”

He gave her a droll stare over his shoulder. “Kiara, I’m the one who killed him.”

She stepped back, stunned by the disclosure. “What?”

“I killed him. He crossed the wrong person at the wrong time and The League justices called for his death. It was one of the few missions I volunteered for—it’s also the one that got me my commission so early. My CO said my ability to carry out their orders so swiftly and coldly against my own father showed ideal discipline. Ironic, really, when you think about the fact that it was all the commander wanted me for and his death is what actualized his dream.” He shook his head. “You should have seen the look on his face when I cut his throat.”

She struggled to breathe at what he was telling her. “You killed the man who adopted you?”

He ground his teeth. “And now I’ve horrified you again. See why I’m better off not telling you anything?”

She held her hand up and tilted her head as she tried to quell her emotions. “I told you when you drop these little bombs on me that you have to give me a chance to cope. Some of these are harder to take in than others. I know from what little I saw of your past that the commander was a complete bastard. I get it. But even you have to admit that was harsh.”

“No.” His gaze blazed with fury. “Harsh was leaving me in jail for two days because he was embarrassed by something I didn’t do and insisting that I be put in with the class-three felons.”

“Class-three felons?”

“Rapists and pedophiles.”

Kiara felt ill as she remembered what Aksel had said to him when the commander’s wife had brought him home. He must have known what his father had done and the fact that he would rub Nykyrian’s nose in it . . .

They were sick.

She looked up at Nykyrian. “Are you saying . . . did they . . .” She couldn’t even bring herself to use the word. It was too nightmarish to even contemplate.

His expression was completely dead. “Yes, they did. As bad as everything else was, nothing compares to those forty-six hours of being degraded while I wore a collar that kept me from being able to fight back as I was attacked . . . repeatedly and without mercy. You want to know why I hate Jullien? He was the one who accused me of theft when he had the ring the whole time. Because he was a prince and I was the bastard the commander wouldn’t even give his name to who outscored him on a test, he wanted me hurt and it was the best revenge on me he could think of. The school officials seized me and searched me, then handed me over to Jullien’s guards, who beat and interrogated me for hours before they called the commander to tell him what’d happened. He told them to do what Jullien’s father had called for—send me to jail, and they did.” The furious pain in his eyes scorched her. “I was barely fourteen, Kiara.”

She hugged him close. “I’m so sorry, Nykyrian. Why would he do that?”

He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. “For the same reason Aksel and Arast hated me. I was beneath them and yet I outscored them. How dare I, a mongrel life form that should never have been born, outperform them in any way. I told you that I live with a rage so fierce it’s consuming, and on that night, I unleashed it all against Commander Quiakides.”

And now she understood why. She couldn’t blame him for what he’d done, not after everything they’d put him through.

“I can’t believe Jullien didn’t recognize you today.”

“That’s how little I mattered to him. I wasn’t even worth remembering.”

Yet he was worth ruining for no other reason than Jullien was a jealous snipe. He’d scarred Nykyrian in a way no one should ever be scarred. And it made her wish she had Nykyrian’s skills. “I vote we go out and beat the little snot until his head explodes. That would serve him.”

Nykyrian scowled at her even though he tightened his arms. He loved whenever she defended him. With a quick kiss to her cheek, he pulled away. “C’mon, we need to get dressed before Syn and Darling arrive.” He led her upstairs. “Luckily my bedroom walls are soundproof.” His devilish smile brought heat to her cheeks.

After they cleaned up and dressed, they ended up in the media room. Kiara wrinkled her nose at everything he pulled out for them to watch. “Don’t you have anything that isn’t gory?”

“Not really.”

“You don’t have a single comedy?”

He shook his head. “I have you performing.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed. “I think I’m offended that I said comedy and that was your suggestion.”

He laughed.

“Do you get any broadcasts out here?”

“Yeah.” He handed her the controls. “Download whatever makes you happy.”

“Even if it makes you miserable?”

“I’ve suffered through worse, I’m sure.” He went to lie down on the couch while she scrolled through the downloadable movies.

Ooooh, there was a romantic comedy she’d been dying to see . . . She looked over her shoulder and sighed. She wouldn’t torture him.

“You can watch it if you want.”

“Watch what?”

“That sappy crap you paused on.”

She hesitated. “You sure?”


Smiling at him, she pressed the order button and went to join him on the couch. He got up and let her sit, then he did the most amazing thing of all.

He actually laid his head in her lap.

Stunned, she stared down at him.

He caught her look and tensed. “You don’t mind, do you? I had a bad eye injury a few years back and tend to get vicious headaches if I watch sitting up.”

“Baby, I don’t mind at all. I was just shocked that you’d do that after the way you cringe every time I touch you.”

“I don’t cringe every time you touch me.”

She smiled down at him. No, he was getting better about being touched. Completely content, she brushed her hand through his soft hair as the movie started playing.

Kiara couldn’t believe she had what she’d wanted.

He trusted her.

A lump constricted her throat as she looked down at him. His long eyelashes fluttered while he watched the movie. She pulled his hair away from his neck to see the short, baby hairs curling around his nape. Using her fingernails, she gently brushed them. Chills formed on his neck and he closed his eyes with a sigh.

With her fingertip, she traced the line of his cheek and lips while her heart lurched at the sight of the faint scars left behind by his mask and other injuries. How she wished he’d had the childhood he deserved.

Turning his head, he opened his eyes to meet hers. The tenderness inside the light green eyes scorched her.

He reached his hand up and brought her head down to his so that he could kiss her. Kiara moaned, her body igniting at his touch. His arms tensed.

Syn’s engines thundered in the bay.

Nykyrian let out an irritated sigh. “Remember this position for future reference.”

He stood up and she wanted to curse in frustration. Pausing the movie, she followed him to the main room to wait for Darling and Syn. It took several minutes before the door finally opened.

Kiara gasped.

Syn supported Darling with his shoulder. Darling was slumped heavily against Syn’s side, unable to walk without assistance. Darling’s face, bloodied and bruised, could barely be recognized. His left arm dangled in an awkward position and Kiara realized it was broken.

Nykyrian cursed, then swung Darling up in his arms. Syn ran ahead to the back bedrooms. Kiara followed behind them, her heart twisting at the sight of Darling’s beaten condition.

The cruelty of it made her want to hurt whoever had done that to him, and it brought home exactly how awful Nykyrian’s past really was. It was one thing to be told about it, to even see it through the sterility of a vid, but to see it face to face . . .

This was raw and real.

Syn pulled the covers back. “Let me pull up the sheet.”

“To hell with the sheet,” Nykyrian snarled.

Syn nodded, then met Kiara’s eyes. The hostility in his gaze made her take a step back.

Oblivious to the hate-filled look, Nykyrian laid Darling down on the bed. Syn broke eye contact with her to tend Darling. Kiara stood in the doorway, the lorinas curling around her legs as they rubbed against her.

She frowned as she saw for the first time why Darling kept his hair over the left side of his face. A deep, white scar traveled down his face from hairline to chin. What in the world would leave a scar like that?

Her throat tightened at the amount of blood covering him. Never in her life had she seen anyone so abused. She glanced at Nykyrian, his jaw tight, and wondered how many times he’d been beaten into a similar condition.

“I’m going to kill Arturo,” Nykyrian ground out between clenched teeth.
