Read Books Novel

Breathe into Me

Breathe into Me(7)
Author: Sara Fawkes

“Yes, Jess he’s a cutie. But where did he go?”

“Oh, right! He left,” she said as she backed away from where I was sitting so I could stand. “Said he had to go check on his friend. He went in that door over there that says Staff Only but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t work here.” She shrugged and we began to make our way toward the hall that led to the entrance doors.

“Kane?” I questioned.


“His friend. Was his name Kane?” I asked again, even though I was quite positive I already knew the answer.

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask. He just told me he would call me later and went off through the bar”—she paused—“Why would you ask?”

Oh no, I’ve done gone and done it now.

“No reason, really. I was just talking with this guy before the fight broke out. He said he was a friend of the guy you were swapping saliva with. He seemed kind of upset before he left.” There, maybe that will be enough to pacify her so she won’t ask any more questions.

“And you just met him, right? Short chat you say? Not buying it. SPILL! You wouldn’t have even brought him up if there wasn’t some interest there.” She grinned knowing she had caught me.

Damn her and how well she knows me.

So what if I hadn’t stopped thinking about this guy’s eyes all day and he just so happened to show up at the bar and we ended up hitting it off pretty well. He obviously wasn’t really interested since he had just taken off like that.

“Really, Jess, it was no biggie. I got knocked down. He picked me up. Got pretty heated at the guy who knocked me down. Then left. End of story.”

When I replay it all back, it really didn’t sound like a big deal at all. Why am I obsessing over this guy so much? He probably changed his mind after seeing what I klutz I am and went running over begging for that good time with Katie.

“I’m just sayin’, Kels. You never really talk to guys. Let alone have a conversation with one then go on to talk about them later. You’re finally coming around to the world of make outs, hookups, and all around awesomeness that is MEN.” She said as she threw her arm around my shoulder and we walked out into the night air, back toward school.

I rolled my eyes at her, but did feel a slight smile pulling at the side of my mouth. No, I had never really been one to hookup, or even date for that matter, but if I was ever willing to think about changing my mind on the subject, Kane would be a perfect candidate to try it out on.

“Come on, slut puppy. Let’s get back to the dorms so I can get out of these clothes and you can go on to tell me all about how your new friend tastes. Cause Lord knows I’m going to hear all about it ‘til I fall asleep.”

And I did.

I was actually awake before my alarm went off the next morning. For some reason I had slept very sound the night before. Must have been all the commotion from the bar. Wore me out I guess. At least I was up before Jessi, which meant I got first shower and could stand in the steamy water and let it wash away all the soreness from the fall I had taken the night before.

Today was the last day of freedom before classes started tomorrow morning. I needed to make a run to the bookstore. Then we needed to get a few items for the mini fridge. Our plans for the day really didn’t consist of much more than pizza, girly movies and being lazy—while we still could anyway. When I finally emerged from my nice steamy shower, I wrapped a towel around my body, and then headed into the room. I found Jessi sitting up in her bed, her back resting against her headboard, with a big cheesy smile on her face. She was staring down at her phone typing out a message. When she finished, she sighed and scooted to the edge of the bed.

“He’s so sweet, Kels. Look at the text I woke up to from him this morning.” She started waving her phone around in the air, never actually holding it still long enough for me to read anything on the tiny screen.

“Yeah, he’s a real sweetheart,” I said as I walked over to my closet and pulled out my favorite Rolling Stones t-shirt. It had been my moms and I had worn it so much that it was becoming threadbare, but I could never bring myself to part with it. I paired it with a dark pair of denim shorts and my black Chucks. I had always been a Chuck girl. While I did enjoy being girly, wearing makeup, and getting dolled up from time to time … this was normal style. I had Jessi’s closet to raid for all other occasions.

Speaking of Jessi, who was still sitting on her bed gawking at her phone, I threw my towel at her head. “You better get up and start getting ready. I know it’s going to take you forever and I would like to make it to the bookstore before it gets swamped with people.”

She let out another long sigh before finally heading toward the bathroom. After a minute or so, I heard the shower start and I finished getting myself ready.

The trip to the campus store had been an adventure all by itself. While I was worried about getting all the books I was required to have, and trying to anticipate the supplies I might need, Jessi was too busy looking at cute hoodies and pajama bottoms. Not like she was in any short supply of clothes, though. She was currently using half of my closet and drawers.

After finally getting my essentials, we made a quick stop at a local grocery store, stocking up on water and snack foods before heading back to our dorm to order some pizza. We planned on pigging out and watching movies ‘til we crashed.

We had watched a few of our favorite Channing Tatum movies before I decided to call it a night. I wanted to make sure I got plenty of sleep so I wouldn’t be dragging for my first day of classes. As I crawled into my bed, the ping of Jessi’s cell alerting her of a text caught my attention. For a minute I questioned who she was texting so much but my gut told me it was Landon.

She had managed to put her phone down while we watched our movies, but every time it would vibrate, her eyes would shift to look at it, and I knew her palm had to be itching to pick it up and see what he had said.

That had been another reason I decided to call it an early night. Who was I to keep her from sexting some guy she barely knew? At least I would be asleep shortly and wouldn’t have to listen to her giggles every time a new text came in. But every time her phone chimed I couldn’t help but wonder, if she was talking to Landon … where was Kane?

Where is Kane? Why in the hell did I even think that? He was probably off playing doctor with that girl from the bar, or any other girl for that matter. He was attractive enough to probably have his pick of anyone in this whole town. I was surprised he had wasted any of his time talking to me.
