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Breathe into Me

Breathe into Me(63)
Author: Sara Fawkes

Immediately I dropped to my knees and pressed my hand over his wound to try to stop some of the blood from flowing out of his body.

“Get up!” my father screamed, startling me and causing me to fall back on my butt. “I said, GET UP!” The gun rattled in his shaking hand as he pointed it at me. I scurried to stand, but I couldn’t stop watching the blood flow from Nate’s stomach. He skin was turning paler by the second.

“It was all your fault, you know.” I looked at my dad. “All of it. Everything that ever happened to her was your fault. We were fine before you came along. We were happy. Then she found out she was pregnant with you,” he spat the word you like it was the most disgusting thing in the world to him.

“I tried to talk her out of having you. I wanted her to have an abortion. She was MINE! I didn’t want to share her with anyone, but she threatened to leave me and raise you on her own, and I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t let her go. So I let her have you as long as I could keep her.” He paused for a minute, as if he was reflecting back on the memories. “She loved you more than she did me. That’s why I did the things I did to her. She wasn’t supposed to love anyone more than me. I loved her so much,” his voiced cracked on his last sentence, and I wanted to throw up.

How could he beat her and treat her the way he did, if he loved her? I had always known my dad was evil, but I didn’t know he was a lunatic.

“How did you get out?” I asked him again.

He chuckled. “Smart thinking on your old man’s part when I ran back in the house and planted that knife on your mother. I knew eventually they would believe my story about self-defense and have my conviction overturned. I just had to wait and find a lawyer that wasn’t a complete moron to represent me.” He smiled, clearly proud of his victory. “It was more difficult to find you when I got out, than I thought it would be. Changing your name. That was clever.”

“I didn’t do it to hide from you! I wanted no reminder that you even existed!” I screamed at him, causing him to stalk over to me and slap me in the face.

“I can see that six years has not been long enough for you to learn some damn respect!” he yelled at me, and I spit the blood that was pooling in my mouth onto his shoes.

This enraged him and he tackled me to the ground. I fought against him, and in the struggle I felt a tug at my wrist and then a pop. My charm bracelet. I glanced at my wrist and could see it was no longer there. I started blindly slinging my fists in the air, hoping to connect somewhere on his face.

He was stronger than me though, and grabbed my wrists in his hands before forcing them to the ground above my head. He then held them together with one hand while his other hand came down to grasp my throat. I immediately struggled to pull air into my lungs. I could feel my eyes bulging with panic as I bucked my body to try to throw him off, but it was no use. I was going to die. And I was going to die just like my mom had.

I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of looking me in the eye as I died, though, so I looked anywhere in the room but at him. My eyes eventually fell on the door to the warehouse. I wasn’t sure if it was the lack of oxygen my brain was getting, but I could see Kane standing there. He put his finger to his lips in a ‘Shh’ motion.

I glanced at my father who was concentrating so hard on me that he didn’t see Kane come storming into the room. Kane hit my father with his body. Tackling him like some pro football player.

When my throat was clear of my father’s grasp and I was able to breathe again, I scurried to stand. My dad and Kane were still rolling around on the floor in a struggle. I couldn’t tell who was getting the best of who but then I saw the glint of metal in the light and I knew my father still had the gun.

“Kane! Watch out he has a…”

The bang from the gun stopped any other words from leaving my throat. The commotion from the two of them ceased and I waited for what seemed like eternity for one of them to move.

“No!” I screamed when my father stood and I caught sight of Kane lying on the ground bleeding. “You bastard!”

“You’re next, sweet pea.” He raised the gun and pointed it at me again. This time I wouldn’t close my eyes. I wanted him to see how much loathed him before he killed me.

But right as my dad’s finger rested on the trigger Kane’s arm shot out, knocking my father’ s feet out from underneath him. When my father fell to the ground, his gun flew from his grasp and landed at my feet.

I hurried and picked it up, and pointed it at where he now knelt in front of me.

Kane was no longer conscious. He laid behind my dad, still bleeding, with his eyes closed. The fear that he might already be dead ripped through my body as I placed my finger on the trigger.

My dad looked up at me. No fear in his eyes and said, “You don’t have it in you. You were always a coward. That’s why you did nothing to stop me that night from killing your mom.”

Anger and hatred toward this man took over my every sense. It was now becoming so clear to me that everyone was right. HE had killed my mom. Not me. He was the evil one.

“I hate you,” I said to him as I pulled the trigger and shot him square in the chest. His body fell back onto the floor. He blank eyes staring at the ceiling. I dropped the gun on the floor and rushed over to Kane.

His eyes were still closed and his shirt was soaked in blood. I lifted his head to cradle it in my lap. Tears streaming down my face as I held him.

“I’m so sorry, Kane. I’m so sorry I came into your life and caused so much damage.”

Kane’s eyes fluttered open and he looked at me. I laid my hand on his cheek that was becoming cold from the amount of blood he was losing. “I love you. I don’t care about what happened with Katie. I love you so much. Please hold on. Please don’t die on me. Stay with me.”

Kane slowly lifted his hand and rested it against my cheek. “I didn’t kiss Katie like you think I did. She kissed me. I pushed her away a few second after our lips touched, but I guess you had already turned away. I’m sorry, Kelsey. I’m sorry I didn’t just tell you right away. You were mad and I wanted to give you time to cool off before I approached you again. Then I saw you dancing with Nate tonight, and I thought I had already lost you.” He coughed and a tiny trail of blood ran from the corner of his mouth down his cheek.

“Kane, please don’t talk anymore. Save your strength. I’m going to go see if I can find you some help.” I started to lift his head from my lap but he stopped me.
