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Burn (Breathless #3)(42)
Author: Maya Banks

“Why the f**k didn’t you tell us this before?” Jace said to Gabe. “Can’t believe you kept this from us. Especially if you didn’t make damn sure Charles wouldn’t be a threat in the future.”

“I couldn’t tell you when it happened,” Gabe said between his teeth. “Mia was freaking because she didn’t want her brother to know what kind of relationship we had or that we even had a relationship. And then after, it didn’t seem so important. He went away. Months passed and he seemed to disappear off the face of the planet. I thought he wasn’t going to be a problem any longer.”

“What you did was piss him off to the point that he beat the shit out of Josie and now he’s gunning for Mia and Bethany,” Jace said in a furious tone.

“You need to close ranks around the girls,” Ash said, veering the subject away from Jace’s fury. He had a right. Mia was his sister. But that wasn’t what was important right now. The women’s safety was all that mattered.

“Hell yes,” Gabe growled. “They’ll go nowhere until he’s taken care of.”

Ash nodded. “And I’ll let you know when the issue has been resolved.”

Jace’s expression was still uneasy but he kept silent, though it was obvious that he and Gabe weren’t finished with their conversation.

“Mr. McIntyre?”

Ash whirled around to see a nurse standing in the doorway. He rushed forward.

“How is Josie?” he demanded. “Can I see her yet?”

The nurse smiled. “The doctor will see you now. She’ll update you on Josie’s condition and then you can ask her if you can go back. Stay right here while I let her know where you are.”

Ash fidgeted with impatience. It had been too long with no word and he was slowly losing his mind. He didn’t like that Josie was alone. Or at least surrounded by strangers. She’d wonder where he was. He’d sworn to her that he wasn’t leaving her, that he would be with her every step of the way. How could he keep that promise when he’d been barred from her room while they gave her treatment?

A moment later a woman dressed in scrubs walked in the door. She looked young, the ponytail her hair was pulled back in contributing to her youthful appearance.

“Mr. McIntyre?”

“Yes, that’s me,” Ash said, stepping forward.

She extended her hand and firmly shook his. “Dr. Newton. I’m the ER doctor handling Miss Carlysle’s care.”

“How is she?” Ash asked anxiously. “When can I see her?”

The doctor’s expression softened. “She’s pretty banged up. Of most concern is the traumatic pneumothorax. I’ve inserted a chest tube to help suck out the air trapped between the lung and the chest cavity and it will also help the lung reinflate. We’re going to be closely monitoring her for infection as well as seeing how the lung heals. Right now I don’t think she requires surgery, but a surgeon will be consulted and he’ll make the final determination.

“She has several broken ribs, a concussion and broken fingers on her right hand. She also has a hairline fracture of her right wrist. Numerous contusions and other more minor injuries. She was badly beaten, Mr. McIntyre. She’s lucky to be alive.”

Ash blew out his breath while Gabe and Jace swore softly behind him.

“Can I see her?”

“You can go in. She’s back from x-ray and she’ll be moved to ICU as soon as the paperwork gets done on her admission. I can’t say with any authority how long she’ll remain in ICU. That will be up to the internal medicine physician assigned to her care. But you can stay with her until they move her up to the unit. They’re usually pretty lenient about letting family members back even when it’s not the scheduled hours.”

“I’m not leaving her,” Ash bit out.

The doctor’s expression was sympathetic. “I understand. And as I said, they’re usually pretty lenient. Unfortunately when she’s first moved, you’ll have to wait until they get her settled, but they’ll let you know when you can go back.”

“Thank you,” Ash said in a low voice. “I appreciate all you’ve done for her.”

“That’s my job, Mr. McIntyre,” she said in a cheerful voice. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have other patients to attend. If you like I’ll walk you back and show you which room she’s in.”

Ash turned to Gabe and Jace. “Are you going to let Mia and Bethany know what happened? They’ll be worried about Josie.”

“We’ll let them know,” Jace said. “I’ll have Kaden drive them here and they’ll stay with us until we leave.”

Ash nodded and then turned back to follow the doctor to Josie’s room.

When he walked into the small cubicle where Josie was, he sucked in his breath and tears burned the corners of his eyes. It hurt to breathe. His chest was so tight that his hand automatically came up to rub it, trying to rid himself of the discomfort.

“Jesus,” he whispered.

It gutted him that she was lying in a hospital bed all because some a**hole had an ax to grind with him and Gabe and Jace. He went to her bedside and tentatively reached out a hand to stroke her forehead. He smoothed her hair back and then leaned down to brush his lips across her brow.

“I love you,” he murmured. “I’m here. With you, just like I said I’d be. I’ll always be here, Josie. You and me are forever, baby. Not letting go of that.”

She lay perfectly still, the only sound the low hum of the machine that made oxygen flow through the mask over her face and the steady beeping of the heart monitor. She looked so fragile, bruised and swollen. The blood had been cleaned away, but the dark purpling of the bruises was already vivid against her pale skin.

He touched her neck where the collar he’d given her had rested. It looked bare. He wanted that collar back around her neck. Wanted his ring on her finger and her promise to marry him. He wanted to tie her to him in ways she’d never escape. But they’d be the most loving, silken ties in the world.

He’d pamper her, cherish her, adore her every single day of his life.

He stood at her bedside for two hours, only moving when one of the nurses came in to check on her. And then finally, they came to move her to ICU.

To his frustration they told him it would be a while before he was allowed back to see her. But that was okay because he had the problem of Charles Willis to take care of. The sooner he was out of the picture, the sooner they could all relax and not worry that Mia or Bethany would be next.

After updating Gabe, Jace, Mia and Bethany on Josie’s condition and exacting a promise from them to stay with Josie until he returned, he strode out of the hospital, determined to seek vengeance on the bastard who’d put Josie there.

Chapter thirty-three

Pain. It came to her piercing like a nail being driven into her head by a hammer. She hurt everywhere. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to open her eyes.

There were voices, or at least one voice. It was hard to tell because there was a roaring in her ears she couldn’t make go away.

And then a warm, gentle hand on her forehead. A kiss. Sweet, soft words whispered over her skin. She gave a little sigh and promptly regretted it because pain speared through her chest.

“H-hurts,” she said in a pitiful voice that she wasn’t even sure was actually audible.

“I know it does, baby. The nurse is coming to give you something for pain.”

“Ash?” she whispered.

“Yes, darling, it’s me. Open those pretty eyes and you’ll see me right here.”

She tried. She really did. But her eyes wouldn’t cooperate and it hurt to try and force the issue.

“Can’t,” she managed to get past stiff, swollen lips.

Again he pressed his lips to her brow and she felt his hand in her hair. That felt nice. The only part of her that wasn’t hurting.

“It’s okay,” he soothed. “Don’t try too hard. Just know that I’m with you and you’re going to be all right.”

But still, she wanted to see him. Wanted to make sure her imagination wasn’t playing nasty tricks on her. So she braced herself against the pain and tried harder. A small sliver of light seared her eyeballs and she promptly shut her eyes again. She lay there, nearly panting with exertion and the agony such a small movement had caused. Then she tried again, this time prepared for the light.

At first all she saw was a blurry haze. And then he moved into her line of vision.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he said softly.

She tried to smile, but that hurt too, so she just lay there slowly blinking to bring him into sharper focus.

“Hi,” she returned just as quietly.

To her utter shock, his eyes were glossy with moisture and he looked like hell. He hadn’t shaved, his hair was rumpled and his clothes looked like he’d slept in them.

She licked her lips and moaned softly. “W-what happened to me?”

Ash frowned, his eyes going dark. “You don’t remember?”

She concentrated hard but it was all a blur. “How long?”

He touched her hair, his expression worried. “How long what, love?”

“Have I been here.”

“Two days,” he said.

Her eyes widened in surprise despite the discomfort it caused her. “Two days?”

“Yes, baby. You’ve been in ICU for two days. Gave us quite a scare.”

“Am I going to be okay?”

It was a question she was afraid to ask but she had to know. She wouldn’t hurt this much if it wasn’t bad.

His face softened, his eyes going warm and loving. “You’re going to be fine. I won’t allow any other possibility.”

“Sorry,” she said with a sigh.

His head came back in surprise. “What the hell are you sorry for?”

“I overreacted,” she said. “I shouldn’t have done it. I’m sorry. I was going to call you but then . . .”

And it was then she remembered everything that had happened. She sucked in her breath at the impact the memories had. Her terror, her pain, the worry that she was going to die. Tears welled, burning her eyes.

“Oh, baby,” he said in an aching voice. “Don’t cry. And don’t apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing at all.”

“Who were they?” she whispered. “Why did they do this? Why do they hate you and Gabe and Jace?”

He closed his eyes and then leaned down, touching his forehead to hers. “Let’s not talk about this right now, darling. I don’t want to upset you. I’d rather talk about how much I love you and what I’m going to do to pamper you and spoil you while you recover.”

She had to ask another question, had to know where they stood and if she’d screwed up any chance of them being together.

“Are we back together?”

He smiled. So sweet and tender it warmed her to her toes and took away some of the overwhelming pain. Relief shone in his eyes.

“Bet your ass we are.”

Her own shoulders sagged in relief. “I’m glad,” she said softly.

“God, baby, it’s torture being so close to you and unable to hold you and kiss you the way I want.”

“I’m just glad you’re here.”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

She closed her eyes as fatigue and the pain grew stronger. It was becoming overwhelming and she had so many questions. She needed answers. She needed to know exactly how serious her injuries were. For that matter she didn’t even know exactly what they were.

“The nurse is here, darling. Bear with me a few more seconds and the pain will be gone.”

“Talk to me,” she begged. “I just want to hear your voice. Stay here and tell me what happened and how bad it is. I need to know.”

He wiped a hand over her forehead as the nurse injected pain medication into her IV. She felt the slight burn travel up her arm and then, right on its heels, blessed relief. A feeling of euphoria enveloped her. She felt light and floaty like she was on a cloud. The ceiling suddenly seemed right on top of her and she gasped.

“Okay?” Ash asked in concern.


He went silent and her eyes fluttered open in panic as she tried to see where he’d gone.

“I’m right here, darling. Not going anywhere. I promise.”

“Talk to me,” she said again, woozy and sleepy. But she didn’t want to go to sleep. Not yet.

He kissed her brow. “Give me just a second, baby. I want to talk to the nurse about you but I’ll be right back. Can you stay awake for me?”


She felt him move away and she was suddenly cold. She hated that feeling. Fear and panic seeped all the way to her bones. Her lips chattered but they were so swollen that it felt weird, like they were ten times their size.

Or maybe it was just the medication.

Why did it hurt so bad to breathe? It was then she became aware of the oxygen blowing through her nostrils. Her chest was so tight and her muscles ached from head to toe.
