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Breathe into Me

Breathe into Me(56)
Author: Sara Fawkes

I grabbed the bottom of my tank top and pulled it over my head. My bare chest was on full display now. Kane sat up and began kissing my neck again. He lightly trailed his fingers up my stomach until he had my breasts in each of his warm hands.

My head fell back and I sank my body deeper onto his. I really wished I had taken off our bottoms first, but we would get there soon enough. Kane nuzzled and kissed his way down my neck to my chest before taking one of my nipples into his mouth. I ran my hand over his short hair, holding him in place. He was licking and sucking and had my whole body feel as though it was melting. Before I knew it, I was flipped on my back again and Kane was pulling my shorts down my legs.

When I was completely naked, he covered my body with his again and began lightly kissing my mouth. He used his tongue to tease mine, barely grazing mine before retreating back into his mouth. I slid my hands under his arms to his back, pressing the tips of my fingers into his flesh as I made my way down. When my fingers finally reached the band of his shorts, I began to pull them down, but could only get them so far before he had to help me.

When we were both finally, completely bare, Kane stopped kissing me and sat up on his elbows. He ran his thumb under my eye along my cheekbone.

“I really do love you, Kelsey.”

My heart swelled. I would never get tired of hearing him say that.

“You own me now, you know that? Never in my life have I wanted or loved a person as much as I do you. I don’t care that we haven’t known each other long. I know what I feel and this just feels meant to be. That everything is completely right when I am with you.”

I nodded. “I know,” I said as I took his face in my hands. “I think my heart knew it wanted you from the moment I first laid my eyes on you. I couldn’t get you out of my head, and we … literally kept bumping into each other. I have never really believed in signs, or fate, before, but I have to now that I have you in my life. All the bad things that have happened to us had to happen for us to find each other.”

It was true. I had lost my mom, but in losing her I had also found Kane. I probably would have never left that town had she still been living there. I wouldn’t have been able to leave her. And while I wished more than anything I could have them both, I knew my mom would be happy that I had found love.

“I never want to know what life is without you, Kelsey. Not. Ever. Again,” he finished as he slowly slid inside me.

I gasped. I could feel the tightness of my body stretching, allowing him to fit inside, but it was nowhere near the pain of the first time. This time it was a pleasurable pain and I could already feel the building of my orgasm. Kane surprised me by leaning back into a sitting position pulling me back on top, our faces nearly touching. I took advantage of the new position and began kissing him. I wanted to lose myself in this moment, in this kiss.

Kane gripped my hips and began to show me how to rock myself back and forth on his lap. This new position was making him rub me in new ways, and I knew my climax was coming quicker than I had expected it to. When the feeling became too much, I began to rock myself harder and faster, gasping in his mouth while we were kissing. My nails were digging into his back and I was scared I was probably breaking skin, but I couldn’t help myself. The feeling was too intense and I felt like I was going to fly away if I didn’t hold on to him.

Kane pulled my bottom lip between his teeth again, and that was all it took to send me splintering into a million different pieces. I gasped and lost the rhythm I had going, but Kane took my hips and pushed on through until he found his release as well.

When he was finished, he rested his forehead on my chest while we both tried to control our breathing. I lightly rubbed Kane’s back until he raised his head to look at me. We both smiled at each other before Kane laid us back down on the bed.

“Please tell me I will get tired of this eventually, because, honestly, I think I am becoming addicted,” I giggled.

Kane laced his fingers with mine before bringing our joined hands to his mouth to kiss each of my knuckles. “I became addicted to you a long time ago.”

We ended up staying in bed for a good part of morning. We talked about his plans for the bar he wanted to open, and how he couldn’t wait to run his own place. His excitement about his plans were contagious and I couldn’t help but picture Kane in his own bar. He would make a great boss. He was always in control of himself and level headed … most of the time. I had only seen him lose his cool a couple times, but both of those times had been when the fights had happened at the bar, and, honestly, that was enough to make anyone go a little off the edge.

Later that evening, Kane had to work and I decided to just stay upstairs at his place. I had some studying to do, and there was no way I would want him dragging himself out so late to run me back to the dorms.

Nate, Jessi, and I had finished our assignment a few days before and had made an A on it. I was so glad to finally be finished with it. It hadn’t been a hard assignment, but now that it was over I had more free time to spend with Kane. But I also felt bad, because since we had finished, I hadn’t really spoken to Nate that much.

Other than Kane and Landon, Nate had been one of the closest friends I had made here, and now that I had a boyfriend I had completely dropped him. Maybe I should text him and see if he wants to meet up for coffee one day? I wasn’t sure how Kane would feel about it, but he would just have to get over it. I knew he had nothing to worry about when it came to Nate, he would just have to trust me.

I had done all the studying I could handle for one night, and it was still pretty early. Kane wouldn’t be off work for at least another two and a half hours. And after not finding anything good to watch on TV, boredom got the best of me and I decided to walk down to Shot’s to see what Kane was up too.

I went ahead and changed out of my ‘study sweats’ and threw on some more people-friendly clothing. It was Friday night, and even though it wasn’t Shot’s most popular night, I didn’t want to go down there looking like a complete slob. Jessi had been on a date with Landon, but they had talked about swinging by, so maybe I could pass the time with them while I waited for Kane to get off work.

I approached the door and waved at doorman, whose name I learned was Jerry. “Hey, Jerry. Busy night?” I asked as I took in the somewhat-long line of people waiting to be let into Shot’s.

“Nah, not too bad. You here to see Kane?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, I finished my studying early and decided to come down and visit a while. No point in sitting upstairs all alone when my boyfriend is just down here right?” I smiled at him as he stepped back to let me enter the bar.
