Read Books Novel

Breathe into Me

Breathe into Me(38)
Author: Sara Fawkes

I couldn’t put my finger on what exactly the smell was. Maybe it was butter? I don’t know, all I knew was if it smelled that good, I could only imagine what it would taste like. Now I could see why Landon was so eager to eat. My stomach was growling at that moment and I prayed the noise level in the house was enough to mask it from Kane.

“This way.” Kane began pulling me through the foyer to the living room. The far wall was made of three sets of French doors put together. Every door was open, allowing the smells of the grilling meats to make their way through the house. Once we stepped outside, I scanned the yard that was full of people standing around talking and little kids running around playing tag. He wasn’t joking when he said the neighborhood got together for this. There were so many people here I wouldn’t doubt if all their neighbors were here in this one backyard.

He continued to lead the way over to a very large outdoor kitchen. Mastering the grill was an older man, his hair was gray and he had a large smile on his face as he talked with a few other men. I could see the resemblance of his smile with Kane’s. This must have been his grandpa.

“Hey, Paw,” Kane said as we approached the old man, who turned in our direction at Kane’s greeting. His smile never wavered.

“Well now, who do we have here?” he said as he glanced back and forth between Kane and me.

Kane pulled me up beside him and wrapped his arm around my waist. “This is Kelsey. The girl I told you about.”

The old man looked at me for another second or two before barking out a laugh and pulling me from Kane’s side into a tight hug. “It’s about damn time, boy. Me and your maw were beginning to think you had done lost your mind and made the whole thing up.” He pushed me back at arm’s length, then looked over my shoulder at Kane. “I will tell you this, she sure is a pretty one.” I blushed at his statement and I could hear Kane laughing behind me. “Now you tell me, sweetheart, what in the world is a pretty little thing like you doing with that ugly mug back there?” The old man nodded in Kane’s direction. “I tried to tell him when he went and put that dang thing in his lip that there was no way he would ever get a girl now.”

“And I told you, old man, that the ladies love it. Makes me look all hard ass,” Kane said as he pulled me from his grandpa’s arms. “Now gets your hands off my woman. You got one of your own … and then some.” Kane playfully punched his grandpa’s shoulder.

“What can I say, the ladies love me.” He shrugged. “But that little ‘ol gal in there cooking away stole my heart when I was about your age, and the little thief never gave it back.”

I loved the way his grandpa lit up when he talked about his grandma. I hadn’t grown up seeing love like that. Sure my mom loved me, but there was never any love that I could see between my parents. Just control and fear. Seeing the way Kane’s grandpa was still so deeply in love with his grandma after all these years had me hoping that I would be that lucky to have someone love me like that.

“My name is Ralph. Ralph Riley.” He smiled and held out his hand.

“Kelsey Rien.” I smiled back and placed my hand in his, and he gave my arm a good, firm shake.

“Boy, don’t just stand there like a stick in the mud. Take her on in there to your Maw and get her something sweet to eat. I will have these steaks done shortly,” Ralph ordered Kane. I gave him a slight wave goodbye and then Kane led me back into the house.

Okay, that wasn’t so bad. One grandparent down, one to go. If his grandma was anything like Ralph I think I would be just fine. When we were back in the house Kane started leading me down a short hall. With each step I took, the smell of baked goods grew stronger and stronger. I wonder if their house always smelled like this. No need for scented candles if you could bake I guess.

At the end of the hall was a massive kitchen. I guess it would have to be massive though to fit into this huge house. There were a few women exiting the other side of the room, but then there was one short, plump woman with short, dark hair and flour on her apron running all around the large room.

“Maw,” Kane said, but the woman didn’t stop what she was doing. She had her back to us and was running back and forth from the oven to what looked like pie dough on the counter. “Maw!” Kane yelled, and the little old woman abruptly tuned to us and grabbed her chest.

“Kane Matthew! Are you trying to give your maw a heart attack?! Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

Kane laughed and let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around his grandmother. She hardly came up to Kane’s shoulders so I could tell she was very short.

“How are you, sweetie? I put two apple pies in the back of the fridge for you to take home with you later.”

“Thanks, Maw. I have someone I want you to meet.” He glanced over at me and her eyes followed suit. “This is Kelsey.” He smiled and so did his grandma.

I nervously made my way to them. “It’s so nice to meet you. You have a beautiful home. Thank you for having me.” Oh God, Kelsey. Stop rambling.

His grandma continued to smile at me, even with all my awkwardness. “We are so happy to have you, honey. I could tan Kane’s hide for not bringing you around sooner. He picks a time when he knows we are going to be swamped with people to bring you around.” She reached up and firmly grasped Kane’s chin. “I love you, but sometimes you are not very bright.” She pulled his face down by his chin and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“Ha! Thanks, Maw. You see what she did there?” Kane glanced at me. “She insults me, but because she loves me and kisses me it makes it okay. You women.” He shook his head and I giggled.

“Boy, just because you are a man now don’t think I won’t take a wooden spoon to your hide. Don’t sass me. I know what you were thinking. You thought if you bring her when we have the big cookout she would get lost in all the commotion, but Maw knows how you think. That’s why Kelsey is going to help me finish up these pies and you’re going to go out there and help your Paw with the grill. Go on now, scoot. We have girl things to do.”

I sent Kane a panicked look, but he just smiled and kissed his grandmother on the cheek. He then came over to me and whispered, “You will be fine,” in my ear and left the room. Now it was just me and his grandma. What in the world did she want to be alone with me for? I just stood there knotting my hands together. Not sure what to do next.
