Read Books Novel

Breathe into Me

Breathe into Me(51)
Author: Sara Fawkes

“He’s so hot, right? Those tats and that lip piercing? Gah, I just want to jump him every time I see him at Shot’s”

Their discussion caught my attention and I couldn’t help but edge closer to the corner so I could hear their conversation better. Shot’s? Tats? Lip piercing? I knew there was a chance they could be talking about someone else but those chances were slim. They were talking about my Kane.

“Didn’t he blow you off though, Katie? I mean, ever since school started I haven’t seen him around as much, and when I do see him he is either with Landon or that skinny girl with the long, brown hair. I think she’s a freshman.”

I started fiddling with the charms on my bracelet. Now they were talking about me.

“Yeah, I have seen him with her too. She’s actually pretty.” Another voice said.

“Please. She is so not pretty, and Kane is just checking out the new meat on campus, like he always does. You know how our relationship works.”


“I wouldn’t call what you and Kane have a relationship, Katie.” One of the other girls snickered and I found the urge to fist pump. The only relationship Kane was in was with me.

“Oh, really? Who does he always end up coming back to when he’s bored with the others? Me, that’s who. He goes out and has his fun but he always ends up coming right back to me in the end. I just look at it this way, it’s obvious Kane and I will end up together. He’s just being a typical male and trying to sow all the wild oats he can before he settles down. And when I say before he settles down, I obviously mean before he settles down with me.” She gave a girly giggle and the others followed suit … I wanted to gag.

How can this chick possibly think she is in any type of relationship with Kane? Either she is delusional or just flat out crazy.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. I quickly hopped on it, I wanted to be away from their convo before I did something stupid like march in there and set them straight like a crazy person.

I finally made it to my room and threw my things on my desk with more force than I had intended.

Katie. Why did that name sound so familiar? I didn’t know that many people around campus yet, but I didn’t think I had met a Katie yet. Then it hit me. She was the girl who practically dry humped Kane that first night at Shot’s.

I was trying to remember exactly how that night went. Did he really not seem interested in her? Or was it all just a front because he was talking to me? He did rush off that night. Maybe he did meet up with her later? I needed to stop this now. What was wrong with me? I trusted Kane, didn’t I? I needed to just stop thinking about this right now. It would eat me alive if I didn’t.

I found the text book I needed to be studying and threw myself on my bed. I can’t believe I was letting what those girls where talking about get to me like this. I needed to trust my gut on this and my gut right now was telling me that I was being paranoid. It was obvious that Kane had never had an actual girlfriend before me, or else those girls would have talked about that. Why would he ask me to be his girlfriend when he had never worried about asking anyone else?

I sighed. There, that was better. Just had a moment in crazy-town. I was Kane’s girlfriend. He had chosen me out of all those other girls. That was something I needed to hold on to when all those other doubts crept into my head.

I was lost in my textbook, actually feeling the words sink into my brain—I was going to ace this test tomorrow. I was sure of it—when my cell alerted me of a text.

I smiled when I saw Kane’s name on the screen.

Kane: I miss you.

I missed him too. Had it really only been this morning since I last saw him? I looked up at my alarm clock at the time. It was already ten? Wow, I had been studying for six hours straight. No wonder I was feeling so confident about tomorrow’s test.

I rubbed my face with my palms, now feeling the burn in my eyes from all the studying I had been doing. I picked up my phone to text Kane back.

I miss you too. Did you have a good day?

I closed my book and set it on my desk. I think I had done enough studying tonight. I was pulling my hair up to go wash my face when he texted me back.

Kane: I was without you, so no. My day has not been good. Did you learn anything new today?

Boy did I ever. But I was sure he wasn’t referring to the gossip I had overheard.

I learned enough. It’s a good thing you texted me when you did or I probably wouldn’t have gotten any sleep tonight. I have been studying the past six hours and didn’t notice.

I could see he was typing out his response, so I rushed off to the bathroom to wash my face before he finished. I was drying my face when I heard my phone chime twice from the other room.

The first was from Jessi letting me know she would be home shortly and asking if I wanted her to grab me something to eat. Considering the fact that I hadn’t eaten since lunch with Nate, I told her swing by a fast food place and get me something, then I opened Kane’s text.

Kane:Overachiever. ? I’m just finishing up here then I’m headed up stairs. It would be nice if you were up there waiting on me. I don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight after sleeping with you in my arms last night.

He was right. After spending the night in his arms, sleeping alone in my bed just didn’t sound comfortable at all. I didn’t want to be one of those girl that got a boyfriend and spent every waking minute together but I did miss him and wanted to be near him. I guess I understood now how couples could seclude themselves like that.

Don’t remind me. My bed is not as comfortable as yours anyway. ?

Kane: I could swing by and steal you away.

Jessi is on her way back and she is bringing me some food. I guess I’m going to eat and try to get some sleep. See you in the morning?

I played with the charms on my bracelet while waiting for him to respond. I had noticed a tiny crack in one of the links the other day that I would need to get fixed as soon as possible. I would hate for something to happen and it break.

My phone lit up again.

Kane: I will probably be waiting for you when you wake up. Cause as soon as I see day light I’m coming to kiss those beautiful lips.

Again his use of the word beautiful made my heart flutter.


Kane: Promise. Goodnight, baby.

Goodnight. <3

I clutched my phone to my chest for the next couple minutes. I couldn’t stop smiling at the fact that he had called me baby. No one had ever called me baby before. Well, beside my mom, but obviously coming from Kane it held whole new meaning.
