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Broken Melody

Broken Melody (Rock with You #2)(12)
Author: Adriana Hunter

“I almost forgot about work. Oh, shit. I’m supposed to give Joe an answer about being interim managing partner.”

She sat down on the couch. Logan was sitting at the table beneath the window, the notebook he wrote lyrics in open in front of him. He’d steadfastly refused to let her read anything he’d written and as tempted as she was, she’d honored his request.

He closed the notebook, joining her on the couch. “It’s a good sign they offered it to you, no? Ryan obviously hadn’t said enough to whoever it matters to then to make them take you off the list for partner.”

“I know. And it is a good thing. I do want partner, but this is going to be a huge amount of work and responsibility, all at once. I’m not sure…”

Logan reached for her hand, the severe tone of his voice startling her. “Never doubt what you can do. Never. You’re stronger than you know. It won’t be easy, but you’re not one to back away from hard work.”

Melody drew a deep breath, sitting back against the cushions. “I guess I’m feeling a bit fragile after all that’s happened. It’s shaken my confidence in more ways than I care to think about. I’ll be fine. It’ll all be fine.”

She leaned forward, kissing his cheek. “I need to go home, get some clothes for tomorrow. I love you, Logan.”

“And I love you. You’ll be back in time for dinner? We’ve yet to exhaust the extensive menu room service has to offer. I’ll order something for you, if you like.”

“I should be back by then. Nothing fancy, maybe just a salad. I’m not sure I can stand all these big dinners every night for much longer.” She ran her hands down her sides. “I’ll need a new wardrobe and you’ll stop loving me because I’ve grown as big as a house.”

Logan stood and pulled her up from the couch. “If that’s the case, then we’ll just have to devise a strategy to work those meals off of you. I’ve got some ideas…” His hands slide from her waist, cupping her against him. He leaned forward to kiss her but she ducked aside, laughing.

“Logan. I’ve said it before…you’re incorrigible.”

“And it’s one of the many things you love about me.” He stopped trying to kiss her but still held her in his arms.

She was laughing up at him. “Yes. It is. One of many. Now let me go so I can come back.”

* * *

It was raining as she came out of the hotel and she ran from the lobby door into the waiting cab. She gave the driver her address and settled against the seat.

As the cab hesitated before pulling away she glanced back at the hotel. And froze.

Standing in the shadow of the awning that stretched over the sidewalk was the figure of a man, dressed in a dark coat. For all the world, it looked like Ryan Marshall.

The cab was moving into traffic and she turned, looking out the rear-view window. The man had detached himself from the building, standing in the middle of the sidewalk, watching her cab. Or so she thought. She kept him in sight as long as she could, until the cab turned and he disappeared from sight.

She fished her cell phone out of her purse and punched in Logan’s cell phone number. It rang unanswered and then went to voicemail, the automated voice requesting that she leave a message. Leave a message? What message?

“Logan…I’m…I think I saw Ryan outside the hotel. I can’t be sure…” The cab swerved in traffic and she juggled the phone, disconnecting the call.

“Damn.” I’ll call from home.

The cab dropped her half a block away from her apartment and by the time she was inside, she was soaked. Dropping clothes and shoes along the way, she headed to her bedroom.

* * *

Victoria was already at her desk when Melody arrived. As much as she wanted to confront the woman, she knew she couldn’t.

So she pasted a smile on her face and treated Victoria as if it were any other Monday morning, offering a friendly greeting as she passed the woman’s desk.

Victoria looked up from the document on her desk. “Did you have a good weekend?”

Melody paused outside her office door. “Yes. I did. You?”

Victoria nodded. “Yes, thanks for asking. I did spend it alone, but…sometimes that’s nice too.”

Melody nodded and went to her office. Her message light was flashing; Joe Hunter was already anxious to meet with her.

* * *

Joe was pleased with her acceptance, telling her he’d issue a formal announcement later that morning. Melody went first to find Lori, who greeted her with a big smile.

“I’m so happy for you, Melody! Really. This is going to be great. Congratulations!”

Melody had never seen Lori quite this animated and couldn’t help but be buoyed by her enthusiasm. They spent a brief half hour going over Ryan’s cases and Lori was eager to help Melody in any way she needed, including typing the documents for Logan’s case.

The rest of the day was barely controlled chaos. Victoria struggled to keep up with Melody and her requests for files, updates on cases and caseload updates from the other associates. By the end of the day Melody’s office was inundated with piles of papers, files and most of the contents of Ryan’s office.

It was mid-afternoon when Melody’s phone rang. She was tempted to let it go to voice mail but she knew dodging phone calls wasn’t a good way to start.

“Melody Lawson.”

“Logan MacKenzie.” There was a pause, and a soft laugh. “You sound so professional.”

“Logan…what’s up?”

“I just wanted to see how your day was going, tell you I love you, and ask what you wanted for dinner.” There was another laugh, this time louder. “I feel like the wife here. I’m a little out of my element.”

“Things are horribly busy, but you know what? I’m loving every minute of it, so far. As far as dinner, eat when you want, don’t wait for me. I may be very late. I’ll call later when I have a better idea.”

“You have the key card? Call when you’re leaving and I’ll meet you there.”

“I will. And I love you, too.” Melody replaced the receiver, smiling to herself.

“It’s nice when they call to see how you’re doing, isn’t it?”

Melody jerked her head up. Victoria was standing in the doorway, another stack of files in her hands. Melody felt her face color.

“Do you have something else for me?”

Victoria came into the office, setting the files on the corner of Melody’s desk. “You’re very private about your personal life. I’m sorry if I was out of line.”

“I am very private and yes, you were a little out of line.” Melody took the files. “My personal life is just that, personal. That sounds rude, but I’m learning it’s better that way.”

Victorian nodded her head. “I understand. Again, I’m sorry.” She turned and left Melody’s office.

What the hell was that about? I really need to do something about her.

But there wasn’t time. Before she realized it, it was well past dinner. Victoria had come to say goodnight and Melody had nodded absently, not noticing the time.

She stretched, working the kinks out of her back. Sometime earlier she’d kicked her shoes off and now she retrieved them from beneath her desk, reaching for the phone as she slid them on her feet.

Logan answered on the first ring. “I’m calling a cab and leaving now. Shouldn’t be too long. It’s way past rush hour, so traffic shouldn’t be too bad.”

“Good to hear. I’ll be waiting downstairs.”

The traffic was light and the cab ride was mercifully shorter than usual. She directed the driver to the security entrance in the parking garage. As she stepped out of the cab, she saw Logan waiting for her.

“This is complicated, but it seems much more private than the front entrance. I have to swipe the card to get into the garage and then, if you’re not here holding the door open, I have to swipe the card to get in the door.”

“Aye. It’s the best they have. I still don’t like you being down here alone though.” He ushered her though the door and they took the elevator.

“It’s better than being on the sidewalk with my imaginary stalker. Besides, when it rains, now I won’t get wet.”

They’d just settled down on the couch, Melody answering Logan’s questions about her day when his cell phone rang. They both went silent. Logan picked up the phone, scowling at the display.

“It’s Claire.” He hesitated briefly, then answered the call, hitting the speaker button.

“Hello?” He set the phone between them on the couch.

“Logan? It’s Claire. My God, man, it’s hard to reach you.”

“Well, yes, I suppose.”

Melody could hear the tension in his voice, the guarded tone. And underlying that, she sensed fear. She reached out, taking his hand.

“What do you want, Claire?”

“Direct to the point, then. Is that how it’s going to be?”

“Claire. I’m not wanting to talk to you as it is. But you keep calling so please woman, just tell me why.”

There was silence from Claire.

“Fine. Here it is. I have your baby, Logan. And I think it’s time you knew that.”
