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Burn (Breathless #3)(21)
Author: Maya Banks

He broke off and Ash pinned him with a look. “When I’ve found what?”

Jace’s smile was crooked as he stared back at his friend. “Your kryptonite.”

Ash didn’t flinch. Was that what Josie was? Yeah, he could see it. He’d given Gabe and Jace no end of grief over falling head over ass for a woman and going against their play hard and live free motto. But now that he was in a very similar situation, he didn’t object one bit.

A sense of peace settled over him.

“You’ve been a lot more calm. Settled lately,” Jace said. “I like it on you, man. After Bethany . . .” He broke off again with a sigh, almost as though he hated bringing it up after they’d sworn not to go back there. “After Bethany, I was worried. About you and me. Hated what happened even though I don’t regret it. I hope to f**k that makes sense. I didn’t like what it did to us and I didn’t like how shitty I was to you and Bethany after that night. But I also don’t regret the decision I made not to share her with you.”

“I don’t regret it either,” Ash said with a smile. “I’m good with it, Jace. You need to stop dwelling on it. We’re good. You got over being a dick. Bethany makes you happy. Now I’ve got Josie, and she makes me happy.”

“Glad for you, man.”

“Yeah, I know you are.”

“No word from your family? How are things with Brittany?”

Ash sighed. “Nothing this week, and that makes me nervous, because it’s not like them to just give up and sit back. Brittany’s happy in her job. She hasn’t done much more than work and go home, but she’ll get there. I want her to meet Mia and Josie and hook up with Mia’s girls. They’d be good for her. Josie is more Brittany’s age, so maybe the two of them will hit it off.”

“You sound positively domesticated with all the girlfriend-arranging you’re trying to do,” Jace teased.

“Fuck you, man.”

Jace’s expression grew serious. “So nothing from the Wicked Bitch of the East? She laying low? And what about the old man? Can’t believe he wouldn’t have anything to say about Brittany’s defection. Not when he’s so high on family bonds, no matter how fake they may be.”

Ash sighed. “Yeah. Nothing this week. But I don’t expect that to last.”

“Well, when the shit hits the fan, I expect you to let me know. No way I’m letting you into that viper’s nest without backup.”

Ash chuckled. “You make it sound like a sting operation.”

“Hell, an evening with your family qualifies.”

Ash checked his watch. “Want to grab a bite to eat before our conference call? I want to call and check in with Josie. Make sure everything’s all right with her and remind her that I’ll be late.”

“Yeah. Want to hit the Grill again?”

Ash nodded. “Thanks again, Jace. Know I don’t say it enough, but you and Gabe always having my back . . . Don’t have words.”

Jace grinned. “After tonight, how about you let your lady off the leash and let her mingle with the rest of us?”

Ash laughed. “Yeah, I know, I’ve kept her to myself this week. It’s been nice. But yeah, I want her to meet you and Bethany. Gabe and Mia will be back by Sunday. Would be nice to get together with them too.”

“A year ago would you have ever thought that the three of us would be so tangled up with women? Gabe married, me engaged and you head over ass for a woman you only just met?”

Ash shot him a glare. “You’re one to talk about being head over ass for a woman after only just meeting.”

Jace’s grin was unrepentant. “Only takes one time, man. When it’s the right woman, you just know. I would have never thought it would go down like that, but then when I saw Bethany, I just knew.”

“Yeah, I hear you. I wasn’t much of a believer myself, but then I met Josie and something just clicked. Can’t even explain it.”

“Don’t need to. I get it,” Jace said as they walked out of Ash’s office. He stopped outside the door and turned to Ash, his eyes serious. “Just remember this, man, and it’s applicable and so true on so many levels. Take it from me, because I did my best to f**k it up. Falling in love is the easy part. It’s everything else that happens afterward that’s hard and takes work.”

“Christ. You’ve turned into a pyschobabbling p**sy,” Ash said in disgust.

Jace flipped him off. “Fine, don’t listen to some friendly advice, but don’t come crying to me when you f**k things up.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Ash grumbled.

“Want to walk or take the car?”

“Walk,” Ash said. “I’ll call Josie on the way.”

• • •

Ash stared stonily down into the bloody face of Michael Cooper while the other men who’d accompanied Ash stood to the side, their gazes alert, watching for any sign of discovery.

Ash flexed his fingers, working the stiffness from his knuckles, the gloves he’d worn torn across one hand and smeared with the other man’s blood.

“You forget Josie Carlysle exists. Understand? If I hear of you coming within a mile of her, you’ll regret it.”

Michael nodded his head, spitting blood from the side of his mouth. “I understand. Jesus. She’s not worth it.”

“Wrong, a**hole. She’s worth it. More than you could ever imagine. She’s mine now and I protect what’s mine. Furthermore, if you even think of going to the police like she should have done when you laid hands on her, I will make your life hell. I’ll be watching you, Cooper. Don’t ever forget it. If you try to start trouble over this, I’ll ruin you. You’ll have nothing left. And if you don’t think I have the money, power and connections to make it happen, just try me. When I’m finished with you, you’ll be living in a cardboard box begging for money so you can eat.”

Michael nodded again, fear and panic blazing in his eyes. He was a pathetic, ball-less worm.

Ash let go of Michael’s shirt and shoved him to the ground where he lay panting for breath, quiet moans of pain slipping from his battered mouth.

“This is what you did to her, you son of a bitch,” Ash said, fury lacing his every word. “You hit her and then held her down on the floor while you hit her again. Count yourself lucky that this is all I’m doing to you. Forget my warning, and I’ll come down on you so hard that you’ll feel me when you’re taking a piss. For that matter, I’m watching you, Cooper. If I ever hear of you hurting any woman again, you’ll go down.”

“Need to go,” one of the men said in a low voice. “Few minutes was all you said. It’s dangerous to be out here any longer.”

Ash nodded. “I’m done with this a**hole.”

Ash and the others turned, leaving Michael along the side of the building where they’d ambushed him. It was a path he took every evening and, luckily for Ash, it was well out of sight of the main streets. Still, he was taking a huge risk. If the wrong person happened upon them, all hell would break lose. He couldn’t afford to be seen, couldn’t afford any witnesses that would counteract his alibi if Michael pulled a really dumb move and went to the police.

He pulled up the collar of his long coat, one that would be discarded and never used again, one he’d purchased specifically for tonight. Satisfied his face was shielded by the cap he’d pulled low over his hair and the lapels that covered his cheeks, he hurried off, leaving Michael lying on the ground, the victim of an apparent mugging. He’d been more than willing to let the other men take what they wanted.

Ash slipped the man on his right a wad of cash and muttered his thanks.

“No problem, McIntyre,” C.J. murmured. “If you need us, you know where to find us.”

Ash nodded and strode in the opposite direction from them when they reached the street. He was only a few blocks from the office building and he had to hurry to make it back before the cameras came back online. He grabbed his phone, the call still open, and brought it to his ear. He still had the mute button punched and left it so the sounds from the streets couldn’t be heard.

He listened in as Jace effectively held the conversation, giving no opportunity for Ash to have interjected anything. When he reached the door of the office building, he hurried in, making sure his face was obscured. He ducked into a bathroom on the first floor and stuffed the coat into the gym bag he carried and ripped off the cap. After checking his appearance and ensuring there was no blood on him anywhere, he punched the mute button on his phone and headed toward the elevator.

A few minutes later, he stood in the doorway of Jace’s office and motioned for the other hired man to step away. They traded jackets, the other man quickly disappeared and Jace joined the wrap-up, thanking the investors for their time and fielding a few last minute questions. Jace looked inquiringly at him, his gaze sweeping up and down Ash as if to gauge whether there was any indication of what he’d done.

Ash just nodded in his direction as they ended the call.

There was silence a long moment before Jace finally broke it.

“Any problems?”

Ash shook his head. “No. F**ker is taken care of. He’ll wear the bruises longer than Josie did. And he’ll think twice before raising a hand to another woman again.”

“Glad it’s done with. This shit stresses me out, man. Would love to know when the f**k you fell in with the kind of guys you pulled in for this job. Hell, for that matter, how you knew the men you had take care of Bethany’s problem with the man Jack owed money to.”

Ash shrugged. “Does it matter? They aren’t people I’ll ever invite to dinner or people you, Gabe and especially our women ever have to meet.”

Jace sighed. “Just makes me wonder what kind of shit you’ve been into that I didn’t know about.”

“Nothing illegal,” Ash drawled.

“Until now,” Jace said quietly.

“Until now,” Ash agreed. “But it had to be done. Not going to allow anyone to f**k over my woman. Won’t hesitate to do it again if there’s ever the need.”

Jace rose, blowing out his breath in a deep exhale. “I’m ready to get home to my woman, and I’m sure you’re ready to get home to yours.” His gaze drifted over Ash again, concern bright in his eyes. “You okay, man?”

“Yeah, I’m good. F**ker didn’t touch me. My hand’s sore, but nothing serious.”

Jace shook his head. “Let’s get out of here and make damn sure we’re seen leaving together.

Chapter eighteen

It was the first night all week that Ash had been late coming home from work, and it sucked. Despite them only being together a week, Josie had grown used to Ash coming home to her before dark. They’d fallen into a comfortable routine. She worked during the day. He worked during the day. But then he came home and she was waiting for him. Every day. On the couch, nak*d. And when he walked through that door, the air immediately changed.

She’d asked for kink, and Ash had certainly delivered. Her ass was still sore from last night’s interlude. The first spanking on Monday night hadn’t been overwhelming. It had been perfect. Then he’d laid off the rest of the week, opting for other explorations that didn’t involve him taking a crop to her ass.

But then last night?

She rubbed a hand over her bottom, enjoying the tingling sensation from the still-raised welts. He’d used a crop, and he hadn’t been as gentle as he had that first night. But then she’d begged him for more. More edge. More of that fine line between pain and pleasure.

What did he have in mind for tonight? Or would he be too tired after a long day at work and a late meeting?

Her phone rang, and she pounced, her eyes lighting up when she saw it was Ash calling.

“Hey,” she said softly.

“Hey baby. I’m on my way. Be ready for me. Been a long day. Just want to get home to you.”

A thrill shot through her chest. It made her ridiculously giddy that this man looked forward to coming home to her so much. Ash was a man who could have any woman he wanted. And he wanted her. There wasn’t a woman alive who wouldn’t enjoy a stroke to the ego like that.

“You got it,” she said. “I’ll be waiting, Ash.”

She already had in mind the way she wanted to greet him tonight. Granted, they did things his way. His control. His authority. He called the shots. But he hadn’t asked her to suck his c*ck since that first night either, and she knew he enjoyed it. A lot.

Tonight, she wanted to do that for him. Take control just long enough to give him pleasure after a long, exhausting day. Somehow she didn’t think he’d mind giving her that tiny bit of control.

She shrugged out of her clothes, brushed her hair and then checked her appearance, just as she did every day when she expected him. Then she went into the living room to wait for him on the couch.
