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Burn (Breathless #3)(6)
Author: Maya Banks

The pawnshop had been the very first place she’d gone after depositing the check into her bank account. And she’d sworn to herself that no matter what, she’d never part with the jewelry again.

Only now it was gone, and so was the last link to her mother.

She left the shop, stepping onto the busy street, uncertain of where exactly she was going next. As she turned to the right, she was stopped by a familiar face. She blinked as she stared back at the man she’d met in the park several days earlier. He was standing there, not looking surprised. In fact, he looked as though he’d been waiting for her. Crazy thought, but she didn’t get the impression he was startled at all by the unexpected meeting.

“Josie,” he murmured.

“H-hello,” she stammered out.

“I believe I have something that belonged to you.”

He held out an opened box and as soon as she saw inside, her breath caught and stilled in her chest.

She raised her gaze back to him in confusion.

“How did you get this? I don’t understand. How could you have possibly gotten it? How did you know?”

He smiled, but his eyes were steely. No hint of a smile in those green eyes.

“I bought it after you sold it to the pawnshop. I’m guessing since you just came out of there that you want it back.”

“Yes, of course I want it back. But that doesn’t answer the question as to how you got it.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “I just told you. I bought it after you sold it.”

She shook her head impatiently and it was then his gaze came to rest at her throat. Her bare throat. His eyes glittered with instant interest. She lifted a hand automatically to where the collar had once rested.

He’d know that she’d worn it awhile. There was a thin band of paler skin from where the necklace had been.

“It doesn’t explain how you knew about it,” she said huskily.

“Does it matter?” he asked mildly.

“Yes, it does! Have you been following me?”

“Me personally? No.”

“It’s supposed to make me feel better that you had someone else following me?” she demanded. “That’s just . . . creepy!”

“Do you want the jewelry back?” he asked bluntly.

“Of course I do,” she said in irritation. “How much do you want for it?”

“I don’t want money.”

She took a step back, looking warily up at him. They were on a public street and there were people all around them, but that didn’t mean a whole lot if he was some deranged lunatic out to do her harm.

“Then what do you want?”

“Dinner. Tonight. I’ll bring the jewelry and you can have it. All I want in return is your company for the evening.”

She shook her head. “No way. I don’t know you. I know nothing about you.”

He smiled patiently. “That’s what dinner is for. So you get to know me better. And I can get to know you better.”

“You obviously know a hell of a lot about me,” she snapped. “Including where to find me and where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing.”

“Why aren’t you wearing the collar?” he asked, his gaze once more raking across her throat.

His stare made her feel vulnerable. Like she was completely undressed in front of him.

This time she laid her splayed hand over her throat as if trying to hide the bare expanse of her skin from his gaze.

“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” she said in a low voice.

“I intend to make it my business.”

Her eyes widened. “Do you honestly think I’m going to agree to go to dinner with you? You’ve been stalking me, or rather you’ve had me stalked. You’re asking personal questions and you’re basically blackmailing me for the return of my mother’s jewelry.”

“So it belonged to your mother,” he said softly. “It must be important to you.”

Pain stabbed into her chest and she had to suck in a breath to steady herself.

“Yes. Yes, it does,” she said in a quiet voice. “I hated having to sell it. If only I’d waited a day. I have to get it back. It’s the only thing I have left of her. Tell me what you paid and I’ll give you the money. Please.”

“I don’t want your money, Josie. I want your time. Dinner tonight. Public place. No strings. I bring the jewelry. You just bring yourself.”

“And after? Will you leave me alone?”

“Can’t promise that,” he said mildly. “I go after what I want. If I gave up every time an obstacle was thrown into my path, I wouldn’t be very successful now would I?”

“You don’t know me,” she said in frustration. “You don’t want me. How could you? You know nothing about me.”

“Which is why I want to have dinner with you tonight,” he said patiently.

But she could tell he was fast losing his patience. His eyes simmered with impatience even as his tone remained even. He was clearly a man used to getting his own way. She could tell that just by looking at him. Why the hell would he want her, though? What could she possibly have that he’d want?

He was a man who wouldn’t have to look far for any woman. They probably lined up outside his door at any given time. He was obviously wealthy. He had that polished GQ look that screamed wealth and privilege. And he had a quiet confidence—arrogance—about him that told her he not only got what he wanted, but that he knew it too.

Arrogance wasn’t a quality she was particularly attracted to. But on him, it looked good. It fit him. Just like his clothing and his entire demeanor. And there was something about that gaze that turned her inside out. It had the very first time they’d met. Her stomach had performed somersaults, and he’d made her consider things she’d never considered before. He’d made her want things she’d never wanted or realized she wanted before.

And she hated him for that. For overturning her carefully ordered existence. No, it wasn’t that well ordered. She didn’t have a routine and she liked it that way. But she was comfortable in her life, knew who and what she was. Until him. Until that meeting in the park that had made her question everything about herself.

He was not a man who would be quiet. He’d turn her entire world upside down the minute she allowed him access. She knew that as solidly as she knew anything else in her life. He was someone who liked—demanded—control. It was evident in the way he spoke, the way he carried himself. He’d latched onto the significance of that collar. He’d known what it meant and he spoke as though he had vast experience in the kind of lifestyle that collar signified.

But he wouldn’t be like Michael. Nothing like him at all. And that scared her even as it intrigued her at the same time. She was curious—she wouldn’t deny that. She wouldn’t even deny that he’d made her question everything about herself—and her relationship with Michael. That he was the reason why she wasn’t wearing that collar any longer.

And now he was standing in front of her, holding her mother’s jewelry, demanding dinner with her in return for the jewelry. But his gaze promised a whole lot more. She’d be a fool to think he’d be satisfied with only dinner.

She wasn’t an idiot. She’d felt the attraction—that spark—between them. Knew he’d felt it too. As inexplicable as it was that he’d find anything about her interesting, she knew that he was absolutely interested. But for how long? Women like her didn’t hold the attention of men like him long term. And she had no desire to be his temporary plaything. A challenge he felt compelled to overcome.

“Josie?” he prompted. “Dinner? Tonight?”

She sighed, dropping her gaze in agitation to the box he still held in his hand. She wanted the jewelry back. It was priceless to her. She should be relieved he didn’t want money from her. The money she’d received from the sale of her art would go a long way in helping her over the next months. But instead she found herself wishing that he’d just take the money, give her the jewelry and walk away. Out of her life. Because this was a man who would shake everything up. No doubt about it.

All he wanted was dinner. A simple date. She’d had dates. A night out. Food. A little conversation. She could walk away then and make it clear she didn’t want to see him again.

“All right,” she finally conceded. “Where and what time?”

“I’ll pick you up at seven.”

She shook her head. “No. I’ll meet you there. Just tell me the place and time.”

He chuckled. “So difficult. I’ll concede on this point, but I warn you now. It’s likely the last concession I’ll make where you’re concerned.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You aren’t making a very good case for me to go to dinner with you.”

The corner of his mouth lifted. “Just shooting you straight, Josie.”

“Time? Place?” she prompted.

“Seven thirty,” he answered softly. “Bentley Hotel. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

“And you’ll bring the jewelry with you?”

He glanced down at the box in his hands and then back up to her, amusement twinkling in his eyes. “If I weren’t sure you’d bail on tonight, I’d give you the jewelry now. I have no interest in keeping something that evidently means so much to you. But if it gets you to dinner tonight then I’ll keep it as collateral. And yes, I’ll bring it. I don’t break my promises, Josie. Dinner with me, you get the jewelry. No matter what else happens.”

She breathed out, her shoulders sagging in relief. “Okay then. I’ll see you at seven thirty.”

He reached out to touch her cheek, his fingers just grazing her jaw. “I’m looking forward to it. We have a lot to discuss.”

As he said the last, he let his hand drift downward until it touched the hollow of her throat where the collar had once rested. There was no mistaking his meaning. He wanted to know her status. What had happened to the collar. And why she was no longer wearing it.

She sighed and then turned to walk away. How could she possibly explain that he was what had happened?

Chapter six

Ash checked his watch as he stood in the lobby of the Bentley Hotel, one of the many hotels owned by HCM. He let out his breath in irritation as his gaze tracked toward the entrance once again.

She was late.

Or perhaps she wasn’t coming.

He would have bet any amount of money on her showing up. Her mother’s jewelry obviously meant a great deal to her, and while he’d been a complete bastard to blackmail her into having dinner with him, he couldn’t muster any real regret. Not if it got him what he wanted.

A few hours in Josie’s company.

He had a dozen questions simmering on his lips. He wanted to know why she wasn’t wearing the collar anymore. He wanted to know if the guy who’d given it to her was out of the picture now. While it wouldn’t change his plans if she hadn’t cut the other guy loose, it would certainly make things a hell of a lot easier for him if she weren’t in a relationship.

At a quarter to eight, Ash straightened, realization slowly creeping in that she wasn’t coming. Disappointment surged in his veins. Not a common sensation for him. But if she thought he would be deterred by being stood up, she was wrong. It only hardened his resolve.

He was about to pick up the phone to call for his driver when Josie burst through the front entrance to the hotel. Her cheeks were red and her hair was askew, as if she’d been hurrying and the wind had played havoc with the long tresses.

When her gaze lighted on him, she paused, standing several feet away as they locked eyes. He found himself walking toward her when, normally, he wouldn’t be the first to make a move. People came to him. Not the other way around. And yet, he wanted to close in before she changed her mind and bolted back out the door.

“Josie,” he greeted smoothly.

“Sorry I’m late,” she said breathlessly. “I was painting. Got caught up in what I was doing and completely forgot the time.”

He glanced at the oversized bag hanging from her shoulder and the paint smudges on her fingertips. Then he took in the rest of her, memorizing every detail, right down to her toes.

“That’s quite all right. They’ll hold our table,” he said. “Would you like to eat now or have a drink first?”

She pulled a face. “I’m not much of a drinker. I mean, I don’t have anything against it, and I do drink on occasion, but I’m rather finicky and I drink frou-frou girly drinks. But I love an occasional glass of wine.”

He chuckled. “You’d fit right in with Mia and Bethany and their girls.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Who are Mia and Bethany?”

He reached to take her arm, tucking it over his as he guided her toward the restaurant.

“Mia is the wife of one of my business partners, Gabe, and she’s the sister of my other business partner, Jace. Bethany is engaged to Jace.”
