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Bound In Death

Bound In Death (Bound #5)(27)
Author: Cynthia Eden

He’d said that he could get her a witch. If she was under a spell, a witch could break that spell, right? “I want my memories, now.”

“Careful what you ask for. You might be better off without them,” Liam murmured.

That was her decision. Not his. Not Alerac’s.

Alerac tossed Ryan toward the door. No, through the door. The wood broke and shattered at the impact. “Come here again,” he said, “and brother or no brother, you’re dead.”

Ryan cast her one final look. He was just outside of the cabin and—and wolves were coming out from the darkness. They circled him.

The wolves just seemed to be waiting. Their sharp teeth glinted in the light.

“One word from me,” Alerac told Ryan, the words low and vicious, “and they’ll tear you apart.”

Ryan straightened to his full height. “This isn’t over, alpha.”

“Yes, it is.”

Ryan’s gaze darted toward Jane.

Meet me at the stream. Two miles south. Before dawn. Before the sun rises.

She bit her lip to hold back the gasp that wanted to break free. She’d just heard Ryan’s voice—in her head.

Don’t trust the wolf. Or his pack. Traitors want your blood.

Ryan’s lips never moved, but she heard every word clearly in her mind.

But then Ryan turned around. He walked right through that circle of wolves. Headed out with his head up and never looked back.

Get away from Alerac as soon as you can. You must meet me before dawn.

She watched Ryan until he vanished. Then she moved to hurry away from that cabin.

But Alerac caught her wrist. His fingers curled around the delicate bones.

She tilted up her chin. “You should have told me that I had a brother.” The anger was there, growing and beating inside of her.

“He can’t be trusted,” Alerac said, voice deep. “He was there when you were imprisoned. He didn’t help you.”

Not caring for the audience that watched, Jane challenged, “And you did? Is that what you’re saying?”

No, he wasn’t saying anything. Not then.

“I can’t trust him. I can’t trust you. I can’t trust Heath.” Her breath rushed out. “It seems the only person I can trust is myself.”

A hard shake of his head. “I told you that I’d keep you safe—”

“I’m not some possession.” The fury was so strong that she was shaking. “I’m a person. It’s not your job to keep me anything.” She’d been afraid, and the fear had led her to this place, this mountain with him.

She should have known to be wary of the desire he stirred within her. But she’d just been so happy to actually be feeling something again. Something—anything other than fear.

He seduced you once.

And he was doing it again. She was so desperate for some security, desperate for someone to want her, that she’d given in before considering all of the risks.

“Let me go.” Her voice was flat. Surprising, considering that she felt as if she were breaking apart on the inside.

He glanced at her hand. Swallowed.

Released her.

She moved away from him and maneuvered through the smashed remains of the cabin’s door. All of those wolves—they’d sure come out fast enough. She stared at them, suspicion pushing through her. “They were in the woods, weren’t they? When I was coming here…”

“They have orders not to attack you.” Alerac’s curt voice. “Just to make sure that you’re safe.”

“Safe?” Her voice mocked the word as she glanced over her shoulder. “Or that I stay captive?” Her laugh was bitter. “I feel like a prisoner.” She rubbed her arms. “It’s a real familiar feeling.” She started walking then, heading toward the path that would take her back to the main house. “I don’t want to be followed any longer. Keep them back, Alerac!”

She could hear the footfalls from the wolves.

“Keep. Them. Back!”

She wanted to break and run. To head for that stream. But…not yet.

First she had to make sure that no one followed her. She stopped. Took a breath. Then looked back at the werewolf who seemed to be sinking his claws right into her heart. “It’s your land, right? Surely I’m safe here. I can manage a walk back to the house all by myself.”

He studied at her, his gaze unblinking.

Jane realized that she was holding her breath.

Then he inclined his head toward the wolves. “Go back to your other duties.”

They turned. Eased away.

She started walking again.

One foot.

In front of the other.

She headed into the woods. Kept her pace slow. Alerac would still be able to hear her footsteps. She had to wait. Had to plan her moment just right.

When it was safe, then she’d go to her brother.


“We should have killed him years ago.” Liam shook his head as his bones began to pop and stretch. The guy had to shift in order to heal his broken nose and his broken arm. “I told you again and again, the bastard deserves a good killing.”

But Alerac had never been able to end Ryan McDonough’s life. Because when he looked into Ryan’s eyes all he could think about was how much she loved her brother.

Even though that same brother had turned his back on her.

Her screams stopped.

Keira and Ryan had always shared a special connection. He should have known that Ryan was linked to her, even during her imprisonment. But if Ryan had been able to touch her thoughts then, why hadn’t he saved her? Why hadn’t he freed Keira?

Liam howled as he took the form of the beast. The others were gone, the small clearing empty. As for Jane…

He couldn’t hear the soft sound of her footsteps any longer.

He marched forward. She wanted a witch, and he’d given the order to acquire one. But now Alerac had to wonder if Jane truly needed those memories back. Her life before the imprisonment had been short, just twenty-five years of freedom. Then two hundred in hell. Why should she be forced to remember that imprisonment? Why couldn’t they just go forward?

The wind shifted, blowing against his face. A storm was coming. He could smell it in the air.

He could also smell Jane’s sweet scent. Only that scent wasn’t coming from the north, as it should have been.

The south.

His muscles locked. He inhaled again. His senses were the sharpest in the pack.

He focused, trying to hear—

Racing footsteps. Heaving breaths.
