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Burn (Breathless #3)(44)
Author: Maya Banks

“It wouldn’t be the same without you,” Bethany said, putting her hand on Josie’s. “I want you all there. Brittany too! All the girls will be there. Caro has promised that she’ll come even if it means flying in from Vegas.”

Kai cleared his throat. “That won’t be a problem. If Brittany and I are in Vegas by then we’ll fly in on my jet and bring Brandon and Caro with us.”

Josie’s eyes widened and her gaze went to Brittany. “You’re going to Vegas with him?”

“Yes,” Kai cut in before Brittany could answer.

Ash’s eyes narrowed but he kept silent. Josie had no doubt he’d be talking to his sister later. And Kai as well.

“Thank you,” Bethany said to Kai, ducking her face in shyness. “It means a lot that you’ll make sure they get to come.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Kai said, a smile on his ruggedly handsome face. “Maybe seeing you get married will entice Brittany to take the plunge again. Her last husband was a fool to let her go, but I won’t make that same mistake.”

Whoa. This guy was moving fast! Josie risked another look at Brittany to see her face drawn in consternation. It seemed as though Kai wanted to move fast and that Brittany wasn’t quite on board yet. Her money was on Kai, though. He struck her as being a very determined man when he wanted something. Just like every other man in this room.

“I don’t suppose you all brought food with you?” Josie asked hopefully. “I’m starving and all they’ll give me is clear liquids, which means lots of jello and chicken broth.”

Ash sent her a look of reprimand. “No real food yet, baby. Not until tomorrow, and even then you’ll start out slow.”

She sighed. “It was worth a try. Maybe the girls will smuggle me in something when you’re not looking.”

As she said it, she sent a pleading look in the women’s direction that had everyone laughing.

“We’re on it,” Mia said firmly, shooting Ash a glare.

Ash shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Just remember you have to get by me.”

“You have to sleep sometime,” Bethany said lightly. “If the smell of food just happens to wake you up, I’m sure it will be from the next room.”

They all laughed and Josie felt lightness enter her chest. Things were going to be okay. She’d get through this. The doctor had even said she could go home in the next day or two if everything continued to improve as it was doing currently. After so many days in the hospital she was ready to scream.

She hadn’t even been able to get out of the bed except to shower and pee. She was dying to get up and stretch. Anything but lying here in this bed all day.

They talked more, laughing, joking and chatting until Josie began to yawn, fatigue settling over her. Ash noticed and sent a not-so-subtle look in the others’ direction. They immediately took the hint and announced they were leaving.

They crowded around Josie’s bed, giving her gentle hugs and kisses. Even Kai dropped a kiss on her cheek before stepping back to anchor Brittany to his side.

“I hate that you all are going so soon,” Josie said mournfully. “It gets boring just lying here all day. I’m about to climb the walls!”

“We’ll be back soon,” Mia promised. “And we’re bringing food!”

Mia sent Ash another warning glare as she said the last.

“I’ll be looking forward to it!” Josie said.

Ash bent over her bed and kissed her softly on the mouth. “I’m going to walk them out, darling. But I’ll be right back, okay? Want me to bring you something hot to drink? Doctor said you could have coffee or hot chocolate.”

“Oh, that sounds heavenly,” Josie sighed. “Coffee would be perfect. I don’t suppose you could bring me a latte?”

Ash grinned. “Anything for you. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Anything except food you mean,” Josie grumbled.

He caressed the side of her head and gave her an affectionate pat. “Anything except food.”

She waved him away and settled back against her pillows, sagging precariously to one side. The visit had exhausted her. Maybe she wasn’t quite as recovered as she wanted to think. But she was glad they’d all come.

Everyone filed out of the door and Ash turned back, sending her a look so filled with love that her breath caught in her throat. Then he turned, quietly closing the door behind him.

She sighed and closed her eyes, taking the opportunity for some rest. She’d just drifted off when she heard her door open. Surely she hadn’t slept that long. Ash hadn’t had time to go down with his friends, get her coffee and get back so soon.

Two men in suits appeared in her doorway and she recognized them as the detectives that had questioned her right after she’d been hospitalized. She didn’t remember a whole lot about the interview. She’d been groggy, in pain and doped up on pain medication. But maybe they’d arrested Charles. This time she’d done what she should have done when Michael assaulted her. She was pressing charges. She wanted Charles to go to jail for what he’d done because she was terrified of what Ash might do to him.

“Miss Carlysle, we’d like to ask you a few questions, if you don’t mind. Do you remember my partner, Clinton? I’m Detective Starks. The last time we saw you was right after your attack. I wasn’t sure how much you’d remember.”

“I remember you, Detective Starks. And no, I don’t mind. Have you made an arrest yet?”

“That’s what we want to discuss with you,” Starks said in an even tone.

The looks on their faces put Josie immediately on guard. She glanced between them, trying to gauge what was going on.

“Charles Willis was found brutally murdered this morning,” Starks said bluntly. “We’d like to know who killed him.”

Chapter thirty-six

Josie stared at the two policemen in shock. Fear raced through her veins. Oh God. Surely Ash hadn’t . . . He wouldn’t. Would he? Panic clutched her stomach and she had a hard time breathing, pain jolting through her chest with the effort.

“Are you all right, Miss Carlysle?” Clinton asked with concern.

“Of course I’m not all right,” she said faintly. “You just told me that the man who assaulted me was murdered.” And then another thought occurred to her. She glanced sharply at both detectives. “You said you want to find out who killed him. Surely you don’t think I’m a suspect. I’m hardly capable of killing a man in my current condition.”

But Ash would be a suspect. He’d made no secret of his rage over what had happened. And worse, Josie couldn’t immediately discount the notion that he could have done it.

“You’re not a suspect, now,” Starks in a bland tone. “But Mr. McIntyre is. Can you tell me if you know of his whereabouts last night between seven and ten P.M.?”

Relief surged, making her light-headed. She gripped the bed rail with her left hand because it felt like she’d pitch right over the side. If that was the time they were asking about then Ash couldn’t have done it because he had been with her.

“He was here with me,” she said firmly. “You can ask any of the nurses who were on duty. He sat with me the entire night and slept on the couch over there.”

Clinton was busy scribbling notes on a pocket notebook while Starks continued to stare at her until she shifted uncomfortably.

“Pretty convenient that the man who attacked you turns up dead wouldn’t you say?”

“What are you getting at, detective?” she snapped. “If you’d done your job and arrested him, he wouldn’t be dead now, would he? I’ve already told you that Ash was with me. If you don’t believe me, there are plenty of other people who can support his alibi.”

Starks nodded slowly. “We’ll be checking, absolutely. But what about Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Crestwell. Did you see either of them last night?”

The blood seeped from her face. “Are you crazy? Why would either of them kill Charles Willis?”

“You didn’t answer the question,” Clinton interjected.

“No,” she said. “I didn’t see them, but I’m sure if you ask them they’ll be able to tell you where they were.”

“Oh, we will,” Starks said grimly.

The door opened and Ash walked in, abruptly halting when he took in the two police officers. Evidently he saw something on her face he didn’t like because his expression became thunderous.

“What the f**k is going on here?” he demanded.

“Mr. McIntyre,” Starks acknowledged with a dip of his head. “We’re questioning Miss Carlysle in the murder of Charles Willis.”

Ash blinked, no expression betraying his thoughts. “He’s dead?”

Clinton nodded.

“Good,” Ash said savagely.

Josie gasped. He wasn’t helping matters any with his declaration. Now they’d be convinced that Ash had something to do with it.

“They think you had something to do with it, Ash!”

Ash arched one brow. “Do they?”

“You don’t seem too torn up over the fact he’s dead,” Starks commented.

Ash turned his furious gaze on the detectives. “Take a good look at her. Now you tell me, if that was your woman that he nearly beat to death, would you be upset that someone killed the bastard?”

Clinton shifted uncomfortably and Starks had the grace to look abashed.

“Not saying what I think,” Starks replied. “What I think doesn’t matter and it doesn’t change the fact that a crime was committed. I have to investigate it as I would any other murder.”

“You do that,” Ash said flatly. “But you leave Josie the f**k alone. You aren’t to so much as look at her unless she has a lawyer present. Are we clear? Furthermore, if you want to speak to her again, you’ll call me and set up an appointment and it won’t be when she’s in pain and about to drop from exhaustion. You’ve upset her and that’s the last thing she needs right now.”

“Then perhaps you wouldn’t mind stepping outside with us to answer a few questions,” Starks said in a clipped tone.

“I would mind,” Ash bit back. “I’m not leaving Josie. If you want to talk, I’ll give you my lawyer’s number and you can arrange an interview through him.”

“It doesn’t have to be this difficult,” Clinton broke in. “Just answer a few questions for us and we’ll be on our way.”

“And I’ve already told you what you need to do if you want to talk to either of us again,” Ash said flatly.

He fished in his wallet and then pulled out a card, handing it to Starks. Neither detective looked pleased, but they backed off.

“We’re going to be investigating you, Mr. McIntyre. If you had anything to do with Charles Willis’s death, we’ll find out,” Starks said grimly.

“My life is an open book,” Ash said in a calm voice. “Though if you look into Charles Willis’s business practices, you’ll find your suspects. There is plenty of motive there. Do yourself a favor and spend your time looking into his dealings and not wasting it by looking into mine. You won’t find what you’re looking for investigating me.”

Clinton and Starks exchanged sharp glances.

“We’ll be in touch,” Starks said to both Josie and Ash.

Then they turned and walked out. Ash followed, closing the door forcefully behind them.

He turned back, striding toward the bed, his expression fierce.

“I’m sorry about that, baby. Never thought they would have come in here like that. I’m sorry I left you alone to deal with that. It won’t happen again. If they show up, you aren’t to talk to them without a lawyer present. If for some reason I’m not with you, you call me immediately.”

Her hand was shaking despite the grip she still had on the bed rail. Ash carefully pried her fingers away and cupped them in his hand, stroking soothingly with his thumb.

“They asked where you were last night between seven and ten,” she said, her voice quivering. “They think you did it.”

“I was here with you,” Ash said in a soft voice.

“I know. I told them that. But they still think . . . and they asked about Gabe and Jace. Ash you have to warn them. They think one of you did this. You didn’t, did you?”

Her voice had a pleading note she couldn’t control.

Ash slowly shook his head. “I didn’t do it, baby. I was here with you.”

“But did you have it done?” she whispered.

He leaned over and kissed her brow, leaving his lips there a long moment.

“I didn’t have to. He stole from a lot of people. Fucked over a lot of people—the wrong people—in his business dealings. Once they found that out, his life wasn’t worth a dime.”
