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Broken Melody

Broken Melody (Rock with You #2)(6)
Author: Adriana Hunter

Logan sighed heavily. “And so I told them, one more show, at home. Where they love us for us, and the music is second. And the show was good, because we were playing for our families and for home.”

Melody felt Logan reaching for her hand, finding it and pulling it against his chest. “I knew you were there. I saw you walk in. But I couldn’t face you until I’d faced my fans.”

“I’m so sorry. That night must have been torture for you.”

“It was hard. But it’s in the past. I have you now, and the band…I love them like brothers. But the only one to see my way was Angus. The rest, Duff and Colin, they’re mad at me, probably will be for some time.”

“What are you going to do for music? Are you going to go solo?”

He moved beneath her, shifting his arm pulling her against his chest. “No, not for the moment. I think I’d like to just make it through this mess with Ashton before I think about it.” He squeezed her hard.

“And I’d like to get to know you, Melody, spend my days and nights with you, having nothing but time for us.”

The smile was there in his voice, and she leaned over, her mouth finding his. The longing she’d come to expect was gone and his kiss was filled with passion and desire, and it thrilled her to the core knowing it was for her. He held her against his chest, his hands sliding down her back, caressing her skin, sending shivers along her spine.

Logan rolled over, Melody deliciously pinned by his weight. “You’re an amazement to me, Melody. Ye truly are. I count my lucky stars that we’re here now, together. And I keep hoping and praying everything that stands in front of us gets resolved as well, the case for me and the situation with Ryan for you.”

Before she could answer, he claimed her mouth again in a kiss that left her gasping. And before long, he was doing other things that left both of them gasping.

The thunder rumbled and flashes of light cast shadows in their room, but neither noticed as the storm continued raging outside.

* * *

The storm finally passed and the sun had just started tinting the gray sky shades of pink when Melody finally fell asleep. The alarm woke her just a few hours later and as much as she longed to remain in bed with Logan, there were things that needed to be done.

She woke Logan, barely able to resist his attempts to lure her back to bed as she stood by the side of the bed, clutching her robe together. Logan was lazily tugging at the sash with one hand, the other caressing her thigh. She pulled the sash away from him, backing up from the bed.

“I need to be at work and you need to make a phone call. I want this interview scheduled for today. You know how important it is.”

Logan propped himself against the head of the bed, the sheet draped across his lap, his hair tousled, eyes still heavy-lidded with sleep. She bit her lip, wavered for a moment before resolutely turned toward the bathroom. His rich laugh made her smile, and then the chirp of his cell phone interrupted them.

She looked back, watched as he climbed out of bed, retrieving the phone from the coffee table. He flipped open the phone, glancing at the screen before closing the phone.

Logan glanced up at her, a seductive smile on his face. Melody’s knees went weak.

“Exerting your willpower today, Melody?”

She fled to the bathroom, closed the door and leaning against it, smiling. If he only knew.

Melody was at her desk, dressed in an impeccable suit, crisp and professional. She’d taken extra care getting dressed, wanting to project just the right image for her meeting with Logan and Ryan.

The morning dragged interminably as she waited for either Lori or Victoria to send her an invitation to the meeting. She bit her nails, anxious to call Logan to make sure he’d made the phone call, but he said he would and she’d have to trust him. Maybe Ryan’s not in today…or has another meeting.

It was well after ten o’clock when the ping of her computer made her jump. She clicked on the message and resisted the urge to do a fist-pump. The interview with Logan was set for three o’clock that afternoon. Again, she resisted the urge to call Logan.

Since the night Ryan had shown up at her door when she’d been expecting Logan, she’d thought long and hard about just how he knew Logan would be there, and that he knew the time. Ryan even had had the nerve to repeat her conversation with Logan back to her. Apart from having a spy in the office or lurking outside her door, she wondered sometimes if he had the ability to listen in on her phone calls.

She shook her head. Am I really that paranoid? Hell, yes. And it’s justified.

Victoria was in and out of her office periodically, dropping off files, helping Melody organize her desk. Even though Melody had had reservations about her, Victoria was proving to be quite perceptive, quickly picking up on Melody’s routine.

The clock seemed to stop completely after lunch, crawling slowly toward three. Melody was so on edge she finally banished Victoria from her office, giving her a complaint to type, even though it was clear Victoria wasn’t yet ready to handle a document that complex.

Just before three Melody grabbed her legal pad and pen.

“I’m heading up to Ryan’s office for the interview with Logan MacKenzie.” She turned, heading for the elevator.

“Wait. I’ll ride up with you.”

Melody turned back. “Ride with me where?”

“Mr. Marshall asked that I sit in on this interview.”

Melody was stunned. “I thought he didn’t want you sitting in yet? When did that change?”

“Oh, well, he said this case was pretty important and I could learn a great deal by sitting in.”

Melody frowned at Victoria. “Well, I’d prefer if you’d stay here and work on that complaint I gave you to type. The MacKenzie-Ashton case is in mid-stream right now. I’m not sure how much you’d pick up coming in this late. The next case, you’ll be involved from the start.”

Victoria hesitated, clearly torn between conflicting directives. But her phone rang and she turned back to her desk. Melody took the opportunity and quickly walked to the elevator.

Ryan’s door was ajar and she knocked lightly. He was standing by the window and turned, his charming smile already in place.

“Melody. Right on time. Can’t say the same for our client though, can we?”

Melody stepped into Ryan’s office. As she was closing the door behind her, she glanced up, catching the startled expression on Lori’s face. She had the overwhelming urge to wink at the woman, but she managed to control herself.

She walked forward, dropping her pad and pen on the table. She undid the single button on the front of her suit jacket, sliding the garment off and draping it over the back of a chair.

She’d worn the most provocative blouse she owned, a sheer white halter top that, covered by her jacket, appeared completely professional. But once she removed her jacket, she was left in almost nothing, her back bare, her br**sts clearly outlined beneath the thin silk.

Ryan’s eyes widened slightly, moving down slowly over her body, lingering on her br**sts, her hips. The skirt of her suit was tight and she knew it hugged every curve. She perched on the table, one slender leg extended, her skirt riding up her thigh.

“He called and left a message with Victoria. Some problem with his band. He’ll be late, closer to four o’clock.”

Ryan’s eyes snapped back to her face. She pushed away from the table, back arching just so, her br**sts sliding against the silk of the blouse. Ryan was still watching her, but his gaze had drifted back to her silk-covered br**sts.

“I’m glad he’s late. It gives me a chance to talk to you for a minute.” She was standing directly in front of Ryan and she placed a hand on his arm. The scent of his cologne reminded her of the other times she’d been in his office, the times he’d touched her. The times she’d wanted to push him away.

“I’ve been thinking…quite a bit. About making partner, and other…things.” She dropped her voice. “A great many things.”

She took a step closer, placing her hands on Ryan’s chest. He tensed briefly at her touch, a faint frown creasing his forehead.

“Melody…something’s changed.” He cocked his head, looking at her closely, eyes narrowed.

Her heart was racing and she hoped Ryan would attribute it to passion and she forged ahead. “I’ve changed, I guess. Things are different now.”

“Different since your trip? Is there trouble in paradise?”

His mouth quirked up in a smirk. “I had the impression everything worked out for the best, with you and…your client.” Ryan relaxed slightly, leaning into Melody’s touch. She ran her hand slowly over the starched front of his shirt.

She cast her eyes down, shaking her head slowly. “It’s not what I thought it was going to be. Seeing someone in their own setting, where they come from…you were right. It’s all beneath me.”

Melody moved forward, closing the small space that still separated her and Ryan. Her br**sts were pressed against Ryan’s chest, her hands still over his heart. He slowly slid his hands down the curve of her bare spine, palms coming to rest on her hips. His fingers clenched against her, rucking up her tight skirt.

“I think you’re a smart girl. I’m glad you’ve seen the error in your ways. It’s not too late to make some changes. But we have a client due here any minute. I’m not sure this is the time to take this further.”

Melody kept her hands on Ryan’s chest, raising her eyes to meet his. “There’s always time to take things to the next step. Don’t you want me to succeed? I want to make partner; you want to help. I’m not asking for…well, let’s say we have time to start the discussion. We can always finish it later…much later.”

She stood on tiptoe, hesitating briefly before her lips brushed his. His breath was warm on her mouth and as she held his gaze the caution in his eyes gave way to the hunger and lust she’d seen there before.

Her heart thumped painfully against her ribcage but her voice was steady.

“I’m yours, Ryan. Same page, same sentence. Same words now.”

His lips were on hers, hard and possessive, his hands pulling her hard against his body. The intensity of his kiss made her gasp. There was no pleasure in this kiss, it tasted of total control, all take and no give.

Moving with all the confidence of knowing he owned her, Ryan’s hands moved up her back, sliding around to cup her br**sts. With ease he parted the silk, slipping his fingers beneath, his thumbs skating across her n**ples. Melody squirmed, not from pleasure but from repulsion. Her movements only made Ryan hold her tighter, his kiss deepening, his tongue forced against her teeth.

At the soft knock at the door, she broke their kiss, pressing herself forcefully against Ryan, hands gripping his shirt. She turned her head, saw the doorknob turning, the door swinging open. Ryan looked between her and the door, suddenly wary. He tensed beneath her hands, his fingers briefly convulsing against her br**sts. She cried out in pain and surprise.

The door swung open wide. Lori was frozen in place, the doorknob slipping from her grasp, the door banging against the wall. Behind Lori was Logan, eyes dark, body tense, fists clenched at his side.
