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Bought By The Billionaire Brothers

Bought By The Billionaire Brothers(8)
Author: Alexx Andria

“A woman like you should never settle,” Nolan said with a faint growl. “Remember that.”

“Any man who doesn’t see how fucking sexy you are, is an idiot,” Vince said, a fierce scowl on his face to match his tone. He pulled Penny to him, nuzzling her neck. “But their loss is our gain, right brother?”

“Hell yes,” Nolan agreed, tracing his finger down the column of her back, causing her to shiver. “We’re going to have lots of fun. By the time we’re through with you, you’ll never be the same.”

She shivered, knowing in her heart this was true. She was already different.

And she liked it. There was no going back to that insecure, forgotten woman ever again.

Penny sighed and rolled to her back, loving how both men flanked her. Their spent cocks twitched as if eager to return to the soft, wet safety of her body and their eyes darkened with open desire. She gazed at both in turn. “I’ve been a virgin too long,” she said, her mouth lifting in a playful yet mischievous smile. “Tell me…what else can you teach me?”

They each shared a look — one filled with dark promise and sensual adventure — as they began to slowly make their way down her body with their mouths working in tandem and Penny knew they were going to be very thorough teachers.

And she couldn’t wait to show them what a good student she could be.

“Ohhhh, yesss!…”


Penny McDaniel didn’t think there was another man alive that could compare to the decadent handsomeness of Vince and Nolan Buchanan. Strong enough to toss her around like a ragdoll in spite of her bountiful curves with the stamina of a bull when they had her on her back (or knees), both men were exhaustive in their desire to possess her body and soul.

Sometimes Penny had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t living in a wonderful dream — a wonderfully erotic dream, at that.

Two months ago, the billionaire brothers who owned and operated Buchanan Enterprises, had approached her with a very unusual, very shocking business proposal and she’d accepted.

Holy hotcakes, had she accepted.

Since then, her life had been a whirlwind of sexual education (yes, she’d been a virgin prior to the brothers, and yes, she knew how crazy that seemed in this day and age) that’d often left her breathless (and deliciously spent) as well as mind-bogglingly overwhelmed.

Penny had gone from lowly bean-counter to highly desired mistress of two of the wealthiest men in the world and it was quite an adjustment.

To say she lived a privileged — albeit complicated — life was an understatement. She’d gone from anxiously staking out Payless BOGO events for new shoes to slipping into the well-heeled luxury of hand-crafted Chanel with price tags that made her want to faint. Somehow it seemed obscene to spend such an inordinate amount of money on things that went on her feet. But then, she supposed she’d never really been like many women who salivated over expensive shoes so when the Buchanans insisted on updating her wardrobe, she’d felt a bit like Julie Roberts on Rodeo Drive, trying to find a look that both suited and flattered. To be honest, it’d been an exercise in frustration. Designers simply didn’t make clothes that flattered a fuller figure.

“Not everyone is shaped like a human hanger,” she’d groused during one of their epic shopping excursions that’d left Penny feeling frumpy and fat until Nolan had simply suggested they employ a personal dressmaker to come and take Penny’s measurements. After that, shopping had been a breeze and she had to admit, she loved her new clothes. Suddenly, she felt sophisticated and worldly when all her life she’d always lived on the fringe of everything that was cool and beautiful. Of course, as lovely as the new clothes were, truthfully, Penny enjoyed when the brothers were peeling them from her body far more than anything else.

But lately, both Vince and Nolan had seemed on edge. Their lovemaking was rough and savage, not that she minded, but it certainly seemed as if something were eating at them. It couldn’t be the business because Penny knew for a fact Buchanan Enterprises was turning over record profit, which left Penny to worry that the problem was with her. What else could the two men who had everything have cause to worry about?

“You’re quiet tonight,” Nolan observed, knuckling her cheek lightly as they lay in the expansive four-poster cherrywood bed that she still hadn’t gotten used to sleeping in since she moved from her apartment to the penthouse suite that belonged to the brothers. Nestled in the crook of Nolan’s arm, she glanced up at him and smiled shyly, not quite sure how to confess her fears without sounding like a mewling, pathetic baby. “Everything okay? Are you still sore?” he asked solicitously, causing her to blush like mad. Just the mention of their epic sexual adventures made her cheeks heat. He smiled with genuine amusement at her reaction. Nolan loved that she’d been a virgin before either of them had been between her thighs. Of course, they’d both done their level best to obliterate her virginity in all ways since then — hence the slight soreness he’d mentioned.

She nodded and lied just a little. “All good. Perfect actually.” It was a small white lie. She was a bit sore from last night but it was a good feeling and she didn’t mind at all. In fact, being taken by either of the Buchanans was a pleasure she’d never known existed. Sounded cheesy, but it was true. Made her grateful she’d saved her “treasure” as her papa had put it, for the right person, instead of giving it away to the first fumbling male who had paid her any sort of attention.

Penny traced a line from the top of his chest down the hard ridge of his belly. “Is everything okay with you?” she asked, holding her breath. She was still learning her place in their world and was, at times, unsure of her boundaries but Vince and Nolan were always accommodating of her education. She’d only been punished once, and truth be told, Penny had writhed like a cat in heat, loving every minute. Vince had laughed and promised to “punish” her more often. Nolan stilled and Penny worried her lip, adding, “I just wondered because you seem…like something is bothering you.”

Nolan exhaled and actually pulled away to sit on the edge of the bed. Penny held her breath. Maybe she should’ve kept her questions to herself… “Do you have any family?” he asked, surprising her with the sudden question.

“No. My dad died a few years ago. He was all I had left,” Penny answered, tucking her feet under her short, demure nightie. Nolan loved her in lace, whereas Vince preferred tight corsets that made her breasts spill over the top like bountiful pillows plumped for his pleasure. “Why?”
