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Bossman's Baby Scandal

Bossman’s Baby Scandal (Kings of the Boardroom #1)(39)
Author: Catherine Mann

“I’m only just getting started.” She’d placed two topiaries by the front door and planted some cooler-weather snapdragons and diascia in the flower boxes, a nice beginning. But she looked forward to landscaping the garden in more detail over time. She had that now with Jason.

Time. Forever. Together.

She’d hired a full-time manager for her New York offices and had started the ball rolling for opening a San Francisco branch. Since she would soon have her money back, she and Jason had decided to use the half-million-dollar loan he’d given her as seed money for her expansion to California. It truly was a smart investment for their future and for their child. Lauren was already looking into plans for building an architecturally matching office behind the home.

Life was coming together perfectly.

She had her friend, her lover, her partner, her husband—and he also happened to be the love of her life.

They’d even invited her mother to come out and look at vacation condos for winter visits with her grandchild. Having Jason at her side made dealing with Jacqueline easier. While he still had a ways to go making peace with his own parents, she knew she would never be comfortable cutting her mother completely out of her life, especially now that her mother seemed ready to embrace help.

Lauren didn’t delude herself. Dealing with Jacqueline would still be tough—to say the least—but she had a new level of confidence in her ability to avoid explosions by drawing better boundaries.

“Love you,” she whispered against his mouth.

“Love you, too,” he answered, and she never grew tired of hearing it.

Prentice’s Family Is Everything motto was working well for them. Sure, their start had been for practical reasons, but they’d both been so stubborn and locked into their workaholic, cold lives, they’d needed a good shaking up.

Lauren shuffled, twisting around until she straddled Jason’s lap. “I’ve got a hankering for pecan pancakes with lots of maple syrup. How about you try your hand with the basting brush this time?”

He stood, holding her in place as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I say you are absolutely the best partner to work with, Mrs. Reagert. Absolutely the best.”
