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Bought By The Billionaire Brothers

Bought By The Billionaire Brothers(11)
Author: Alexx Andria

A long sigh rattled out of her chest and she smiled sheepishly at Nolan, always a little embarrassed by how wanton she became in the moment. Penny clapped her hands over her flaming face and groaned. “Oh my goodness,” was all she could say and Nolan laughed, pulling her hands free with a mock stern expression.

“You’re beautiful and never forget it, especially when you’re cumming beneath my tongue. Understand?”

She nodded but her cheeks were still hot. “Aren’t you staying tonight?” she asked, noting with a subtle frown that he wasn’t climbing into the bed beside her.

He answered with a small shake of his head as he rose. “Not tonight. I have pressing business elsewhere but I will see you tomorrow at the office. Perhaps you could wear that blue Versace I picked up for you when I was in Milan?”

“Of course,” she said with a demure nod, though in truth she was a bit afraid of the price tag on that dress. What if she spilled something on it because she was a terrible klutz? She swallowed her fears in the face of Nolan’s expectation and simply acquiesced like a good mistress should. “Good night, Nolan.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her thoroughly. The scent of her own musk teased her nostrils as he drew away. He warmed her with a charming grin. “That’s my girl. Sleep tight, gorgeous.”

And then he was out the door. Penny heard the front door close and lock and she heaved a short sigh. Whatever had been bothering Nolan, he hadn’t seen fit to share even though they’d shared the most intimate act two people could share.

The knowledge made her feel a little empty and more than a little disappointed as she fell into a fretful sleep.


“You look exquisite,” Vince said under his breath the following morning as Penny entered the office. Penny fought the urge to squirm with absolute pleasure at his approval and simply smiled at his compliment. Vince’s eyes warmed with heat and Penny knew he was already mentally undressing her. Tonight he would visit her, she could tell by the hunger in his gaze. Vince had been insatiable as of late and she’d begun to crave his savage touch like an addict needed a fix. But whereas Nolan was always tender and considerate, Vince was rough and thorough. Penny always felt ravaged after a night with Vince. She liked both styles of lovemaking and she was glad she didn’t have to choose between one or the other. Just thinking of what Vince could make her do, caused her cheeks to bloom and her insides to slick. Goodness gracious, the Buchanan brothers had managed to turn her into a raging sex fiend in a surprisingly short time frame. Penny couldn’t help the secret smile that followed but she startled when she realized there was another person in the room.

“Oh!” she gasped, jumping just a little but enough to cause her breasts to jiggle obscenely. She covered her heart with her hands and swallowed with embarrassment. So much for looking the part of the sophisticated mistress. “I apologize. I didn’t see you there,” she said, looking to Vince. “Should I come back later?”

Before Vince could answer, the other man rose with a dark smile on his full lips, saying, “No need to scuttle off on my account. My brother is right; you do look exquisite in that shade of blue. Let me guess…Versace?” When Penny could only stare, the information stunning her brain into silence, he chuckled and shot Vince a knowing look. “Nolan’s go-to designer for his pets. Now…who might you be aside from achingly lovely to look at?”

“P-penny,” she stammered, looking to Vince for guidance. Did he say brother? How had she not known that Vince and Nolan had another brother? Embarrassment and confusion colored her voice as she said, “I’m sorry…I didn’t know there was another Buchanan.”

Vince exhaled a short sigh of aggravation at the forced introduction.  “Penny meet my older brother Dillon.” He gestured swiftly. “Penny, meet Dillon. Dillon meet Penny.”

“The pleasure is all mine, I assure you,” Dillon said, grasping Penny’s hand and pressing a kiss to the soft skin. The pressure of his lips did something strange to her insides, shaming her with her sudden arousal. What kind of person was she that she immediately felt an attraction to Vince and Nolan’s older brother?

“If you wouldn’t mind keeping your lips off my secretary…” Vince warned Dillon with a distinct growl. Penny withdrew her hand, her eyes wide at the odd undercurrent passing between the two men.

“Secretary?” His mouth quirked at the lie. “The temp agencies have really stepped up their game if Miss Penny is any indication of the hiring pool these days.”

A flush stole up Penny’s neck but she lifted her chin and directed her stare back to Vince, saying, “Is there anything you need from me this morning?”

“I can think of a few things I might want,” Dillon remarked with a decidedly wry grin, almost taunting Vince. Vince’s mouth hardened, unamused by his brother’s innuendo and Dillon shrugged, unaffected by Vince’s censure. “A water would be great,” he added, without glancing back at Penny. A silent war of wills raged between the two men that thickened the air with a palpable sense of tension. Penny suppressed a delicate shiver and let herself out, eager to escape. This was definitely not a happy reunion; that much she knew for sure.


“What are you doing here?” Vince cut straight to the chase as soon as Penny was free from the room. He didn’t want his brother anywhere near him and Nolan’s girl. Dillon had a way of sucking all the air from a room when women were concerned. Their older brother was something of a black sheep and women gravitated to him like moths to a fucking flame. Vince was not about to lose Penny to Dillon.

“No hello, nice to see you? Tsk, tsk brother. Where are your manners? Mother would be so disappointed.” Dillon helped himself to the bar, pouring a generous snifter of brandy. He gestured to the door where Penny had left. “So let’s talk about Penny…”

“Let’s not.” Vince held his brother’s stare, steel to steel. “Get to the point. You didn’t show up to talk about my secretary.”

“Ah, but that’s the thing, I don’t think she’s just your secretary. How many secretaries can afford Versace?” Dillon challenged, raising his glass to his lips, watching Vince. When Vince remained stubbornly silent, he chuckled and took a measured sip, savoring the flavor. He closed his eyes briefly with a small smile. “God, it’s been too long since I had good scotch.” He finished the snifter off and placed the glass on the marble bar before settling into the chair opposite Vince. “Let me tell you what I think the delectable Miss Penny is…”
