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Born of Shadows

Born of Shadows (The League Gen 1 #3)(45)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Anger and terror mingled inside her to form a deadly combination. All the rage of her lifetime built up—the betrayal her aunt had given them both. The fear that Caillen would die as a result of it.

Before she even knew what she’d done, she grabbed her aunt by the neck and snapped it with a sound that went through her like glycerin on glass.

For a full minute after Karissa slid to the floor, no one moved.

Horrified by her actions, Desideria felt dizzy—like something had snatched her out of her body.

I killed someone.

No, she’d killed her own aunt…

“Mom!” Leran’s shriek finally broke through their shock as she ran to her mother’s side and sank down on the floor. “Mom… please speak to me.” She pulled her mother against her as she cried and begged her to be alive.

Caillen staggered back.

“Cai?” Desideria went to him while Kara crossed the bridge to release her mother from her ties.

His handsome features were pale and drawn tight by the pain. “I swore I’d never risk my life for any woman other than my sisters. What is it about you, pun’kin, that makes me stupid whenever someone threatens you?” His legs buckled.

Desideria grabbed him and helped him sink to the floor so as not to injure him more. She tore open his shirt, then gasped as she saw the damage done. The blast had torn through his left side and left it raw and gaping.

“You f**king whore!” Leran let her mother go and rushed for Desideria.

Without a second thought, Desideria was on her feet. She caught her cousin and slammed her down so hard on the ground that it shook the entire vessel. “You killed your own father, you piece of shit. Next time you come at me, you better bring a body bag. You will need it.”

Both her mother’s and Kara’s eyes widened at her words.

Desideria cuffed her, then returned to Caillen. “Stay with me, baby.”

He swallowed against his pain while she called for a medic evac.

She cut the link, then pulled him against her while her cousin screamed for vengeance.

“Oh shut up, you whiny child.” Sarra snatched the blaster from Kara’s hand, then switched the setting from kill to stun and shot her.

Kara looked surprised. “You didn’t kill her?”

“Oh no. I want the pleasure of seeing her in prison, of torturing her until she begs for a mercy I have no intention of giving her.”

Desideria ignored them while she focused on what mattered most. Caillen’s blood was all over her as she tried to slow his bleeding. “Where’s your backpack?”

“I was so busy trying to end this before you got here that I forgot it.”

She felt the tears sting her eyes. “I should have told you our plan. But I didn’t know who among our troops could be trusted and I was afraid a traitor would warn Karissa.” Now she wished she’d chanced it. She’d much rather be the one on the floor. “If I’d only known you were going to do something so stupid…”

He smiled, then grimaced. “I’m only stupid for you.”

And he’d traded his life to keep her safe. “I love you, Caillen. Don’t you dare die on me. So help me, I will chase you to hell to beat you if you do.”

“You’re not a bastard and you’re not worthless. You are everything to me.” She grabbed the link again. “Where the hell are the medics?”

Caillen cherished the sound of concern in her voice. If he had to die, he was glad it was in her arms. He could think of no better way to go into eternity than staring into the beautiful eyes that had given him his soul back.

For her, he fought for his life harder than he ever had before. He’d waited too long to find someone like her to give up now.

She didn’t let go of him until the medics arrived. Only then did she pull back and allow them to work on him.

His gaze never wavered from hers. Not even when they put the oxygen mask over his face.

Desideria choked on a hidden sob at the sight of Caillen lying on the gurney. He looked so weak and pale.

Even so, he winked at her. When he spoke his words were muffled by the mask, but still discernible. “I’m not going to die on you, cupcake. I’ve got too many boo-boos for you to kiss and you owe me a big one for the hole in my chest.”

She laughed through the tears that tightened her throat. “I don’t find you amusing.” She stepped back to give them more room. “I’ll follow you to the hospital and let your sisters and father know.”

The medics took him out. She started forward only to find her way blocked by her mother.

Some emotion she couldn’t name darkened her mother’s eyes as she locked gazes. It was like her mother was looking at a stranger and she didn’t know what to think of her. “What happened to you?”

Desideria wasn’t sure how to answer that. She’d been chased, beaten, shot at.

And she’d learned to love in a way she’d never thought possible.

“I don’t have time for this.” She brushed past her mother and headed for the door.

“You don’t have my permission to leave.”

Those words and that hostile tone of voice went over her like an acid bomb. Her days of cowering were over. She’d blame it on her hour as queen, but she knew the truth.

Caillen had given her this gift.

She turned to meet her mother’s glare with one of her own. “I’m no longer a member of your Guard, Mother. Remember? You dismissed me.”

“Let her go, Sarra,” Kara said. “She’s only half Qillaq anyway.”

Desideria lifted her chin as Kara’s words angered her more. “And proud of it.” She narrowed her gaze on her aunt. “My father wasn’t a traitor. He was a damn good man and I’ll cut the throat of anyone who says differently. You should also remember, Kara, that spared your life once and saved it another. I’m not a child anymore and I will not be treated as one by any of you ever again. You don’t run my life. I do.”

Her mother pulled on the gold chain that she always wore around her neck, a chain she kept tucked right over her heart. As it came free of her body, Desideria saw that a ring dangled from it. The deep purple stone carved with a coat of arms gleamed in the light. Her mother paused to look at it before she held it out to her.

Frowning, Desideria wasn’t sure she should take it. “What is that?”

Her mother grabbed her hand, placed the ring in her palm and closed her fingers over it. “That was your father’s insignia ring. He was a prince on his world and yet he chose to stay with me even though he knew he’d never be respected again. Even though he knew he’d never see his family.” To her complete shock, her mother’s eyes teared. “You’re right, Desideria, he didn’t betray our people, but he did betray me. He swore he’d come back and instead he was killed in a ridiculous accident when the fuel line in his ship ruptured.”

Desideria couldn’t breathe as she realized her mother had lied to her about his death. “He wasn’t fighting?”

She shook her head. “My son ran away from his training facility. He was all alone and I was terrified of what would happen to him. Your father went to bring him home to me. He swore he could find him and he was the only one I knew who could, so I let him go.”

“Why did you lie to me all this time?”

“You were too young to understand and I didn’t want you or anyone else asking me questions when the mere thought of his death was more than I could bear. You were the only one who loved him as much as I did and I didn’t want you to hate him for leaving us. I’d rather you hate me and cherish his memory. He deserves that much more than I do.”

She was appalled by her mother’s twisted logic. “You allowed everyone to call him a coward. How is that love?”

Her mother winced as if the question hit her like a blow. “I’m not perfect and I hated him for years afterward. I kept thinking if he’d been stronger he would have lived. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I thought if other people insulted him, it would keep me strong.”

That had to be the most screwed-up thing she’d ever heard. And to think, they allowed her mother to lead their planet…

Part of her felt sorry for her mother, but the other part wanted to slap her for what she’d done to her father, her brother and her.

“I don’t understand why you’re telling me this now.”

Her mother glanced at Kara before she spoke. “I was stupid when I was young. I put duty ahead of family. And what did I get for it? One daughter who tried to kill me. A son I’ll never see again. Two sisters who despise me, one so much she was planning on blowing my head off, and the only person who ever really loved me died because I lacked the temerity to stand up to a law I knew was stupid and keep my son where he belonged. At my side. Chayden should have never been in harm’s way and your father should have been allowed to be the king he was born to be.”

She reached out and cupped Desideria’s cheek in her hand. “I’ve done a lot of thinking since you left and I’ve worried about you every step of the way. I wanted to see how you would fare on your own and you more than surpassed my expectations. Never have I been prouder of you.”

Her mother sighed heavily. “All my mother ever gave me was the mantle of responsibility. What I want to give you is the freedom you need to not make my mistakes. You are your father’s daughter. Only he ever stood up to me. And now you.” She dropped her hand. “Go to your prince, daughter. Be with him.”

“She’ll be abdicating her place in our line if she does.”

Her mother curled her lip. “So what if she does? Being queen has never brought me anything except misery.” She turned back to Desideria. “You stood up for him when I tried to stop you a few minutes ago. Never stop doing that.” She stepped away to let her pass. “Consider yourself disinherited.”

Desideria felt the tears start to fall. For the first time in her life, she didn’t try to hide them. “I love you, Mother.” She took her hand and pulled her toward the door.

Her mother frowned. “What are you doing?”

“I have a surprise for you.”

Her mother dragged her feet. “I don’t know if I can take any more surprises today.”

Desideria smiled. “Trust me, you’re going to like this one.” She looked past her mother to Kara. “I trust you can take care of Leran and Karissa’s body?”

“Don’t insult me with such an insipid question.”

Desideria would have answered with an insult of her own, but it wasn’t worth it and she didn’t want to waste another moment when she could be with Caillen.

She took her mother out of the hangar and hailed a transport while she called Caillen’s family and let them know what was happening.

It didn’t take long to reach the hospital. But with the explosion her aunt had caused, it was total chaos. Fain and Hauk were in the bustling waiting room. At least they didn’t appear to be wounded.

The moment they saw her, they got up and allowed her and her mother to have their seats. She skimmed the bloody areas of their clothes, but none of it seemed to be theirs. “Were you hurt?”

Hauk shook his head. “No, we’re fine.”

“So how did you know about Caillen?” She hadn’t had a chance to call them.

They exchanged a confused frown. “What about Caillen?” Fain asked.

“He was seriously wounded. Aren’t you here for him?”

Hacursed. “No. We’re here for Darling. He was wounded protecting her.” He gestured angrily at her mother. “Because she couldn’t listen to anyone.”

Her mother glared at him. “How dare you take that tone with me.”

“Lady, if either of my friends die because of you I’m going to take a lot more to you than my tone. That you can bank on.”

Desideria stepped between them. “Let’s not kill each other right now.”

With a regal lift to her chin, her mother took a seat while she continued to give both Hauks a snarled lip that said she didn’t think much of them.

Before she could say anything else, Chayden came into their area with a drink carrier. Her heart pounded as she feared what reaction he might have.

You should have thought of that before now.

Yeah, she should have.

“They were out of dairy, so you guys’ll have to man-up and drink it…” His voice trailed off as he saw her. A slow smile curled his lips. “Hey, sis. Where’s Dagan?”

Her vocal cords froze as her mind debated what to do. How to tell him.

With no real idea and no better thought, she stepped aside so that he could see their mother. As she did so, Fain took the drink carrier from Chayden’s hands so that he wouldn’t spill the hot drinks on them or himself.

Silence rang out as her mother rose slowly to her feet.

The expression on Chayden’s face said he was torn between wanting to hug her and kill her. Her mother’s face was completely stoic. Desideria had no idea what she was thinking or how she would react.

Until her mother crossed the small distance and drew him into a tight hug.

Chayden stood there with his arms out, still not touching her. His confused gaze went to the Hauks and then to her.

Still their mother held him and rocked slowly back and forth. “You look so much like your father. For a minute, I thought I was seeing him again.”

That was the wrong thing to say. Chayden all but shoved her away from him. “Don’t even come at me with that shit.” He turned his angry glare at Desideria. “You had no right bringing her here without clearing it through me first.”

“I thought you’d be excited.”

“Like having my fingernails peeled back… which I had done a couple of times when I was on Qilla.”

The color drained from her mother’s face. “What?”
