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Bought By The Billionaire Brothers

Bought By The Billionaire Brothers(30)
Author: Alexx Andria

“You poor thing. No dog? Ever? That’s borderline child abuse. Every kid should have a pet of some sort.” “What was your dog’s name?” “Randy.”

“Randy? That’s a bartender’s name. Why’d you name your dog, Randy?”

“I found him on Randy Street.”


He laughed. “No, not really,” he said, admitting with a mischievous grin.

“He was the horniest dog I’d ever

known. Even after he was fixed he would hump anything that moved. It got to the point where I thought maybe he had a problem. But he was just a dirty little terrier was all. I loved that dog. He was the best.”

“How long did you have him?”

“All though high school and some college.”

“Did he die of old age?”

“Unfortunately, no. He got hit by a car.”


… I’m sorry. That sucks. How come you never got another dog?”

He sighed and popped another grape. “Same as you I guess. Too busy.

Didn’t want the dog to be alone while I worked an hour day.”

She sobered. He was a workaholic,just like his brothers and yet he didn’t work for Buchanan Enterprises. “Do you miss your family?”

“I miss my granddad. You would’ve liked him. He was an ornery old bastard who liked to pinch the asses of fine ladies and didn’t know the meaning of ‘politically correct.’ He always made me laugh. I think we’re a lot alike and maybe that’s why we got along so well. My granddad built Buchanan Enterprises from the ground by being ruthless in business, but even though his competitors called him a bastard, or worse, they knew him to be a man of his word. If nothing else, Granddad earned their respect. He didn’t care what others thought or said about him; he lived by his own code.

When the rest of the family turned their back on me, Granddad never did.”

“It must’ve been hard to be cut off from family,” she said.

“Yeah, it was at first. But I found my own way eventually. Granddad always kept tabs on me, made sure I was getting food in my belly and a roof over my head. Although, he had a messed up sense of humor. Before I started making my own money, he used to put me up at various hotels. Except I think he got a kick out of finding the shittiest rat hole he could find just to hear the horror stories later. But, I have to admit, staying in those crappy hotels created a drive in me that I never realized was there until I >was forced to rely upon it for survival. I guess, in a way, he did me a solid by making me stay in those terrible places.”

Penny laughed, the rueful sound tickling him in places he’d thought were long dead. “Did you ever thank him for his blessing in disguise?”

“Hell no. I told him payback would be when it was time to put him in a home and I found the crappiest nursing home to stick him in where they served up nothing but grape gelatin and stool softener sandwiches . He dared me to try it and he’d have my balls cut off and delivered to me.” Dillon chuckled at the memory of their ribald conversations. God, he missed that old man. “He was a card. Always kept you on your toes, that’s for sure.”

“The twins never talk about anything personal with me,” Penny admitted, her smile fading. “Makes me feel as if I’m not truly a part of their lives, which seems an odd thing to say given our unique arrangement.”

“Penny, you aren’t a part of their lives,” he said gently. “You’re a plaything. A toy that they purchased to use at their whim. You say they’ve been good to you, but what kind of men persuade a woman a virgin no less to sell herself to them? Doesn’t that seem like the opposite of good men?”

She bit her lip, hating that Dillon’s logic made a certain amount of sense. Her papa would’ve condemned them on the spot for making such a filthy offer to his only daughter. If only to try to wipe away that look on Dillon’s face, she tried explaining her reasoning. “When I first started working for your brothers I was awestruck by them but I was fairly certain that they’d never noticed me. I mean, you should’ve seen the women they often dated in a word: gorgeous and I, sort of, started to crush on the twins in the same way you would some unattainable movie star. When I was invited to the house, I never dreamed that it was for anything aside from work. Then, they made their offer and I was so star-struck at the time that I couldn’t help but say yes. By the time I realized what I’d done, it was too late . But the twins have been good masters. They’ve never been cruel or asked me to do anything disgusting and they’ve been good to their word as far as the money goes.”

Dillon remained quiet and she worried that perhaps she’d made things worse but Dillon surprised her by kissing her deeply. She stared in wonder as he pulled away. “What was that for?” “Because I wanted to.”

Penny smiled, liking the sound of that. “Feel free to do it again whenever you like.”

“I will.” Dillon moved in and claimed her mouth, only this time harder, with more urgency. They kissed until they lost sense of time, taking time to linger and savor each other and when they finally pulled apart, Penny knew for a certainty that both were faced with the realization that things were changing between them, even if neither were ready for the complications. She needed to taste him on her tongue, wanted his cream to fill her mouth so that she could swallow every drop, retaining a small piece of him forever. It was silly, even borderline weird, but she desperately needed him before she lost him forever.

She moved down his firm abdomen, pressing kisses against the slightly furred love trail that led her to his rapidly stirring cock. She lovingly slipped the soft, squishy head into her mouth, reveling in the musky taste of their lovemaking that remained from their last session, and gently coaxed the firm length to harden until it was ready and straining against her lips. She nuzzled the fleshy head, rimming the underside with the clever tease of her tongue, openly delighting in the grunts and moans that Dillon couldn’t hold back. Soon, his fingers threaded through her hair, and he was flexing his hips against her mouth, the pleasure too much for him to contain. A powerful ripple of arousal shook her to her bones as his breathing became harsh and his muscles strained against the urge to blow. “Quick, I’m going to cum,” he rasped with a moan as he attempted to persuade her to slip his cock inside her before he came. But she wanted to push him past that point of no return. She wanted to know what it felt like to harness that sexual power and bring the mighty Buchanan to his knees. “Ahh ! Holy fuck!” he gasped, stiffening as his grip on her scalp tightened almost painfully but she was to aroused to care. She worked him harder and faster, sucking in an unfailing rhythm that sent him crashing into a wall of abject pleasure. Penny swallowed everything he had to give her in big, greedy gulps, nearly choking when the rush became too much but she wanted it all. Before the Buchanan brothers, she never would’ve imagined that she could ever swallow a man’s seed the idea had been disgusting but she felt oddly territorial about Dillon and thus, wanted every precious drop of his essence.
